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  1. B

    Fin rot , nipping or tears?

    Thanks for all the info! Ahhh sorry, you are correct. That ornament does have 2 silicone-ish plantlike things on it. I have been thinking about removing it anyway so will do so now. I've never thought about the learned helplessness thing! That's very interesting to think about. When I got him...
  2. B

    Fin rot , nipping or tears?

    He's also an extremely chill Betta and has never flared once. Could he still be stressed even if he looks fully chill? If the tetras ever go near him or vice versa he still doesn't flare and doesn't seem to really care about them. Haven't seen him nip or anything. Also the plants I have are...
  3. B

    Fin rot , nipping or tears?

    Hi all, My Bettas fins are looking a little worse for wear lately. Not sure if it's fin rot, nipping or if he's tearing his fins on a plant. He's in with a few neon tetras but I've never seen them nip at him, only at each other. Any advice?
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