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  1. S

    i cannot grow plants

    have been thinking About a low PH test kit, normally use API kits but struggling to find a low PH Kit. have found this on at Charterhouse, anyone have any experience of brand, or know where I can...
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    i cannot grow plants

    Fish are doing well, yep agree conversation has been on the plants not the . I did loose one of the red drawf gourami 2 weeks ago, no obvious reason. Litmus test for me, no change in behaviour, they remain active and all seem to be eating and swimmimg around the tank. The shrimps do seem...
  3. S

    i cannot grow plants

    So 2 weeks on, parameters remain stable. PH 6 ( although this is the lowest the test reports) Nitrate remains at 0. Have been dozing 5ml once a week now for a few weeks with the Flourish Comprehensive with no visible algae on plants and only a small amount of algae on glass after a week. This...
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  7. S

    Show me your scapes!

    Wow amazing tanks everyone, attached is my 180ltr jewel. Still WIP, but huge improvement on what it was 2 months ago, all thanks to the support from the forum.
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  9. S

    i cannot grow plants

    Thanks Bryon ... yep had read your earlier post on Ph, not worried about it lowering now :). and still only dosing the Flourish 1/2 per week as previously suggested. Will start dosing to the recommended volume for my tank (180ltrs) Thanks for confirming the lighting, some earlier posts had...
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    i cannot grow plants

    Update today PH before water change 6.0 , 2 hours after still at 6.0 , so a drop of .4. ( after measurement 60 minutes after lights on, so normal time I measure) Nitrates zero before and after water change. Still dosing 1/2 dosage of flourish. Algae on glass, none after 7 days, hairy algae...
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  14. S

    i cannot grow plants

    Thanks everyone.@ seangee lights still on for 8 hours, not changed the duration yet.
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  18. S

    i cannot grow plants

    just over a week of monitoring ... You can see the result below in the table. parameters remain stable. 22nd May is day 0 when the maintenance routine changed. Given that the tank seems to be stable and constant, i am going to maintain the same routine. I shall keep the same dosing of 1/2 of...
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    i cannot grow plants

    Thanks again for the feedback, will Keep a log for the next few days and see how things alter. Will post again at the weekend.
  20. S

    Changing substrate

    Ah a bit late, just seen that you have finished.. tank looks stunning
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    Changing substrate

    I am not an expert, and you have been given some great advice. When I changed my substrate this is the order i did it.. 1 purchased pack of beer for my LFS, he very kindly loaned me a tank 2. Washed new gravel in buckets until clear 3. Filter, heater, water and plants into new tank .. netted...
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  29. S

    i cannot grow plants

    Update for the 25/05 nitrite 0 amonia 0 nitrate 10 higher than normal ph 6.4 lower than normal which 6.6 new Plants added on the 22/05as per earlier post dI’d a 20% water change before putting new plants in stoped the liquid carbon, added 2 of the Flourish root tabs and dosed 1/2 the fertilizer...
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    i cannot grow plants

    Wow thanks everyone.. will follow the help given. It will be a few days before the plants and root tabs arrives, so will post updates after I restock to let you know how things go. many thanks all again
  31. S

    i cannot grow plants

    Thanks everyone for the speedy response. I will gradually change the dosing and lighting as suggested. Will let you know how i get one have managed to order Cryptocoryne usteriana Tropica Hygrophila polysperma Bacopa monerii Aquafleur Echinodorus grisebachii Cryptocoryne wendtii Brown...
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    i cannot grow plants

    @Colin T & Seangee - thank for the quick reply, a lot of plants out of stock at the mo, so will keep an eye out from your list. Do you recommend a good online retailer ? Based on the feedback so far, i am going to .. 1. increase the light, i am going to do it gradually, unless others have a...
  33. S

    i cannot grow plants

    hello, as the post title infers - i am really struggling to grow plants in my tank. The exception to this is Java Fern on wood My tank details /parameters Jewel Rio 180 (internal filter removed) Fluval 307 : standard filter set-up, except top tray has fine media and ceramic rings instead of...
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