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  1. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Another update: The salt I added appears to have killed some of my large-ish young snails. It's not that big of a deal for me because I have a bunch, but I have to clean out the bodies now.
  2. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Alright, so an update: I've been watching him over the last few days after putting pink salt in his tank, and his fins have unclamped and his swelling appears to be going down. Briefly, it did look like dropsy, but it didn't progress very far. I did another 75% water change the other night, and...
  3. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Yeah, he's an old boy, but I still love him ❤️. I'm lucky to have him for as long as I have, I know bettas don't live more than about 5 years. I'd like to see him live that long, which is why I want to help him get better.
  4. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Quote from McGill University, Would any of that be dangerous to my fish?
  5. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Thanks! One last question, would Himalayan Pink Salt work? I'd like to put in some salt before I leave for the day, but I don't have any of my aqaurium salt here. If it won't work, I'll pick up my bag from my parent's later today.
  6. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    I changed out 75% of the water. I don't have any peas or aquarium salt but I should be able to get some tomorrow.
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  8. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    I have cured dropsy before, so it is possible, just hard. His one fin got torn open on a plant, which is why it's split in two and then the two splits are clamped on the one side. The rest of his body exhibits no swelling, it is only in his belly (hence I'm thinking constipation). I haven't seen...
  9. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    His scales are slightly pineconed, but only where his belly is swollen. The rest of his scales are still flat. I got him and Joan on 12/20/18, so he would technically (assuming all male bettas are sold at one year of age) be around 2.83 years old right now. I fed him two pellets of food last...
  10. CrazyBettaLady

    Help with Betta Illness!

    Hello fellow fish lovers, my betta Fancy Dan has gotten sick recently and I could use some help determining what it is. Symptoms: Slight loss of color Clamped fins Slight swelling in belly/anus Tank Params: Size: 2.5G Free Ammonia: 0.03 ppm, I think GH: 30 mg/L KH: slightly less than 40 mg/L...
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  13. CrazyBettaLady

    Strange Plant Growing in my Tank

    So an update on my moss, it's moved to the holes surrounding the middle one and is growing nicely. Will I be able to remove it without killing it so I could put it on some other object, or should I just let it grow into the tank divider?
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  15. CrazyBettaLady

    Strange Plant Growing in my Tank

    Okay, well I'm cool with letting it grow as long as it isn't dangerous. It won't hurt any of my fish/snails, right?
  16. CrazyBettaLady

    Oh look who left his cave

    Wow, he's beautiful!
  17. CrazyBettaLady

    Strange Plant Growing in my Tank

    Is that what moss balls are made of? I have a moss ball and some duckweed I quarantined for a few weeks.
  18. CrazyBettaLady

    Strange Plant Growing in my Tank

    So I have this strange little....plant? growing in my tank in the divider hole. What is it and should I get rid of it?
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  22. CrazyBettaLady

    Betta Sleeps on Side or Upside Down

    Still haven't caught him doing it again, but if I do I'll post it here. Maybe he was still directionally challenged from his previous living conditions?
  23. CrazyBettaLady

    Betta Sleeps on Side or Upside Down

    I have a video I took of when I startled him, but I'm not sure how to share it. I'll try Google drive:
  24. CrazyBettaLady

    VOTE NOW!....September 2020 Pet of the Month Contest

    Name: Ariel (named after the Disney Princess) Age: 6 weeks and 4 days Habitat: During the day she's out and about in the common area, but at night she sleeps in my roommate's room. Food: She eats some kind of Purina kitten food, usually wetted down and microwaved so it doesn't hurt her gums...
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  26. CrazyBettaLady

    What ph+kh+gh do you keep your livebearers at?

    My water is ridiculously hard and alkaline, and my platys and mollies did well enough. I lowered the pH with some chems when it started going upwards of 9 though.
  27. CrazyBettaLady

    What ARE these eggs in my cycling aquarium?!

    Well, to chip in, I know from experience they are, in fact, NOT mystery snail eggs, lol. Via Google they look like Nerite eggs, but I've heard it's hard to "accidentally" breed nerites, unlike mystery snails.
  28. CrazyBettaLady


    There is debate in the fish community on if Melafix is safe for bettas and the general consensus is that if you really want to use it, use it in smaller doses and err on the side of caution. In my experience, Melafix is not harmful to bettas in smaller doses. If you've ever bought Bettafix -...
  29. CrazyBettaLady

    Quick warning from a beginner to beginners

    I had that same kind of fake plant a while ago. It got tossed due to its constant shedding of fibers, but I had it in a tank with platys and later mollies. I'd agree, the type of plants you get shouldn't depend on how cool you want them to look, but more "will this harm my fish or not?"...
  30. CrazyBettaLady

    Betta Sleeps on Side or Upside Down

    Hello fishkeeping friends, the title says it all. My Prince Philip of Firecracker (male betta, young) rests/"sleeps" on his side and, while disoriented after waking up, sometimes flips upside down and swims like that. There appears to be nothing wrong with him physically, as he only does it if...
  31. CrazyBettaLady


    I cured my precious Joan when she had dropsy, so it IS possible, just hard. I used Maracyn-Two in combination with salt and Melafix (to stall bacterial progress). I'd also reccomend putting some Stress Coat+ (or equivalent) in to help replace slime coat and keep the fish calm. *50% every other...
  32. CrazyBettaLady

    Injured corydora

    If your Cory is doing better, then no, there is no need to add salt. If it starts to get worse, adding salt may help.
  33. CrazyBettaLady

    Young guppy swimming frantically upside down in circles

    Ah, the "Spiral of Death" as my parents called it. I had a lot of livebearers get it. In my experience, it isn't contagious. Occasionally, after treating with an all-in-one treatment and feeding brine shrimp/bloodworms, some would recover, though most wouldn't.
  34. CrazyBettaLady


    Think about adding a small, easy plant like a moss ball to help keep nitrites down in the future. Add more bacteria to the tank to help get rid of high waste levels. pH/Hardness shouldn't be causing anything (says someone with a tank back home of pH 8.5-9 and hardness at max) besides helping...
  35. CrazyBettaLady

    Injured corydora

    After reading this post, I can definitely say adding aquarium salt helps, contrary to what Byron keeps saying. The salt brings down swelling significantly, it can even help a fish with dreaded dropsy survive long enough for treatment. It also makes the fish build up more mucous (which prevents...
  36. CrazyBettaLady

    Female Platy sleeping in cave.

    As long as it's not laying on its side or upside down, yes. Platys like to hide where they think is safe to "sleep" for the night hidden from possible predators. Mine like sleeping by the heater and the plastic plants at the bottom of the tank. One owns my moon rock cave.
  37. CrazyBettaLady


    Sounds like a good plan. My common/sailfin pleco Gaston is a big boi too, and at the time we were trying to get a lesion on his tail to heal. While I wish no fish ill will, kinda wish he'd just croaked cuz he attacks my other fish
  38. CrazyBettaLady


    I used to feed mine a whole wafer every other day and then my mom said a dude at the fish store told her to feed him every day, so that's what mine gets. He gets two wafers every night.
  39. CrazyBettaLady

    Sick Paradise Fish

    I'd say you might want to use Mela/Pimafix alongside some other kind of medicine, I like using all-in-ones as they tend to be a bit stronger and more effective (in my experience). Just make sure to use less Mela/Pimafix if you use it alongside something and dose your tank with Stress Coat+ or...
  40. CrazyBettaLady

    Fancy Dan and Joan of Arc

    I'm kinda afraid I might upset people because they're in a split 5 gallon, and while I'm aware it's not large enough, it's the best I could do here at college. Also all the plants are fake except the moss ball, but I will be getting duckweed soon. And thanks for the compliments for them! Since...