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  1. D

    Online ordering

    19 cardinal tetras and 1 Pygmy Cory lost
  2. D

    Online ordering

    I just received my order for 26 fish and 20 of them were DOA. It was a reputable company too, not a fly by night operation. I won’t name them until I see if they will rectify the situation but I was highly disappointed. Anyone have any luck with ordering online?
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    I have a quarantine tank but don’t want to move him there unnecessarily as my 3 oto ably eat algae (not wafers) and there is no algae in that tank. If he stays there long he will starve. Right now he is behaving normally active and eating. Nothing visibly wrong with other fish in the tank
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    In this one you can see it is flat now
  5. 77A82FD5-3A71-439B-89FA-0A053BB3DF46.jpeg


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    Okay it initially looked like a large smooth white bump fully attached to the body know it is hanging off I can see it “waving” in the water. Here are more pictures but as my too refuse to eat anything I put in the tank luring him out is hard
  7. 775FD437-4A2D-4F6E-9488-EA587DBB3219.jpeg


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    Found a white spot on one of my Oto’s. Is this Ick? Ok not, anyone have any ideas? Sorry for my wife’s photography!
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    Say what you want but I have seen things that even MY skeptic mind can’t explain. The wife and I are getting ready to buy a house and if the dog won’t go in, WE don’t go in!
  17. D

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    Jewel Cichlids! About 15-20 years ago we had a beautiful African Cichlids tank... until the Jewels! We were told to put 2 so they would be happy. They bred and wiped out the tank. Oh the horror! Took me this long to get back into the hobby.
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    Hi all. My name is Dave and I have had African Cichlids in the past. This was about 15 years ago so you may as well say I am new to the fishkeeping world. Currently, my wife are I are setting up a community tank while I am learning as much as I can about setting up a Betta tank. I look forward...
  19. D


    Hello, my name is Dave and I hope someone can answer a question for me. I have kept fish a long time ago so you might as well say that I am new. Would anyone be able to tell me if it would be feasible to keep 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Neon Tetras and 6 Panda Cory's together in a 20 gallon tank. I would...