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    Big Tanks And Big Filters

    Wharf Aquatics, based in Pinxton Nottinghamshire make custom tanks. They do all options including buit-in filters.
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    Acrylic vs Glass

    Acrylic come in different types. Extruded Acrylic is cheaper and prone to yellowing. Cast Acrylic is more expensive but less prone to yellowing.
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    Bala Shark Eating/Biting Other Bala Shark?

    I have 3 young Bala's and they often do the nibbling thing. The smaller of the 3 even does it to one of the golden Gourami's who doesnt seem to mind at all. Sort of on topic I witnessed some really odd behaviour the other day. Suddenly, after feeding one day the 2 larger Bala's started...
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    buying fish in the uk

    Dont know what is on there website but Wharf Aquatics at Pinxton have an excellent selection of unusual fish.
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    Tank for Bala's

    At present I have a Juwel Rio 180 that I have taken over from my wife. It has a varied selection of inhabitants, some came with the tank when we bought it, but most have been added ourselves. Although I have never had my own tank as such before, my father had a lovely set up for many years and...
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    I had a horse once that loved oranges. Also drank tea from a cup. Dont know if that helps at all ;)
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    Evening All.

    Tank is a Juwel Rio180 (ltrs) and it has....... Plec 4 Cribs Tiger Barb Clown Loach Red Tail Shark Silver Shark 2 Shell Dwellers 2 Golden Gourami Rainbow 2 Red Drawf Gourami ....and a couple of unknowns! Here is a dreadfull Digicam picture. Paul.
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    Evening All.

    Hello from sunny Lincolnshire. Wife bought our Juwel Rio 180 earlier this year in the hope that it would keep her amused as we cant have dogs in our rented home. Mmmmmm, well that lasted about 3 months before boredom set in so I have taken over our little flock and have settled in very nicely. A...