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  1. C

    Jewel Cichlid Pair?

    Yeah I’ve done so much research about them but everything doesn’t seem to match up! At the start only the one gaurded the eggs, and then the other one slowly began to join in. Then there was a stage where they fought as I pointed out above where one tried eating the eggs and the other one...
  2. C

    Jewel Cichlid Pair?

    another old photo of when they first started laying eggs
  3. 32BABDCB-9596-4E94-ADFF-956EA67C1EE3.jpeg


  4. C

    Jewel Cichlid Pair?

    here is another photo showing the other one more (also has black dot)
  5. D5465BFE-0730-41BD-B962-41173DD0CCEE.jpeg


  6. C

    Jewel Cichlid Pair?

    Hi guys, I have had these two jewel cichlids for more than 6months now and they have laid eggs around 20times no with no success! They lay eggs almost every two weeks (they keep eating the eggs) Do I have a pair or two females??
  7. 80FDC102-3993-4EB2-BE30-1617EC283D0C.jpeg


  8. C

    Pregnant Molly??

    B Thank you for feedback! Will see how she goes, might put her in other tank without male! :)
  9. C

    Pregnant Molly??

    Is my balloon molly pregnant? The black male has been chasing her non-stop and she’s been getting fatter over time! If she is how long before fry from the look of the photos? Thanks in advance
  10. 977FC2AB-D6F8-4464-83D7-58382D54D525.jpeg


  11. CF4F8C9B-CA90-4A47-9F56-896BCD6389E6.jpeg

