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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Right now i have her with a school of cherry barbs who just kinda wait for her to eat and take the scraps that fly around in the water around her. Right now my tank has tons of hiding spots, including pots and rocks. I have a few amazon swords and crypts, but I’m getting a lot more plants soon...
  2. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    in the first picture you can see the white spots on his upper back fin. the other picture is to show that he doesnt have ich spots anywhere else
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  5. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Look at his back upper fin
  6. FFDB7840-94B0-4C4F-951C-881439492DB6.png


  7. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    I’ll try to get a picture later to show you.
  8. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Thank you so much!
  9. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Alright. my plan is to dose every 24 hours with ich-x and gravel vac/ do 1/3 water changes before every treatment. the temperature is at 80 degrees F. I'm kinda just following aquarium co-ops routine when they treat for ich and most people said that it should take 3-4 days for the fish to be ich...
  10. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Yah I heard ich x is fine for scaleless fish. I woke up this morning and didn’t see any it getting worse. Ich should be really aggressive and spread fast, so maybe I misdiagnosed, but I still have no idea. Pictures won’t really help because the spots are so small and suttle that I doubt a...
  11. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Okay so I have an update. I was able to hand feed it 3 small freeze dried krill which he couldn't stop eating, but we have a new problem. So basically I saw some white spots on his fins which indicated to me that he has early stages of ich. I just did my water change and removed the carbon from...
  12. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Thank you guys for all the help. its day two and he started eating frozen blood worms. next im trying frozen calms and krill. how often should i feed him, from what I heard its every other day, but so many people told me different things I don't know what to believe.
  13. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    yah i my other 4 tanks are infested with snails, so i will use those as breeding grounds for feeding snails. Thank you so much!
  14. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Thank you so much. I’ll wait a bit longer and then try to get it on the frozen foods and maybe even freeze dried krill if possible. For now Should I just do small water changes daily to help prevent any disease that might take over while it’s not eating?
  15. Luke markovina

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Hello, yesterday I picked up a congo spotted puffer or schoutedeni puffer. yesterday I tried feeding him frozen bloodworms and frozen clams, but he wouldnt eat anything. I think I managed to get a peak at him eating a small pond snail, but when I put more in the tank he wouldn't go for them even...