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  1. W

    Stocking ideas for 40 gallon

    Rasbora harlequins Cardinal Tetras Guppys Maybe some type of gourami. Glass catfish are pretty cool as well. Obviously not all of those at once.
  2. W

    Starting new tank with cycled media

    Hi, My 260 litre tank is now fully cycled. I have picked up a 400 litre tank and was going to use media from my tropical fish setup. I have a sump with only alfagrog and sponges. If I was to move over one filter pad with some of the alfagrog into the new setup would that be ok? I would replace...
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  4. W

    Reed Fish

    Thank you, do you have any recommendations? When I first got into fish keeping we had AOL 56k dialup. So information was rather lacking, I remember sitting in my chair and a reed fish was by my feet. So it was self taught they had lungs and they are very good escape artists. I don't want to...
  5. W

    Reed Fish

    Hi, About 15 years ago I had a rather large 1000 litre tank, I had 4 rope fish which lived together for around five years plus a few other fish. Sadly I had to move and sold the complete setup. Starting back up again slowly with a small 250 litre tank. Once the tank is ready for fish I want to...