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  1. C

    They sent me an oddball cory!

    Thanks so much everyone! I called the LFS and they do have the Corys I need so I will be getting him some new friends tonight! :kana:
  2. C

    They sent me an oddball cory!

    Hi all! I ordered 7 Otos and they have sent a Peppered Cory in place of an Oto. So now I need to get some pals for him so he isn't lonely and has somebody to play with. My question is this, if my LFS doesn't have Peppered Corys, can I get another kind of Cory (Panda, Ornate, etc.) and they still...
  3. C

    is there purple fish?

    I have a school of Purple Emperor Tetras that I ordered from Live Aquaria and they are beautiful. I ordered them a couple of weeks ago for my 55 gallon and they are so pretty! They are a purplish-blue but pretty just the same.
  4. C

    Licorice Gourami

    I just recently set up a 100 gallon tank, have been very patient doing the fishless cycling and am putting together a stocking plan. I saw that has licorice gourami (Parosphromenus deissneri). They are quite stunning and I was wondering if anyone has ever kept any before? I have...
  5. C

    Just wanted to share a pic of my crazy baby!

    Awww thanks! :D They are my favorite little guys!
  6. C

    Just wanted to share a pic of my crazy baby!

    Hopefully these are a little better. My digital camera is on the fritz so these are all I have until I get it back. The spaniel is my one-eyed baby Taz that we adopted from a resue. He has had a horrible life before but now, things are much much better for him and they are both soooooo spoiled...
  7. Taz_and_Butterscotch_2.JPG


  8. C

    Just wanted to share a pic of my crazy baby!

    Hi all! I just love the pics of everyone's non-fishie pets so I thought I would share mine of my crazy cat. His name is Butterscotch. :wub:
  9. Butterscotch.JPG


  10. C

    Stalled cycle

    Thanks for all of your help! I went to my aunt's house who has an established tank and got a handful of rock and have put it in a stocking draped over the side of the tank! (I hope I did that right.) I also did several water changes this morning as well as last night and have got my ammonia...
  11. C

    Stalled cycle

    I'm sorry, I should have added that to my initial post. I have been doing 30% water changes everyday.
  12. C

    Stalled cycle

    Hello all! I am new to the site and just wanted to first say hi! I have had my tank up and going now for 13 days. Unfortunately, I am not doing the fishless cycling because the clerk at the LFS said there was no way to cycle without fish. (I really wish I had found this site before then!) But I...