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  1. M

    Sick molly, help !!

    does anyone know if this looks like normal fish poo? it floats as well
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  3. M

    Sick molly, help !!

    Unfortunately my fish passed away yesterday, thanks everyone. Still not sure what it was.
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    Sick molly, help !!

    I tried aquarium salt for a few days and melafix. He is deteriorating fast. He is constantly spinning in a small circle won’t eat, it seems to be beyond an injury at this point or the injury causing further illness. To address the tank size, I just had the three mollies in a 10 gallon while...
  5. M

    Sick molly, help !!

    10 gallon tank, Ammonia and nitrite 0 and nitrate 5ppm Water changed once a week about 40% of the tank volume The tank is cycled and i’ve had my fish for 5 months
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    Sick molly, help !!

    My molly has been increasingly sick the past week and i’m not sure what it is (suspected popeye from injury) and i’m not sure what to do next as he is getting worse. Here are the details: Started with a bulging left eye he would still eat and swim normally, after a few days he became less...
  7. M

    High ammonia level

    I did a ~40% water change this morning and I just checked my ammonia level is 0.25ppm and my nitrite level is 0.25ppm. I’m aware this isn’t the best. I only have water that is about 7 hours old.. What should I do?
  8. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    Am i able to attach a video here? Not sure how. Also this is definitely new, i’ve never had this much foaming.. it was much less since today. I added nutrafin cycle overtop of the bubbler maybe that is causing it?
  9. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    I added aquarium salt would it cause this?
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    Fish Tank Aeration

    oh but it’s not harmful to keep it in tho?
  11. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    will my bubbler work without an air stone?
  12. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    10 gallons, less than 0.25ppm nitrite and 5ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, pH 8.0 and temp 76 degrees
  13. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    nothing new from what i always have and i have mollies
  14. M

    Fish Tank Aeration

    Does this look like too much aeration/too many bubbles??
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  16. M

    male or female molly?

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    male or female molly?

    if it’s a female i have it with two males is that okay?
  19. M

    male or female molly?

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  21. M

    10 Gallon Tank with Two Male Mollies

    I got the mollies a few days ago so i’m not sure how old. They are about an inch big. A few months would be about 3 months
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    10 Gallon Tank with Two Male Mollies

    if i upgrade in a few months would that be okay?
  23. M

    10 Gallon Tank with Two Male Mollies

    oh okay, i read that a 10 gallon was fine.. i only have a 10 unfortunately
  24. M

    10 Gallon Tank with Two Male Mollies

    I have a ten gallon tank that I started with nutrafin cycle about a week ago. I added a dalmatian molly on Friday and a silver molly on Monday. I’m wondering how many mollies total I can have in this tank and how long should I wait before adding a third?