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  1. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

  2. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    So I thought that I had turned the corner with the nitrite showing up last time at 1ppm. But it was back down to 0ppm while the ammonia is stil at 4ppm and nitrates at 20ppm. Is there a reason why the nitrites went down but the nitrates didnt incrase and that the ammonia hasnt changed in around...
  3. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    So some good news, the nitrite, which I was having trouble finding on the test kit, is now up from 0ppm to 1ppm. The nitrates went from 10 to 20ppm. The only thing is, the ammonia is still stuck around 4ppm still. I am assuming that the nitrites recently came in and the hope is that through next...
  4. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    I am getting worried as it has been a few weeks and it is still at 0 ppm nitrite like it always has, about 4ppm ammonia and 10ppm nitrate. I will check the ph tomorrow and as far as the temperature goes, it has been at around 76 degrees and for the oxygen, I have an air stone. I have a filter...
  5. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    So the nitrates went up while the nitrites and ammonia stayed the same. It was 2ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite and like 10ppm nitrates now
  6. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    like 8 days
  7. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    So its been stuck at 0 ppm nitrite, 5ppm nitrate and 2ppm ammonia for a few days now. What should I do?
  8. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    The only other thing I have read is that since there are two types of bacteria, the one that converts ammonia to nitrites and the one the converts nitrites to nitrates, I may have more of the former hence the low nitrite reading. But I am not sure.
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    Help Needed With Cyling!

    I do have an airstone, I will update you on the KH after I find out, but I know it was on the lower side.
  10. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    What should I do next?
  11. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    So I measured my parameters today and it came out to be 2.0ppm for ammonia 0ppm, nitrite and 5.0ppm nitrate. Is it weird that there is no nitrite? What should I do if these readings seem off?
  12. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    It did arrive damp and the ammonia is still at 2ppm but still no nitrates or nitrites.
  13. K

    Help Needed With Cyling!

    I started cycling my tank last Wednesday. I set everything up (sand, plants, driftwood, filter), added conditioned water, and some powdered ammonium chloride, I waited for a few days and the ammonia testing read 8ppm so I did a 75% water...
  14. K

    Cycling but with sponge filter from cycled tank

    So I got the sponge filter from and I read the cycling article on this forum about the scheduling on when and how much ammonia to add and such. I was wondering if adding...
  15. K

    20G Community Tank

    One of my tetras just died. This is the second time I have gone through a tank having thought everything was cycled and while the other fish in the tank are still alive I am starting to think that fish keeping just is not for me.
  16. K

    20G Community Tank

    I did a pretty big water change. I don't think there are any toxins as far as I can tell. Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 5ppm Ammonia 1.0ppm PH 6.0 GH 75ppm KH reads as 0 but my test only goes between 0 and 40 ppm so not sure The ammonia surprised me since I was pretty sure that the tank was cycled. I...
  17. K

    20G Community Tank

    I have 9 neon tetras, 9 corydoras and 3 sparkling gourami in a 20 gallon tall tank with sand substrate and some plants from petco and driftwood. I've had the tetras since Saturday. I got the 9 corys and 3 gourmi in the mail yesterday and put them in the tank. At first, everything seemed fine...
  18. K

    Stocking help

    Thank you. It was at 92% so I’ll make sure to not add any more fish. Filtration was 107%
  19. K

    Stocking help

    So I have the neon tetras in there right now. 9 of them. And have 9 panda corys and 3 sparkling gouramis coming in. Just wanted to make sure that the stocking is okay. It is 20 gallon high with a filter meant for 30 gallons and plants including floating plants. All cycled.
  20. K

    20G Community Tank

    So I have the neon tetras in there right now. 9 of them. And have 9 panda corys and 3 sparkling gouramis coming in. Just wanted to make sure that the stocking is okay. It is 20 gallon high with a filter meant for 30 gallons and plants including floating plants. All cycled.
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    20G Community Tank

    but no shrimps with gourami right?
  22. K

    20G Community Tank

    It is a 20g high (24inch), so I could get like 8 neons, and cories, as well as the 3 pygmy gourami? Or just the cories and neons?
  23. K

    Fish Tank Positioning in Room

    the sunlight can be blocked off with a curtain and there are sockets nearby. The door doesnt bang loudly but should I still avoid it or will covering that side so the fish don't get startled be fine?
  24. K

    Fish Tank Positioning in Room

    So the two places in the house that I can have the tank as of now is next to a door, or next to a wall that is connected outdoors. Which one would be better for the fish? If I do have it next to the door, could i cover the side of the tank facing the door with like some decor and driftwood to...
  25. K

    Water from Tap Different from Water from Bathtub

    Is is okay to fill the tank using water from the bathtub faucet as long as the tank is cycled and I use the right water conditioner?
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    Fish Tank Positioning in Room

    The door does not lead outside but I heard that that the movement might stress fish.
  27. K

    Fish Tank Positioning in Room

    I heard that it can be really bad to have a tank near a door, near a TV, speakers, and near a window. I get the window because it can lead to algae growth but I was wondering how bad/key the TV, speaker and door aspect are as I am trying to find out where in my already small room I can place my...
  28. K

    20G Community Tank

    ok so looking to get keep the 20 gallon tank to 6 neon tetras, 6 peppered cory, 1 or 2 snails, and 6 or so cherry shrimp if i can get enough hiding and plants for them, if not, ill do the aforementioned fish with and 2 or 3 smaller gourami, maybe a sprakling grourami. does that sound fine? i did...
  29. K

    20G Community Tank

    Would shrimp and snails be fine with the tetras and corydoras?
  30. K

    20G Community Tank

    ok, so i will probably go with the community tank. one last thing, and this is probably the biggest question. so i had a tank before with 5 glofish tetras. before i got them, i had cycled them, or at least i was under the assumption i had. the nitrate levels went up and the nitrite and ammonia...
  31. K

    20G Community Tank

    Sorry for all of the questions, had another question. Instead of having a few species of schooling fish, if I was to have 2 or 3 bigger fish of the same species or different species that aren't schooling, would it be possible for 20 gallons and if so, what species?
  32. K

    20G Community Tank

    Ok if i were to get 8 corries, and not the glofish, what are some options I could go with if i wanted 1 or 2 more species to go along with the corries
  33. K

    20G Community Tank

    GH is 8 and ph is about 7.2 from what ive read
  34. K

    20G Community Tank

    Not sure but I can check. Is there space for anything besides the 5 or 6 tetras and corydoras, for the 20g or is that pushing it?
  35. K

    20G Community Tank

    would 6 of the cories and 6 tetras be fine for a 20g?
  36. K

    Betta Tank Help

    I am looking to get a betta today for my 10g tank. Is there anything I need besides a heater, filter, substrate that I had for my previous tank? Also is there any fish or invertebrates that would be able to live with a betta in a 10g or is it better to keep it just betta?
  37. K

    20G Community Tank

    I have gotten a 20G tank, I was looking to get 5/6 Glofish Tetras or Danios, and 5/6 catfish coryadoras, and like 5 or 6 cherry shrimp, a couple nerite snails. Is this okay in terms of stocking? If so, I was wondering how much more I can get. I would like to have another type of fish if possible.
  38. K

    Need Help with Glofish Tetra

    Thank you for your advice. Just to clarify, if I were to move my decorations and filter bag to a new tank, would I still need to go through the cycle again, or will there be enough bacteria to satisfy what I need?
  39. K

    Need Help with Glofish Tetra

    The others have died today. The nitrate, nitrite, and hardness all seemed fine but maybe I used the liquid more accurate reader wrong. This is unfortunate and as I have had this happen multiple times now, going to restart clean. Going to get a 20 gallon tank and wash the 10 gallon one and use it...
  40. K

    Need Help with Glofish Tetra

    Hey NCaquatics, do you have any advice on what I can do to have them be lively again?