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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    Worm on the glass is deffo not a planarian or detritus worm, i've had those both before. Really sorry about the photo situation, ill try and get some but i only have my phone camera so
  2. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    Where the carapace meets the first segment, they're up in there (inside), and vertically attached?? they're difficult to see they just kinda look white
  3. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    Are you sure? My tank also has snails (MTS and nerite), CPDs and Otocinclus as well as may different plant species
  4. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    from this website, it looks like Holtodrilus Truncates are the culprit. I think my only option is to give the shrimp salt baths which will be difficult as they're had to catch in my tank.
  5. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    They're so small, I don't really have a camera good enough to pick them up
  6. R

    Leeches? On my shrimp?

    I've been having some problems with my cherry shrimp. They seem to keep dying and the female's eggs are going bad. At first, I thought it was fungi but now I think it's probably parasites. I saw a male with what looked like 2 white stripes inside his thorax. And today I saw a worm on the glass...
  7. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    Good news, the white stuff on the female that I had captured is gone this morning. Yesterday, I did a 50% water change and added anti-fungal medication, a rooibos teabag, and an airstone. This morning the males have stopped hounding her as well which is good. All of yesterday they were stuck to...
  8. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    Is it the tannins that make IALs anti-fungal? if so I have some organic rooibos tea that I've used before to make black water setups. Would probably do the same thing right?
  9. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    I use the Tetra test strips, one strip for NO3, NO2, GH, KH, pH, CL2, and a separate one for ammonia. As I mentioned, I've been adding Interpet Anti-fungus to the tank, it hasn't worked so far. Sorry, could you say what IALs are haha? not seen that abbreviation yet.
  10. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    See OG post for tank parameters (Tanks is probs about 4 years old). I have java moss, java fern, bucephalandra red & biblis, hydrocotyle tripartita, alternanthera reineckii, rotala h'ra, duckweed, dwarf water lettuce. I use organic soil capped with 2 inches of sand.I have a lot of spider wood...
  11. R

    Female cherry shrimp dying? diseased?

    My first generation of cherry shrimp have recently become berried and are ready to hatch the second generation. Seeing as I started with only 4 founders, I'm really happy about it. I've kept them for around seven months now without issue but only now I'm getting some shrimp death. Here's what...
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  16. R

    RCS and full planted tank temperature

    Sounds fine to me, you could even go a bit lower if you wanted. I keep my RCS at 21C. Apparently, lower temperatures are better for plants too, keeps more co2 and oxygen dissolved in the water. I personally get great plant growth at this temperature, no co2 system or anything, just a good light...
  17. R

    Cherry shrimp breeding, how to keep the red?

    I bought 4 beautiful cherry shrimp from my LFS, they are all solid red in colour. They've now bred and the first generation is reaching adulthood. None of them are red. Many are clear, some have dark patches on them. I have a passing knowledge of genetics, for example I know that recessive...
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  19. R

    White ring of death!!

    I just bought my first cherry shrimp of recent. I've had them for a few months now, they're reproducing and doing fine. They are in an established 5 gallon, heavily planted. One female has developed a white ring of death :(. From what i've researched there could be a few reasons. I've been doing...
  20. R

    Idle, inactive cherry shrimp

    I bought some cherry shrimp for the first time recently, got 5 of them from a LFS. I've put them in a tank with otos, CPDS and Amanos. I've been keeping amanos for a while with great success, so I figured I was ready. This tank is only 10g, but its well over 3 years old. It's heavily filtered...
  21. R

    CPD floating Problems

    Hey everyone, Thought i'd update everyone. He seems to be doing well, thanks for everyone's help! I did end up just feeding peas for a while. And in more good news, saw my first fry today!! they're definitely breeding
  22. R

    CPD floating Problems

    What a lovely tank, and some beautiful CPDs. I've had them for a few weeks an they're already some of my favourite fish.. I deffo think the 'CPDs are shy' doesn't apply if you have a thickly planted tank. Mine are skittish yes, but they're out all the time, and love exploring the tank. I've seen...
  23. R

    CPD floating Problems

    ohh ok thanks so much for the advice, you have some lovely CPDs. I will deffo keep ontop of my water quailty and try some of the foods you've recommended. I'm not going to feed them any more hikari micro pellets because they don't look very 'micro' to me and i've seen some of the cpds eat them...
  24. R

    CPD floating Problems

    Ah thank you, Its gonna be very difficult to catch him without ruining my aqua scape, so maybe i'll do this as a last resort. I won't add any salts to the tank epsom or otherwise, don't think I need to?
  25. R

    CPD floating Problems

    Gotta admit, did not ask how long the store had had the CPDs. Unfortunatly, I can't afford something like an RODI unit. I change the water very regularly, so it would be extremely expensive to buy distilled water too. Gonna have to deal with hard water, sorry otos. Soft water must be a dream, I...
  26. R

    CPD floating Problems

    Sorry but that's probably not possible, they are shy and I have a tank with lots of hiding places. The camera scares them away immediately. His colours are healthy enough, (not majorly washed-out). He does not look bloated, or particularly thin. He still likes to spar with the other males and...
  27. R

    CPD floating Problems

    Ok thanks, i'll try and test ammonia levels, hope I havent got any. It's a heavily planted tank with a relatively large external canister filter, it's been running for over a year so I would be very suprised if it did. Could probably use more surface agitation, I usually avoid airstones because...
  28. R

    CPD floating Problems

    I just bought some new celestial pearl danios, I've maybe had them for about 2 weeks and one is starting to show signs that something is wrong. Whenever it stops swimming, it's back end floats upward. They don't seem to be showing any other signs of illness other than they seem to be shyer than...