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  1. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    I agree. Which is what had me so confused for so long. Ich and Oodinium seem to be the most common parasites as well. The reason I'm confident in flukes was because I had already treated twice with Seachem Paraguard, and once with chelated copper. Both of which would have addressed white spot...
  2. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Hi all. I wanted to circle back around and report on this. It's been almost a year since I last posted/saw this issue, and I'm happy to report I have solved this and learned a few things. First off, thank you so much to all who chimed in. TL:DR: It was a long, stressful battle, but I'm pretty...
  3. BetaGrumm

    What is VOIP and how do you use it?

    VOIP stands for "Voice Over Internet Protocol" which is basically just voice communications over the internet. You just need to install an application that supports it onto a device (computer or phone) that is connected to the internet. Some examples are Teamspeak or Discord, etc. They work by...
  4. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Right. I highlighted in my water change description above that I use a 7 gallon bucket to prepare water in before adding to the tank. Ideally I would have extra containers so that I can mix my change water and let it set for a while to stabilize before adding. I don't really much of any PH...
  5. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Rift lake mineral salts. Cool I'll look into that. And yes you did address the equilibrium. It's all I have for now until I can order something different. I'm almost out of it so I've been looking for an alternative.
  6. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Sechem Equilibrium for GH. Separating the guppy is not possible at this time. The store filter system is as follows: - Mechanical - Active cabon - Reverse osmosis - UV sterilization Everywhere I've read says carbon is effective if not most effective at the complete removal of chlorine and...
  7. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @Byron I assume when you say no additives but conditioner, you're still ok with me adding a GH supplement, correct? I'm not using a dechlorinator as the water is carbon filtered at the gerocery and shouldn't need it.
  8. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    The scratching is so hit or miss it's been really difficult to get a video, but I'll keep trying to get that as well. They seem to be scratching more on their gills/towards their face than their sides.
  9. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Here are two videos. Male white skirt: White skirt and locah: I tried to focus on the male white skirt and the clown loach. It can be a little difficult to see due to the motion. I have yet to get a good...
  10. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Post water change results are pretty much the same: pH: 7.4 GH: 10 dGH KH: 1 dKH NH3: 0 NO2: 0 NO3: barely readable Interesting note: I have no idea why I was getting 9 dKH on the change water before. Today I barely got 1dKH. There was just nothing in the RO water. It is from a local grocery...
  11. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Sure enough, I just ran a full battery of water tests and the PH is fluctuating. Test results: pH: 7.8 GH: 8 dGH KH: 1 dKH NH3: 0 ppm NO2: 0 ppm NO3: 5 ppm I tested it last night and the PH was 6.8 pushing 7. That means the tank has fluctuated one whole point in 24 hours. What surprises me...
  12. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Updates and new development: We have fin rot. Last night after feeding I noticed a split in the dorsal fin of the largest (the male) White Skirt Tetra. He has beautiful, long, flowey fins and while I immediately had that sinking sensation that I knew what this was, I instead hoped that maybe...
  13. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @Byron So I did a 50% water change last night and tried out your suggestion. WOW! That was the slickest thing I've ever seen. In my 10 years in this hobby, that might have been the best piece of advice I've ever read/heard. My understanding of how to go about PH correction was definitely off...
  14. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @Byron Agreed. Definitely going to try your suggestion.
  15. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Actually, one thing I have been working, and just about got the ratio right, is mixing just enough tap water and ro/di water to get exactly the PH I want. I nailed it last time and it was stable (strangely enough). I didn't have to use a regulator at all. I still had to supplement GH though as...
  16. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @Byron VERY interesting. Ok. I want to try this out. I think my perspective has been skewed by my experience with our water softener throwing off EVERYTHING in our water. It really made a mess out of it. 0 GH, 20+ KH, Ph crazy high with no way to bring it down other than adding an acid buffer...
  17. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @seangee I agree completely. I test my nitrates religiously for just this reason and make water change adjustments as necessary. (Usually greater volume at a time as you originally suggested) I rarely do things with my aquarium based on routine without verifying water parameters. I've had...
  18. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Excellent response. Thank you so much for this. Just to flesh out some more details on your middle paragraph: What would a combination of what products look like if you were to accomplish this? (I have my own hunch based on some passive reading, but since I've never actually applied that hunch...
  19. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    @seangee Thanks for the site reference. Somehow I've never come across that site and it is indeed a good one. Bookmarked. I see they list hardness in terms of general which is great. I so rarely come across general hardness. Usually it's listed as KH and I often wonder if they aren't using GH...
  20. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Hi, all, and thank you for the posts so far. Let's see if I can address everything... @Colin_T : Great info on the gourami. After some more research on breeding habits of the pearl gourami, what you said and what I observed make perfect sense. He was absolutely obsessed with HIS plants and was...
  21. BetaGrumm

    Unidentified source of scratching (currently treating)

    Good morning. I’m looking for advice on what could be going on in my aquarium. I’ve spent that last few weeks observing, reading and researching and I’m out of ideas. The issue: My fish are scratching and I’m having trouble identifying why. Tank setup: 29 gallon tall Real drift wood, red lava...