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  1. L

    Breeding Zebra Danios

    Update on breeding Zebra danios - I now have at least 16 (maybe more) Zebra Danio fry in my 10 gallon. I purchased a small sponge filter for $8 which is working pretty good.
  2. L

    Breeding Zebra Danios

    Thanks for all your advice. I will definately investigate purchasing or making my own sponge filter.
  3. L

    Breeding Zebra Danios

    I currently have a 55 gallon tank with 7 Mickey Mouse Platies, 4 Zebra Danios, 10 Neon Tetras and 1 Plec. I wanted to add a few more Zebra Danios to my tank, so I thought I would try to breed some more myself. When I purchased the first 4 Zebras I put them in a 10 gal Quarantine tank. I was...
  4. L

    Fin rot with baby fry in tank...

    Would you recommend a hospital tank be anything less than a 10 gal? Would a 5 gal be OK? As an aside question, while a hospital tank is not being used, should it be kept running like a normal tank with water?
  5. L

    Fin rot with baby fry in tank...

    The last time we tested was about 11 days ago, the ammonia and Nitrites were 0....we don't have a test kit for Nitrates.... In order to isolate the fish it would mean buying another tank. We could probably afford to buy a small one (i.e.5 gal) for the fry. What's the best way to cycle the...
  6. L

    Fin rot with baby fry in tank...

    We have a 10 gal planted tank with 3 red platys (2 males & 1 female), 2 male sunset platys and 2 gold danios (gender unknown). One of the sunset platys (Mickey) seems to be "not well"....he hides behind some plants until we feed them and then he comes out. We think he's starting to get fin...
  7. L

    Moving live plants

    Thanks for all the advice....This web site is a great source of knowledge.
  8. L

    Moving live plants

    New to this fishkeeping business....we have a 10 g with 2 live plants and 2 plastic ones. Unfortunately I can't tell what kind of plants they are....we purchased them very early on and I did not keep the information tag that came with it...I now know better... A couple of times while...