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    around 8 inches i think.
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    i heard that jupari was a peaceful fish so was wondering if i can add one in my 75 gal.with 2 albino sharks,2 flying fox,2 gouramis,2 tetras,2 mollies,4 zebra danios and 3 giant danios.thanks.
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    baby whale.

    maybe its best if i try to find a new home for it.
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    baby whale.

    it does look like the one in the link from ohhfishy,i have it in my 75 gal.with 2 albino sharks,2 flying fox,2 gouramis,1 pleco,2 mollies,1 beta,1 jelly bean parrot,4 giant danios,1 angel fish2 tetras,4 zebra doesnt come out in the day only at night.
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    baby whale.

    i took this baby whale of a friend who had it for 2 days and didnt want it anymore.i dont know anything about it or how to care for it.anything would be greatly appreciated.i have him in my 75 gal.tropical community tank.