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  1. T

    Intro thread

    He/she is beautiful!!
  2. T

    Intro thread

    I'm waiting on my test kit to arrive but I took a sample of water to my LFS a couple days ago to test and they said it was all okay to put fish in, he did say what it was but can't remember what it was, my test kit should be with me tomorrow so will do another test on it then.
  3. T

    Intro thread

    Will hopefully be getting some next week!
  4. T

    Intro thread

    Here's my tiny BN pleco
  5. T

    Intro thread

    Yeah was cloudy when first filled it up, cycled it for 9 weeks, this was the outcome after cycling and adding fish this morning
  6. T

    Intro thread

    Oh really! I didn't know that! I see other fish keeper's with both in tank all the time so thought they were okay together! But thank you for letting me know
  7. T

    Red wagta platy

    Will get a better photo in the morning
  8. T

    Intro thread

    Hiya, I've been keeping cold water fish since January and now decided to expand into the fish world and brought myself a 3 foot 250l tank and cycled it for 9 weeks, I brought some neons, a BN pleco, some red wagtail platys (which one I belive is pregnant) and a redfin shark, in my cold water...
  9. T

    Red wagta platy

    Hiya, I'm new to the tropical game, I brought some red wagtail platys today and it appears one of them may be pregnant but not too sure she may just be a fatty lol. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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