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  1. O

    Ich or not

    Thank you! Yes I've been back and forth on whether or not to pick up new fish from the lfs. They have been pretty good but they didn't do anything to remove the group of red phantoms after I reported my issue. They did refund me for most of my fish. Some died after 7day warranty so I didn't...
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    Ich or not

    Thanks everyone. I'm happy to say I'm going on day 5 of no fish dying. I stopped medicating for ich and it seems the fish are happier. I did turn the temp way up 84-86 salt and meds which may have been too much for the healthy fish. Im just monitoring now. Im tempted to go buy more red phantom...
  3. O

    Ich or not

    Thank you. It really is difficult because I am dumbfounded. I don't know what is causing this. I started with 18 fish and 3 shrimp and am down to 9. I actually had today as my first day where no fish die. I doubt this is ich that is killing my fish but nobody seems to be able to help. I really...
  4. O

    Ich or not

    Alright guys sorry for taking so long to reply but been busy and down 2 more fish. Whatever this is has now transferred to my cory cats ☹.I lost one yesterday and believe another may be acting up. I've had the heat up between 84-86. I stopped the salt and started half dosing. Here's a video of...
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    Ich or not

    Sorry can't seem to figure out how to upload a video, seems like one of my corys is doing similar now. Unfortunately I don't believe he will make it through the night.
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    Ich or not

    Hello all, so I'm fairly new to the hobby but have put a lot of effort into learning as much as I could. I have 6 gal nano tank where I've had seven cardinal tetras and 2 otocinclus for about 3 months now. I realized this tank was to small so I bought a 20 gal. I cycled the 20 gal for 2 weeks...
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