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  1. BriTheFishGuy

    He needs a name

    I’ve voted already but after seeing this picture all I can think is Hellboy!!
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  3. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello From Southern Indiana.

    Hello and welcome from Sacramento! Good luck on the next endeavor!
  4. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Welp, you called it Retired Viking! I caught my German Red’s getting frisky in the playground, circling each other, flashing, and sort of pecking the ground. The female has secluded herself in a rocky corner and hasn’t eaten since. What would you recommend to a soon to be grand fish daddy?!?
  5. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Noted! Thanks. Do you have any recommendations on rocks that stack nicely?
  6. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Hey DAnCSF, I ended up transferring some of the plants into the 60 gallon and gave the remaining plants to my brother who ended up setting up a beautiful community tank at his place! Changing my tank to the African Cichlid set up helped me rediscover and deepen my love and enthuasium in the...
  7. BriTheFishGuy

    Fish ID

    Can anyone ID this beautiful fish?!? I’m talking about the blueish green fish on the left.
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  9. BriTheFishGuy

    Disease identification

    Hey all, just wanted to thank everyone for their input. I ended up taking Colin_t’s advice, doused the tank with salt for about a week and we definitely see improvement. The white splinter is gone and the hole as began to close. Y’all some fishy hero’s! Thanks!
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  11. BriTheFishGuy

    Disease identification

    Dang that’s a bummer, I just treated these guys for HIH.Hopefully the water parameters Shed more light on the issue. PH 8 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10
  12. BriTheFishGuy

    Disease identification

    Splinter started off as a small white dot that protruded out as seen.
  13. BriTheFishGuy

    Disease identification

    Hello African Cichlid friends, I recently noticed a small hole on the side of one of my guys 3 days ago. Since than it has developed bigger with a white splinter coming out. Any ideas of what this could be? Cure? Contagious? Thanks!
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  18. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Thanks for the compliment! These fish have really brought out a creative side that I didn’t know existed!
  19. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Wow! 50 little guys! That must’ve been over whelming. Once I feel like I am ready I would love to try and breed them, but I’ll definitely need an exit plan for those guys!
  20. BriTheFishGuy

    Plants That Will Survive In A Cichlid Aquarium

    I can’t recall the name of this plant but it has been very compatible with my African Cichlid tank since the beginning, about 3 months.
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  22. BriTheFishGuy

    Unique African Cichlids

    I'm sure we all love unique looking fish, hence the reason why we love the African Cichlids so much. The first one that really attracted me to this Cichlid category were these Mdoka White Lips. Anyone else have recommendations for unique fish; lips, color, all unique attributes are welcome...
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  24. BriTheFishGuy

    Hole in the head help!

    That’s great news for the little fishy guys! In regards to filtration I have 2 hang on backs and 1 canister filter. I’ve read that the carbon may be one of the factors that cause the HIH. When you say replaced do you mean get rid of it or put it back in after medicating? Water changes - ✅ I...
  25. BriTheFishGuy

    Hole in the head help!

    Purchased fish from Imperial Tropical and love the selection they sent. As soon as the fish came in I began their quarantine and dosed then with general cure, ick guard, and fungus cure. I dosed the tank with each med separately, following the Instructions and a few days into it I began seeing...
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  27. BriTheFishGuy


    Hello fellow new fish friend.
  28. BriTheFishGuy

    Hello fish friends!

    Hello everyone, my name is Brian and I’ve been addicted to fish for the last 3 years. I started off with a 100 gal community tank filled with live plants, Angels, various Tetras, Plecos, catfish, and one fish that’s shocked me once I was cleaning, can’t recall the name.... After a couple years...