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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    what should i stock my 60 gallon with?

    hey guys so far all I am set on is a rainbow shark and some pearl gourami 1 male and 3 females, any stocking suggestions? im looking for a centerpiece fish that could be either solo or a duo and would be okay if i put a a school in their of some kind of tetra (large enough they couldnt be eaten)
  2. K

    gourami question

    do you have an idea of any other fish i could add in place of the three spots then
  3. K

    gourami question

    ok I may do this instead, but then do you have a reccomendation of another similar sized fish i could add in because rainbow shark is mostly a bottom dweller and i want some action in the tank
  4. K

    gourami question

    Hi everyone, id like to first say that I'm aware of all the parameters for the fish i will be mentioning and have done research and or previously owned all of the species.. i currently have 1 male pearl gourami in my 30 gallon with my rasboras and a baby bristelnose pleco (there was a female...
  5. K

    60 gallon stocking ideas HELP

    im more of a new comer i currently have a 30 gallon with a pearl gourami some harlequin rasboras and 4 guppies and one baby bristelnose pleco, then a 5 gallon beta tank and a 10 gallon beta tank, another reason i was confused on what to stock it with is because i was gonna attempt to make it to...
  6. K

    60 gallon stocking ideas HELP

    I’m really interested in a rainbow shark was thinking of him with either some pearl gourami and then a couple different schooling species Or if not the gourami then tiger barbs and a blue schooling fish or I veto the shark all together and do some cichlids Or a pair of angels and a bunch of...
  7. K

    60 gallon stocking ideas HELP

    Thank you for the websites, I searched it up online and it said that the average for water in my area is 129 ppm however I do have a water softener attached to my water pump so I’m sure that softens it up a bit
  8. K

    60 gallon stocking ideas HELP

    I have well water with a water softener attached, but I’ve still had great luck with platys and guppies which I know need harder water, so I’m not sure exactly where it stands is there a way to test it?
  9. K

    60 gallon stocking ideas HELP

    I’m very confused I’ve not set anything up yet so I can’t give parameters and I’ve already done the proper prior research on the requirements as far as ph hardness temp hiding places substrate temperament and all that good jazz goes for the different fish I was interested in I’m just confused on...
  10. K


    Hi, I have done research and I've found nothing to contradict my plan but I just wanted to double check with some people who are maybe more experienced before actually stocking the tank, my plan is too stock a 30 gallon tank with 3 fancy guppies 3 platys 3 Cory catfish 1 dwarf gourami and 8 neon...