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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. D

    Struggling with water clarity. Tried everything I can think of 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Thanks for this. I will get some vinegar tomorrow and do rhat
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    Struggling with water clarity. Tried everything I can think of 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Tank has been set up for 5 months now. Parameters are fine and fully cycled. was crystal clear up until 2 months ago. Now it’s just constantly like this. If anything the majority of the particles look like tiny micro bubbles also doing another water change now and noticed white build up on...
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  4. D

    Struggling with water clarity. Tried everything I can think of 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    I took everything out of the tank at the start of the week and deep cleaned it all, vacuumed the sand, scrubbed the rocks. What can I do if it is mineral issues? Would a surface skimmer be a benefit?
  5. D

    Struggling with water clarity. Tried everything I can think of 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Hey - yes I cleaned everything top to bottom, rinsed all pads and the balls and rings in the bags. threw away the floss and replaced at the top and bottom.
  6. D

    Struggling with water clarity. Tried everything I can think of 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Hi Everyone, Having a real hard time with the water clarity in my tank, been like this for a few months now and no matter what I do I just can’t get it clear. I have added a 2nd filter and a power head so I currently have: 1 x sunsun304b 1 x ciano internal filter that comes with the emotions...
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  9. D

    Help identifying three blue cichlids

    This guy seems pretty chilled, the yellow lab and strawberry peacock are worse for chasing. Added a 2nd strawberry peacock and had to remove him after a day as he was getting hammered by the older one 🥺
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    Algae problems! Losing the fight 😢

    Hey everyone, Im struggling for the past 3-4 weeks with algae on the tank walls, wood and plants. move tried limiting the light but it’s a balancing act as the plants started getting white tips. I have 2 x Siamese algae eaters in the tank, should I add more? im doing 2 x 50% water changes a...
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  13. D

    how long for a tank boss to establish themselves

    Here’s the rockwork in the tank
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    how long for a tank boss to establish themselves

    It's all cichlids. yellow lab blue zebra mbuna jewel blue peacock strawberry peacock Frontosa Venustus Ruby Red Jacob 2 x OB Peacock 4 Clown Loach Red Tail Shark 120 x 50x 60 - 60 Gallons Fully cycled, has been cycling about 2 months, water parameters are all good. Will take a photo of...
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    how long for a tank boss to establish themselves

    Just started Cichlid tank on Friday and everything was vey calm and tranquil for the first few days, today I've noticed the strawberry peacock is now asserting himself and pushing everyone around chasing them. Will this continue forever or is he just cementing his place as Tank boss and will...
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    Help identifying three blue cichlids

    Thank you Colin.
  17. D

    Help identifying three blue cichlids

    Hey everyone, Bought these 3 cichlids at the LFS and the guy was vague with the identification. he said zebra mbuna Blue peacock Jacob Peacock is this right?
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  21. D

    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    Also noticed some holes on the leaves too
  22. D

    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    So it’s been a couple of weeks now, done a few water changes and also a tidy up of the scape as the white path was getting covered with soil so added white pebbles to the side. the r.opens at the front of the tank have started turning dark green, whats this a sign of please?
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  24. D

    Sterbai Cory's and Lake Malawi Cichlids?

    Does anyone have any experience of Sterbai Cory's and african cichlids? I've got 6 in the tank now but I am transitioning it to a cichlid tank, not fussed on re-homing the angels and tetras but absolutely love the little Cory's. Would they be suitable to keep with the Cichlids or will they get...
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    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    Had some good growth in last week or so. but have notice the rocks turning brown, is this normal or should I be worried? Doing something about it?
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  27. D

    Does anyone know what all this stuff is floating in my tank

    I've done a 50% water change and had a good vacuum of the substrate. I think it is Detritus, the filter doesn't seem to be cleaning very well. Is this due to a lack of flow? Should I get a powerhead to create more flow? The spray bar is at one end pushing water back to the other end where the...
  28. D

    How do I avoid dead spots at the side of the tank?

    It seemed like overkill with the internal Ciano and sunsun 304 canister. Plus it seemed to be creating lots of air bubbles that just seemed to linger in the water, onec disconnected the water was clearer, I'm only keeping it in there so I can move it to my quarantine tank in a week or so
  29. D

    How do I avoid dead spots at the side of the tank?

    It can only fit at the top of the tank and blow, I think I will try Phoenix point and get a powerhead that blows up and have it placed towards the bottom?
  30. D

    How do I avoid dead spots at the side of the tank?

    It's at the back and spraying out towards the front
  31. D

    How do I avoid dead spots at the side of the tank?

    This is my tank and down the side by the rocks these is a huge build up of waste. How do I combat this please? the red line is the spray bar and the blue line is the intake of the canister filter snd also I have the internal ciano filter
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  34. D

    Brown dots on Java fern

    Have some brown spots on my Java fern that I hadn’t noticed before. can anyone shed some light on what it is and if I need to do anything please? planted them 3 days ago in a new tank
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  36. D

    Does anyone know what all this stuff is floating in my tank

    no plants in there, just crushed coral substrate, spider wood, rocks
  37. D

    Does anyone know what all this stuff is floating in my tank

    They are floating they are They're floating they are like little bits of fluff, kind of grey/white in colour
  38. D

    Does anyone know what all this stuff is floating in my tank

    Yes 100% did, filled up a bucket and washed it all in that
  39. D

    Saw some space! Started a planted tank! Never swore so much in my life 😂😂

    Thanks Essjay, a tank full of brown shrimp would have been disappointing!! So I should pick one or the other? I can I add amano shrimp too? Noted on the stocking. On a slightly different note, can the stebai be kept with African Cichlids?
  40. D

    Does anyone know what all this stuff is floating in my tank

    So on Thursday I did a full tank clean and water change and fully cleaned every bit of the canister filter. came down Friday and was greeted by an absolutely crystal clear tank. Even woke the wife up to show her (she wasn’t impressed). fast forward to today and I have this absolute mess this...