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  1. H

    1 year! whoot!

    could you imagine that if you moved into anew apartment complex and the manager posted a sign stating "Whoopi!! we've only had 3 people die here in one year!" Imagine all the moving vans you'd see!1 Sorry I am only picking on you...congratulations...!!!!! :wizard: :- :cake:
  2. H

    Suggestions Needed!!

    For science you could analyize the bacteria (nitrate/nitrites) under a microscope....I teach phys ed myself so you could also figure out how many miles the fish swim in an hour/day (maybe watch & log for 10 minutes and multiply times 6 for hour) You may also what to correlate the relation to...
  3. H

    Tank Lighting

    Flourescent lights do only last about 6 months to a year depending on the quality of the bulb abd the amount of hours it logs...if your tank is planted then it is a must that you change your bulbs...but if you have plastic plants or no plants at all then you probably could use the same...
  4. H

    Questions about DIY lighting...

    OK call me fickle...LOL...but the sheet metal lighting rig I made the other day wasn't that great... Sunday I made one out of plywood and some L-Brackets and a few screws...LOWES even cut the wood for me!... It's far from finished but the basic structure is there...I still need to paint the...
  5. H


    You could try those rope lights you can by at WalMart or other department stores...they're like 10 bucks...comes in purple. green, blue, red...I have been meaning to try those but keep forgetting to pick them up when I am there...
  6. H

    Questions about DIY lighting...

    I am new to this DIY lighting so bare with me please...I just built a temporary lighting hood so I could increase my wattage from 20 to 40's temporary because I don't have the cash or time to build a full canopy like I want to...I used a piece of "Rain Diverter" that I bought at Home...
  7. H

    Clown Plec

    I love the clown's only suppose to get about 4 inches...perfect for's a pic of mine....had him about 2 weeks...
  8. clownpleco.JPG


  9. H

    Coolest fish

    Well you don't have danios on this list which would get my vote so my next vote would go for catfish...they are working fish and one has to respect that :nod:
  10. H

    potential problem

    Well first if you are living in a one is allowed in there over break that leaves out a for water changes...1 month is not too bad...I change 25-30% of my water once a month (I know many people believe once a week is more proper)...but remember, it will take you...
  11. H

    Fishless Cycling Question

    This probably won't help you but danios are remarkable fish and could handle the conditions...I would do a 25% water change and recheck the ammonia & nitrate levels...the only way to remove nitrates is through water changes...if your ammonia is zero as you said and you have nitrates showing your...
  12. H

    Fishless Cycling Question

    the way to tell if you cycled is if you read any nitrates...usually the ammonia goes to zero as well as nitrites...but if you have nitrates the cycle should be complete...and I believe you do a small water 40 gal was the same way...ammonia stuck at 1ppm and the nitrites barely...
  13. H

    my dual 55 gallon set up

    Sandy, I'd advise against the metal stands...I had a large Oscar in my 40 gal before I went to a community tank and let me tell you...when he got moving in the tank and caused a current the tank (stand and all!) would sway like you wouldn't believe...I thought one day I would come home to a...
  14. H

    My stupid fish swallowed a marble!

    junk250, W.C. Fields may have said that but I got it from M*A*S*H...Dr. Sydney Freidman (the psychiatrist) used to say that a lot...and he definitly said it in the farewell episode of M*A*S*H... 8)
  15. H

    Guppy frys!!!

    they are so cute!! I am surprised that the other fish didn't get to them first...a midnight snack if you will...LOL
  16. H

    Updated my 40 Gallon

    It could just be the lighting Feline...its like a maroon red...very old fashion christmas wrapping...I think it will look very coll once I get some real plants in there as well
  17. H

    air pump silencer

    I just wrap mine in a large wash cloth...silenced that sucker right up... :thumbs:
  18. H

    My stupid fish swallowed a marble!

    you are going to have one constipated fishy!!! hopefully he'll regurgitate it back up and spit it out...or maybe he'll be fine...marbles are smooth and will move around in his belly... All kidding aside, I would call a vetranarian and see what she/he says...
  19. H

    Normal silicone

    Personally I wouldn't use regular don't know what chemicals may be in there that could harm your fish...try these sites for the aqua silicone...
  20. H

    Updated my 40 Gallon

    thx for the feed back...small world val...LOL :fish:
  21. H

    Updated my 40 Gallon

    Here's an angle shot...
  22. aquaBack_2_.JPG


  23. H

    Updated my 40 Gallon

    I got sick of looking at the white wall behind my tank so I remembered I had some left over Xmas wrapping paper. I had dark red & dark green...I think the red looked much better.. Also I added 3 long-finned blue danios for a total of 6 fish for now...(waiting for the cycle to complete)...I have...
  24. aquaBack.JPG


  25. H

    TOO H O T !!!!!!!

    I would do a water change and put cooler water in (a little at a time...maybe 10% and then 10% more a couple hours later so not to shock the fish and then check your water temp and heater to see if its working properly... Also I would check to see if your thermometor is working properly...does...
  26. H

    starter danios and tetras

    Once she sees the danios swimming around the tank she will want more... :rolleyes: But remember danios are schooling fish and like to be in groups of 6 or more...I started with 3 zebra danios in my 40 gal but realized it wasn't enough to cycle the tank...I just picked up 3 long-finned Blue...
  27. H

    over stocking ?

    you may have heard this before but the rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water (that estimated of course)...It looks like you have about 12 fish if I counted right...if they ar e all between 1-2 inches you are fine...what are your water parameters? If the Ammonia and/or Nitrites are high you...
  28. H

    starter danios and tetras

    Thissite was given to me when I first got here... has a ton of info about pairing fish, hardy etc... danios are very hardy and should do fine....if after 2 weeks your ammonia hasn't spiked yet I suggest adding 1-2 more danios (they like to school and are...
  29. H

    clown loaches

    I would add more caves for them to hide...just to make sure the fish aren't stressed too much...even though that is the natural pecking order in the fish world, we have the power to make it a little more comfortable for the fish...
  30. H

    Final cycle test results?

    I'm in the same boat you're in LiltMan but I am waiting a full month or so before I do a water change...ffrom my research I do get mixed opinions but the results are in favor of waiting until your tank completely cycles before doing a water change... I know some here will disagree...and if you...
  31. H

    inactive zebra danio

    Danios are schooling fish...he may be just lonely for some of his kind...6 or more are best but at least 3 should be fine...
  32. H

    Sexing Danios

    With the long-finned danios I believe the ones with the big "flowery" tails are males..and trhe ones with nornmal fins are female...remember in the wild its usually the male that has to impress ther female (well the same for humans too... :wub: !!!) ...with the regular zebra danios the females...
  33. H

    Safe Rocks

    gadazobe is correct...put some vinegar on them to check for limestone which can harm your fish...then boil them for 20-30 minutes...this will kill ALL bacteria on the rocks...go to your local landscaping store (like Home Depot) and take a little vinegar with you...check before you buy...
  34. H

    Cycling Properly?

    Well I broke down and bought 3 HiFin Blue Danios...the person at the lfs also said my take probably would take forever to cycle with only 3 zebra danios were so excited to have some new friends!!
  35. H

    To all newbies

    Thx Lipreader...between this site and I havve gotten some GREAT info!!! Thx for the welcome!! :lol:
  36. H

    Dipping new pants in boiling water....

    Check this link from another post in the plant section of this forum... Sanatizing plants
  37. H

    Cycling Properly?

    Edit your signature under My Controls at the top of the page...
  38. H

    Cycling Properly?

    Well everyone seems to agree on not adding any amonia...however I am still confused as to add a few more fish or not? I posted this same question on another forum I am on and they said to add 5-6 more danios (no all at once) and a few here agree...but I do understand the comments I received...
  39. H

    Cycling Properly?

    I have a 40 gal tank cycling with 3 zebra danios that has been cycling for almost 2 amonia level has only gone up to .25. From what I have read I thought it was suposed to spike up and eventually start the nitrite part of the cycle? Do I have enough fish for this size tank? Could I...
  40. H

    Not as nice as all of yours...

    Thx everyone for the great comments and ideas...I am still looking for a background...I am waiting until it cycles before I buy anything else...funds are getting low...LOL...I am a school teacher and I don't work during the summer so budget is tight!! But I might order some stuff from here...