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  1. steve620

    Ammonia Spike in Hospital Tank

    This is a 10 gal tank. I had a Ammonia Spike. Today is Day 6, See Picture. I have a Big sponge filter and a small box filter running and its been 6 days without food. The Ammonia in the pic looks darker than it is. If its still high will do water change and start over again but how long can...
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  3. steve620

    Sponge Filter

    75Gal Tank Two Xpertmatic Internal Sponge Filters. Sump w/socks 15 Cichlids Lava rock for media 10 gal Tank 1 big sponge filter 3 small Cichlids No Media in this tank
  4. steve620

    Sponge Filter

    I have a sponge filter in two of my tanks, I've had one in my (15 Fish ) 75gal tank for about 4 months and one small one in a ( 3 Fish ) 10 gal tank for about 2 months, They don't look dirty at all. is this normal?
  5. steve620

    Fish Getting Beat Up.

    I have a cichlid here that its getting beat up all the time and he's very pale compared to the other one. Should I put the pale one in a Quarantine tank with Meds and if so what type of Meds would I use?
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  8. steve620


    Ammonia Less than 0.25, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20-40 water change 80% every week because of high Nitrates, PH 7.2 - 7.6 temperature fluctuates 78.5 to 80F also notice the cave is where the light orange one hangs out till its feeding time. I have a yellow lab that hangs on a branch like a bird.
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  11. steve620


    The reason I have those fish is I never had cichlids before, I went to the aquarium store and told them I wanted Cichlids, I was there with the wife and she picked them out. by the time i found out what I purchased it was to late. they were real little, So i just watch them very close so far...
  12. steve620


    I have a 65 gallon with a sump, I have 2 yellow labs, 2 golden Mbuna, 2 venustus, white albinos, 2 blue johanni, 3 convicts . I have no problem with fighting.I had thses same fish for about 3 years now and just lost my first one ( convict),
  13. steve620


    These two cichlids were the same bright orange color, what does it mean when they start losing color?
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  16. steve620

    Pump Parts

    I have a Lifegard Aquatics 3000 pump in my sump that works when it wants to, I need a new Impeller/shaft combination. I cant find it anywhere and Lifegard Aquatics do not answer there phone. Anybody know where I could get one ? thanks
  17. steve620

    Filter Sock

    Need a little help, I have a freshwater tank with a sump and I'm using filter socks. I just replaced the sock with a brand new one and getting bubbles overflowing from top of sock. I was able to stop the bubbles by raising the sock about 4" above the sock mount is this normal?
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  20. steve620

    Water Test

    I walked in the aquarium and told them I'm new to all this but I would like African Cichlids and I would like fish that get along with each other. The following are the fish he recommended. Golden Mbuna Red Zebra Venustus...
  21. steve620

    Water Test

    Thank You
  22. steve620

    Water Test

    Just did more tests and it looks like that my tap water and RO water are the same. The test kit I have expired in 2009 and 2010. Getting new kit today.
  23. steve620

    Water Test

    I just added fish to a new tank a week ago. I have African Cichlids could someone out there tell me if my results are ok. PH 7.6 Ammonia 0.50 Nitrate 20ppm Nitrite 0 I'm new to the hobby
  24. steve620


    It looks like the RO water Unit I used to fill the tank is bad, I have another Ro unit I checked and that water was good. Will do a water change. Thank you
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  26. steve620


    I have a 65 gallon tank, I've had it running for about a month to make sure there are know leaks. Just tested water and the Nitrates are high looks like 40ppm or a little more. I'm using RO water all plastic plants and did not put any fish in yet. I did NOT Cycle the tank yet with Bacteria. Is...