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  1. C


    Apple snails (brigs). Start with two and see how much fun they are to watch. :good:
  2. C

    Which Snail Is Best?

    Here are my Brig Jade and Brown Striped Snails. I spend hours watching all my snails (about 40). Jade Snail And here is my tanks, notice all the live health plants. Snail Tank
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    Golden Apple Snails

    I purchased a Jade apple snail and had it for about 2 weeks then it stopped moving for about a week. It was out of the shell part of the way (the trap door wasn't shut). Other fish were pecking at it and when touching it's trap door, it didn't close, so I put in a small container with a...
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    What To Do If You Lose Electrcity?

    Thanks guys. I think I need to get a generator
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    What To Do If You Lose Electrcity?

    This is my 1st winter with a fish tank and was wanting to know what do you do if we have an ice storm and are without electrcity for a couple of days? Any thing I can do to keep the water temp. high enough so my fish want die? We don't have a fire place either. I'm sure it has happen to...
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    Snail Identification

    This is a GREAT Site about Apple Snail. I have bookmarked it
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    They Hatched!

    I had the same thing happen in my tank. I had two clusters of eggs hatch about a two month ago and my two adults die within the last week. There are about 20 baby snails left and they about the size of a kernal of corn and they are starting to grow a litter faster now. Its easier to count...
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    Photos of my Golden Snails

    [My Golden Snail laying her eggs This is her second cluster within six days. In the second photo you can see a eggs sliding on her body to the cluster. You can see papa...
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    Photos of my Golden Snails

    We're working on that! :wub:
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    Photos of my Golden Snails

    I Have two and they both have shells are about 2 " long. Not sure how old they are!
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    Photos of my Golden Snails

    Golden Snails Golden Snails on Glass
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    Golden Snails and Salt

    Can Golden snails take salt in a freshwater tank (have Mollies in tank also)?
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    Golden Snail and Salt

    Can golden snails take added salt to freshwater tanks. Have Mollies in the tank also. :no:
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    Which Fertilizer?

    I've bought the same type of plants and just threw them in the water. It's been two month and haven't used any fertillizer. They look fine. I'm happy :fun: with them. I have a 10 gal. that is over stock, ( 3 mollies, 4 platies, 7 coreys). Will be moving to a new 20 Gal, once it cycles.
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    Photos of Spud my Pleco

    :kewlpics: Is Spud just a common Pleco? Looks kinda cholalate! He was a gift from a guy down the street. :thumbs:
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    Using Sand in Tank for Corys

    Thanks for the help guys! Looks like my corys will playing in their sand box soon.
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    Hello to Everybody

    I think this is a very helpful site and just want to say Hi!, to everyone! :kana:
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    Using Sand in Tank for Corys

    What is the best type of sand to use for Corys? :/