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  1. D

    Bloated female pearl gouriami

    Hello everyone. New to breeding but not fish keeping. We have 4 pearl gouriamis (1 male and 3 female) in a 430L tank amongst a variety of other fish. Last week we noticed a female PG getting bloated, she is absolutley huge now and been keeping an eye out for a nest as I saw her dancing around...
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  3. D

    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    Thought I should add that I only noticed them going missing when I bought the shark? Could the shark be eating them? The knife fish has been very tolerant with them and I didn't have any disappearances when I bought him.
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    I want to do right by my fish so as soon as the fish store allows me to, I will try and rehome them. Unfortunately I don't know anyone with a tank & I'm not sure if people would want to take them. The majority of my fish were bought as very small babies & have grown up together. I appreciate...
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    Lovely, more bad advice from pet stores. Will not be using easy balance anymore. I feel so bad & stupid about getting all of this wrong, I just want my fish to be happy & healthy. You've ust took the words out of my mouth haha. We will get a bigger tank in the future (very costly things) to...
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    Maybe I need to have a word with my local specialist as he clearly isn't advising correctly and for a novice fish keeper like myself, I would just do as they suggest which is what I've been doing. Anyway I don't know what to do with all my fish now. Due to the pandemic, we can buy fish but not...
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    As I mentioned previously, I use tap water conditioner, bio boost, easy balance and nitrate remover at every water change.
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    We recieved 4 Angels, rummy nose tetras, catfish the black neon tetras and the neon tetra with the tank. They were all kept in the same tank before we recieved them and the previous owner never had any issues. We have consulted various pet stores and specialist with regards to our vast variety...
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    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    The person who gave us the tank and filter suggested every 6 months. The specialist at my local pet store who specialises in tropical fish keeping also suggested the same. We cleaned it about a month ago in tank water. I do about 30% water change, I clean the gravel when I change the water and...
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  13. D

    Tetras disappearing, please help!!

    Hello everyone, it is my first time posting on a forum so please bear with me. We have a 160L well planted tank with a Large external filter. I clean the filter every 6 months/when it needs doing. Unfortunately I don't know the speficiations of the filter as it was given to us as a gift, along...