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  1. C

    Tink nocturnal snail outbreak ID

    But they are all very very small. One on my finger is the largest
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    Tink nocturnal snail outbreak ID

    Woke up in the middle of the night and noticed hundreds of these guys all over my tank. I turned on the light and they started all dropping off the glass and plants. Normally I welcome pest snails because my pea puffers absolutely love them. But these guys only come out that night when the...
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    Something is killing my berried shrimp. Some type of worm?

    This is my third berried shrimp to go in less than a week. Really bummed because all three were close to delivery. But on this one I noticed worms under it. I am not sure if these are what killed it or not, I put the shrimp in a bowl and removed one and the other one tried to run away like an...
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    Magical Disappearing Cherry Shrimp

    Check around the tank for jumpers. I moved my stand last week and found about 10 dried up shrimp behind it.
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    Plant from Petco turning white?

    Bought this plant decorative tree and the leaves are turning white? Never saw this type of plant before. It's tied all over the tree thing. Anyone know what plant these are and why it's turning White?
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    Something growing on my java and other plants. Not sure what I'm

    Fluval timed light and I use fertilizer from aquarium co-op. Hope this helps.
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    Something growing on my java and other plants. Not sure what I'm

    Not sure what I'm dealing with here, doesn't look like black beard algae, any ideas? It doesn't move, just growing all over my plants. At first I thought it was roots, but then it started appearing on different plant types.
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    Zero ammonia, nitrate and nitrites?

    Its been a couple months now with zero ammonia, nitrates and nitrites. I read somewhere that as a tank cycles you get some of each, but mine never changes. Tank is a few months old and the plants/shrimp/fish/snails seem to be going good. I test every few days but it's always the same. This...
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    Hydra problem

    I used panacur C from Amazon. Cost 8 bucks killed all my hydra (also kills nertite snails though) not a single dead shrimp.
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    Hydras in my shrimp tank

    I finally found shrimp fry in my tank, and while hunting for more I spotted a hydra on a plant. Once I found one and removed it I noticed they are all over my tank. I read these are very harmful to shrimp fry, how do I rid myself of these?
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    Unknown fish in my Tank

    Unfortunately we lost Power here in Texas in that cold storm. Had to move the tank to a friend's house that kept power. Haven't seen it since, so I don't think he made it
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    I have some Hitchhikers

    Here is another worm. It's really hard to focus!
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    I have some Hitchhikers

    One of various small worms in my substrate. The other ones I couldn't get video of and are also very small. Anyone know what this is? Here is a picture for scale
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    Do I have too many plants in my 7.5 gallon nano?

    Thank you for the info! I have been using distilled water for my water which could be my issue? I have been using seachem flourish for the fertilizer. Is it possible to use to much? I also have seachem root tabs. I may remove the floating plants from my setup. I feel they might be taking to...
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    Do I have too many plants in my 7.5 gallon nano?

    I have roughly 13 cherry shrimp, 9 exclamation point rasboras, 2 salt pepper catfish, 2 nirtite snails and 2 assasin. This is my first attempt at a planted Tank, I add liquid fertilizer once a week and have two root tabs near the roots of the bigger plants. The floating plants have completely...
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    Snail ID

    Do I get rid of it? Are these it's eggs too?
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