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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Thank you that’s made me feel a lot better :) You’re right it is definitely better to put any animal at rest if there’s no chance of recovery and if it’s suffering. I’ve done a water change at the same time in my tank so am hoping now that none of my other fish get sick. So far they all look...
  2. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    I followed some online instructions and it seems the danio is now at rest. :( I must be a complete softie as I hated even doing that with clove oil. RIP
  3. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    I don’t like the idea of using brute force as feel being clumsy I’d probably not hit it in the right spot and end up causing it more pain and discomfort. I also feel like freezing it would be extremely slow. I’ve just gone to our nearby pharmacy and found this clove oil though to save waiting...
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  5. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Also, I’m assuming as you didn’t mention any, no treatment of any sort would save this fish? Just wanting to make sure before I do end his life.
  6. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Ah, sad to hear :( I’ve done some research on putting him out of his misery and it seems clove oil is a top choice. I’ve ordered a bottle of pure clove oil from Amazon but by the looks of it delivery won’t be for a few days. As this issue has been in the tank for quite some time now with no...
  7. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Thought I’d update. In the recent weeks it has gotten a lot worse and now looks like this: It looks kind of “balloon/transparent” like so I assume is mostly likely to be a cyst rather than a tumour? He’s still eating and swimming around, though seems to like to stay in the same area more now...
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  9. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Thanks for your help. I’ll just keep an eye on him for now then and see how he does.
  10. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    Poor guy :( If it’s caused by an infection as you suggest it could be, do you have any idea how that could happen? As I said nothing has been altered or added into the tank for months and all of the other fish are (so far) showing no signs of anything like it.
  11. fishy_sean94

    Strange “lump” on Danio

    For some time now I’ve noticed what looks like a red/black mark on one of my zebra danio fish. When doing a water change today though and looking down at my tank I’ve noticed it seems to have grown a bit and become more of a lump. None of my other Danios or other fish have any thing like it on...
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  14. fishy_sean94

    I lost one of my danio's :(

    I realise some times these things just happen. I suppose as it was my first fish loss I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything I could have prevented myself. Thank you for the replies, I feel a bit better now as it seems there isn't really anything I could have done differently :)
  15. fishy_sean94

    I lost one of my danio's :(

    Other thank mates are 5 Danio's (all 6 bought together 2 years ago), 4 Cherry barbs (added over a month ago) and 5 Amano shrimp (added last year). The tank has been set up for a little over two years. Filter is just the stock filter that comes included with the Fluval Flex. It's a sponge...
  16. fishy_sean94

    I lost one of my danio's :(

    So yesterday afternoon I was about to feed my fish and noticed that one of my Danio's was swimming very oddly and also had a few "white patches" on him. I hadn't noticed anything strange with him earlier in the day or the previous night while feeding. Here's a video of him swimming stranglely...
  17. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    So I did end up calling my water company and explaining my taps nitrates seem to be high according to my test kit. I ended up getting a call back from their water quality department who went through a lot of technical stuff and told me how it’s monitored etc with no spikes in nitrates in the...
  18. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    My tap water was definitely higher than that when I tested it. Reading the same as the tank (dark orange/red which is possibly near 160ppm. So if 50ppm is the supposed limit, would it be worth contacting my water company and see what they say? Also, my father who lives not far from me, has the...
  19. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    So far they all seem to be doing fine. They have only been in the tank about two weeks now but from what I can tell they are okay. They like hiding a lot and there's a lot of places for them to do that so I don't see all five at once very often. I do have a floating 'amazon frogbit' which I...
  20. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    I'm not sure but after researching which plant fertiliser to get, it seemed TNC was one that was recommended quite a lot. I obviously opted for the Lite version as didn't want even more nitrates (if that's the issue). There are six danios and five amano shrimp. The danio's have been in since I...
  21. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    I do I add a weekly dose of 'TNC Lite'. And I use the API Master Test Kit. The nitrates are showing as a dark orange/red colour (they do when I've tested directly from the tap also). I wouldn't have even thought it were possible for such a high reading from the tap? In which case perhaps the...
  22. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    It was set up in March 2020 and yes I made a swap from fake to real plants a while back. I have about 10 different plants in the tank so I’d say for the size it’s decently planted.
  23. fishy_sean94

    Nerite snails have died

    I got two Nerite snails a couple of weeks ago to add in to my established tank to help with clearing up some algae (and also because I thought they looked interesting to watch). They seemed okay for a few weeks, slowly exploring while taking a particular interest in the tank's glass. Sadly...
  24. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    Interesting to hear about different tests as I thought the API ones were supposed to be very accurate. I did a search for the JBL ones though and they seem rather expensive, at least on Amazon at the moment. And no I don’t know or how you could find out where the water is coming from exactly...
  25. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    Yes in person they looked pretty much the exact same, with perhaps as you said the tank water slightly better. Is it likely tap water changes at different times, to the point Nitrates would go up and down significantly? I ask as it still confuses me how last year, even when my tank was newly...
  26. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    Okay so I feel like I’ve done a bit of a workout now but here are two new results side by side from the same time. Left is tap, right is the tank water.
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  28. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    And, just now I have also tested my tap water for Nitrate.
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  30. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    I think I will do that, to see if it is indeed those causing the issue. I went with the ones on eBay because they seem to have sold tons of them, and have very good ratings and feedbacks so I would assume they would have been fine. Any way, I’ve just done another test of the tank water and it...
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  32. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    They are from eBay. The description lists these as the ingredients: 17% nitrogen (N) 9% phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5) 11% Potassium oxide (K2O) 2% Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.01% Boron (B) 0.006% soluble in water 0.025% Copper (Cu) 0.017% soluble in water ** see note below ** 0.22% Iron (Fe) of...
  33. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    Sorry if the picture of the results didn’t look very good. Daylight has gone here now as it’s too late but I will be doing another test tomorrow. But yes the Nitrite was the sky blue colour in person, definitely no green that I could see. And I have never tested my tap water directly so I’m...
  34. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    Okay thanks I’ll likely switch to Prime then and see how that goes. Apparently it’s cheaper as well given a bottle will treat a lot more water than the equivalent of AquaSafe which is a bonus. I have done another test and these are the results: Glad to see the Ammonia and Nitrite are looking...
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  36. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    In the past despite my water being high in nitrates, I definitely have seen readings of it very close to zero before. Would this be the case once the tank has fully cycled again? I assumed the NitrateMinus stuff was helping, but today I didn’t add any in after a water change as I’ve read...
  37. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    According to my water providers website on average it contains 33.5mg/l. As I said though for a long while all my water perimeters were fine until recent weeks it seems after swapping out my substrate. I do regular siphon cleaning where I can, though now with real plants I have to be more...
  38. fishy_sean94

    I think my cycle has crashed

    A few weeks ago I decided to change the substrate in my already established and cycled tank, which I’m guessing is what’s causing what I think is a crash in my cycle. I’ve also changed out my plastic plants for real ones but I wouldn’t have thought that would make a bad impact in anything. I am...
  39. fishy_sean94

    New to real plants

    Okay so today was the day I (very nervously) swapped out my old natural coloured gravel for a black coloured one. I left the fish in, scooped it all out, vacuumed the floor of the tank as best I could and then added in the washed new stuff. Everything ended up going well and I think the fish all...
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