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    Microctenopoma Ansorgii

    Pictures of my new guys. I got them a little over a week ago and I believe it is 2 males, one very old and 1 very young. I see nothing 'female' about the smaller one. However, they are adapting very well and get along great. Each day they come out to free swim more and more. I'm looking for...
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    Unlevel tank?!

    It looks like the weight of the tank is making your camlock hole (intial location) shift and it wided the hole. Typical for partical board. Someone suggested to not let that get wet at all and that is good advice as particle board will absorb moisture and get weaker. Overall, do not be too...
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    Advice for a gourami themed tank

    Well said. I generally choose to keep just about any other species other than the Blue Gourami variants (Blue, Opaline or 3-spot) and I can usually freely mix/match them with little to no issues. You will get more aggressive individuals on occassion, but nothing that you can claim that you...
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    I think my cycle has crashed

    I agree if one is unable to give time to time. Exactly, the 'source' of the water needs to change to do effective water changes.... adding not-so-great water during your water changes introduces other problems which is not always a good solution, better to give the existing water time to...
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    I think my cycle has crashed

    Yes, that is why this is an example of balancing the good with the bad. If introducing water to decrease ammonia and nitrates, that also creates increased nitrites from the tap source - one needs to be careful. Getting rid of the nitrites is difficult. If you are doing water changing to...
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    New Tank Question

    And sometimes your filtered air is much better than the outside, because it is 'conditioned'. Perfect example is a post that I just commented on where the person's tap water introduces more nitrates than the standing and conditioned tank water. More to it than that - but sometimes you make it...
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    I think my cycle has crashed

    Late to the game here, but it sounds like a typical example of excess water changing doing more harm than good. Getting rid of your previous substrate certainly did not help. It is imperative that you patiently let the natural biological cycle happen again (but do not let the ammonia and...
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    New Tank Question

    Look up the definition of 'stagnant'. Filtered aquarium water is certainly not stagnant, and then add in the biological, mechanical, chemical and environmental (plants, driftwood, etc.). Assuming a lot of people live in air-conditioned homes and seldom, if ever, open windows to let in a...
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    New Tank Question

    Ummm, never in my life of 50 years of fishkeeping (except once for a salt water aquarium crash with bad liverock) have I ever done a 50% change or more in a week. 20% weekly is recommended, 30% if you missed a week. I might do a 20%+20% in a breeding tank during a week's time, but let's not...
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    Please help me ID this betta

    The 3rd picture, yes... just an ordinary run of the mill betta female.
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    Defining Success ?

    My measurement of success is indeed having a community tank that I really do not need to mess with too much. I always have other side projects, breeding tanks etc, which require constant hands-on. But yes, you are on track with what you say... sit back and just enjoy your tank at times. With...
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    Algae on Glass

    Sorry, not enough info here to give you any constructive advice. Salt or fresh water? What size tank and how many 'species' and what type to you have for the feeding on the algae. Is there artificial light on the tank that can be reduced (perhaps a motion switch that would shut off room...
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    High ammonia and aggressive platy

    Do two 50% water changes within 24 hrs and it would basically be a 75%-80% water change equivalent. I do not believe in anything more than that as it will cetainally stress your fish regardless of the initial water conditions.
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    Please help me ID this betta

    The 1st 2 pictures feature a normal blue betta splenden female, the 3rd features a normal red/blue female, nothing too special. Are you expecting half-moon or delta tail, no, not here. They are, however all very attractive.
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    First time testing my water...

    NOT. It depends if you add in driftwood, almond leaves, etc. Knowing the GH from your tap is a great starting point, but it is not the end-all-be-all for the actual aquarium water quality. GH can also be affected by just topping off due to evaporation, etc depending on the mineral content of...
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    Aqueon aquariums ( the 'new' AGA)

    I am very old school and NEVER had any issues with the old AGA aquariums that I have purchased in the past. The internet has brought up a ton of huge issues with Aqueon (the new owners of AGA). This has given me a fear of buying anything. I do realize that people with bad experiences are 100x...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I have it in all my planted tanks, just locally in the areas that I plant, the corys have not uprooted any plants. The biggest trick is to let the plants establish roots before introducing any fish to your new aquascape. After that they are in for the duration.
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    Trying to figure out how I can legally own an axolotl

    OK. so let's hold on a second here.... your parents are setting restrictions on your ipad, so this tells me immediately that you are under 18 and you will not be able to apply for any permits yourself... your parents will have to sign and agree to any contracts/permits as adults.
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    5 gallon Fluval Spec V

    I took the time and read all of the threads of this 6 week duration post thus far. Do guppies age so much in 6 weeks, that they are now old? There has been a lot of changes and interactions going on, babies, etc. in only a 6 week period in a non-cycled tank ... I am now dizzy from reading...
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    Trying to figure out how I can legally own an axolotl

    Do more research my friend, I am sure there are dozens of keepers and breeders of these cute little guys in your State, although there may be some that are not following the rules.
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    First time testing my water...

    I'd ditch the black molly, as it is the main misfit here, to a friend or give back to the LFS and just shoot for 80F (although 78 is OK) and a pH of 6.8. The rest of the fish will be happier in that environment. And, what is your GH? It should be definitely be lower than 10 as well.
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    Trying to figure out how I can legally own an axolotl

    I would ask someone in VA that already has these and ask them about the procedure, perhaps buy from them to save the additional cost of a health certificate. It would also not be importing if purchased within the state. There may also be an initial and follow-up inspection of your containment.
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    Please help me decide which gourami

    I just picked up 5 Parosphromenus deissneri (Licorice Gourami). They are young now, but I hope to get at least one pair out of the group for future breeding (I guess a new 20 long to set-up for that is in my future). I've had them in the past and they were very easy to keep, fairly easy to...
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    Please help me decide which gourami

    Actually no, so let's not assume. In my community tanks I usually kept a group of 5-7 of several different Gouramis which usually included 2-3 males. Tanks were always well planted and no smaller than 75g. I even used to have 7 snakeskin gouramis in a 150g community tank and they all turned...
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    Just saying, the price of the actual tank is small compared to the STAND, FILTER, HEATER, LIGHTING/TOP/HOOD. Over 80%+ of the start-up cost are from these items. Shop the price of these and save big-time. I can get aquariums at a buck a gallon all day long by shopping for best pricing, but...
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    Please help me decide which gourami

    Don't worry about the Gouramis sex so much, sounds like you are going for a community tank and not concerned about breeding. I've never had any issues with dominance with Gourami breeds in my community tanks. Your mentioned choices of Pearl or Honey Gouramis should do just fine with the others...
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    Cloudy Tank - why oh why ?

    Get 6-8 young otos to keep the dingy algae off the sides, but truthfully your tank looks fine to me. I set-up a new tank (no fish) next to my older tank and noticed the difference... very thin film algae diminishes the light.
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    Having Tank Issues With Water

    Generally, people have issues with getting their pH to drop to an acceptable level, even a neutral pH is a challenge for most. I don't know what you are putting into your tank (Is someone pouring their beer (or worse) in there?) to get your pH so low. I have well water which is consistently at...
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    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    When you first start up, you generally buy from one store at one time. Do not let that water into your tank and do not buy from any other place for several weeks. These are your dither fish and do not spend any 'good' amount of money on them. When introduciing your 1st fish, let them come up...
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    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    Honestly, I have to confess a conversation that I had with my daughter a couple of weeks ago. She's 29 and just started keeping fish of her own about a year ago. She recently had an empty tank situation going with only a few chinese algae eaters before she restocked and mentioned to me that...
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    Familiar thread

    Me too... coming back after many years away from the hobby. Starting over with all new equipment and ideas. Might try to ressurect some of my older things as I get back into it.
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    New... again... starting over

    Welcome back to the hobby. Glass is never the problem and deals can be found for less than $1 per gallon. It's the stand and lighting that will run 50% of your total cost.... look for those at a bargain and you will save on the total cost. At retail prices, you are looking at about...