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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    Thank you, I will see if I can find Levamisole, and try that, the fish is still swimming around as normal, apparently not suffering much (yet).
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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    The LFS sold me some API general cure, because it was the only thing they had that had Praziquantel in it, and the other ones didn't sound familiar to them. I dosed the aquarium (and other tanks in the house) as on the package and it is 48 hours later, so I'm planning to do the 75% water change...
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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    Thank you, I have one with a short hose so I'll get one with a long one, and thanks for the tip about kinking the hose a bit!
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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    Colin: Thank you so much! One question, I have sand substrate, no gravel, for the corydoras habrosus. Do I stir it up with my hand and then take out the water right above it when it's settled or will that still leave worms and eggs in the sand?
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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    Hi, thanks for the tips Colin. I think this picture is better. The black spots are inside the body, there are no wounds and it seems the skin over the black spots is as normal, it's in the body.She's still swimming around as normal.
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    sick ember 2.jpeg

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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    Thank you, I will do that!
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    Possibly sick ember tetra

    I have what I think is a female ember tetra with some strange black spots in her body. Tank size: 10 G pH: 6.11 (pH meter) ammonia: 0 ppm nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 10 ppm kH: 2 gH: 3 tank temp: 78.9 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): female...
  9. sick ember?.jpeg

    sick ember?.jpeg

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    Unexpected Fry

    I found a second fry in the tank and moved it to the fry tank, so now I have two! There is a bit of size difference but not too bad.
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    Unexpected Fry

    The mini water lettuce stays on the surface but it does have pretty long roots up to about 2 or 3 inches. but I can keep it under control more easily. It It grows by sending trailers out over the surface on which new clusters of mini water lettuce grow.
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    Unexpected Fry

    Retired Viking: I read that ember tetra sometimes will eat their fry so I didn't want to take the chance. Having an area where they can hide might make their survival rate much better though. I don't have experience with that.
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    Unexpected Fry

    I couldn't catch him with the net but I used my gravel cleaning hose, took the strainer head off and vacuumed him up along with the tank water that I wanted to put in the fry tank anyways. That worked perfectly and I'm quite sure the net would have had much more chance of hurting him. I will put...
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    Unexpected Fry

    Tried to catch him to put him in the fry tank, so I could feed him microworms more easily. But he's wayyyy too fast for me. So he might have to stay in the 10G anyways, unless I manage tomorrow.
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    Unexpected Fry

    Hi, I've been experimenting with live foods in my ember tetra tank because I wanted to try my hand at trying to hatch eggs from Aphyosemion australe (Lyretail killifish) at some point in the future and they need live foods. Now I'm seeing one ember tetra fry swimming near the bottom, the adults...
  16. Small Ember Fry.jpg

    Small Ember Fry.jpg

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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Thank you all for sharing all those ways to deal with heaters and water changes. My Betta is still doing very well so far. I'm so glad I didn't cause anything horrible! By the way my house is so cold because we don't have central heating, we use space heaters for which you need to be there to...
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Thank you all so much for your help. My betta seems to have recovered completely, he is eating and swimming as normal. We'll have to see what happens long term. I have two big marimo moss balls in his tank as well, by the way. And a very small one, he pushes them all around.
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    My betta is swimming around as normal and is eating. I might have gotten very lucky.. Let's see if the stress is problematic long-term.
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    The water is now 71 degrees F. My betta is swimming bits now and then instead of laying on the gravel all the time. After a bit he's going back to rest on the gravel, but every few minutes he gets a bit of a swim. I have hope he might not be too badly affected (effected?). Unfortunately i can't...
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Thank you, Fishmanic! I will definitely do that!
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Mine is upright, I never thought about putting it at an angle, I thought they had to be upright? it's one of those preset Aqueon 78F things. But yeah I do a fifty percent and that is enough to vacuum the gravel, so that would definitely work!
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Thank you so much to answer so quickly!!! I will add water of a few degrees more every hour. And you're probably right about not turning the heater off but when I do a water change the heater is not all covered by water anymore (only half of it), or if I would get less water then I couldn't...
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    HELP I forgot to turn my Betta's heater back on when I did a water change

    Yesterday I did a water change. My betta is still pretty new and I was really stupid and forgot to turn the heater back on. Now I came home to find him hovering on the bottom and looking very feeble when he moves at all. The temperature in the house and of his water is 59 F right now :( I...
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    ember tetras and peas?

    Sounds like I should not bother with it. That will make my life easier, thank you both!
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    ember tetras and peas?

    Hi, I read it's good for fish to get small amounts of pea in their diet once a week to keep them 'regular'. I have just gotten ember tetras a week ago and I tried to feed them the inside of half a pea for all of them together, but I can't get it fine enough for them to eat (they're still very...
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    Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?

    My tank is cycled so the water parameters should be ok since I will be doing regular water changes. I went to my LFS and they would see what they could arrange though they couldn't promise. I just would feel so bad getting a betta if he chews his own tail because it's heavy, and my husband would...
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    Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?

    I think I'm going to try to find a delta tail, it's much less risk of them chewing their tails and I like the look of it better than a veil tail. I hope I can find one! Moony: Sorry I'm not from India, I live in the US in Oregon. Cool that we get people here from all over the world!
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    Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?

    I'm still making up my mind, but it's good to hear people's experiences. Thank you for sharing!
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    Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?

    I actually love the look of the halfmoon and doubletail bettas, I was just worred that they'd be uncomfortable with their own tail. Hearing that they sometimes chew on their tails makes me worry they'd be uncomfortable, but I do have a floating betta log and tall plants. I am not sure yet, but...
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    Do halfmoons and doubletail bettas get tired of all that tail?

    Hi, my betta tank is cycled! It took me 5 weeks, it is just a 5.5 gallon but that was a challenge (maybe because it was just 5.5 gallons)! I had a betta before years ago but he didn't survive the stress of a long move :( Now I was wondering, I love how halfmoons and doubletail bettas look, but I...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: Thank you. The pH is slowly drifting down to 6.7 but as you explained, I'm not worried about that, and it's not going fast. So it's harmless ammonium at that level. Oh I didn't know there was no mini water lettuce but the plants look small enough, if the main ones get too big I'll remove...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    All embers present and accounted for this morning, and no ammonia left. Yay,
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: Thank you. The free floating Anacharis looks a lot greener and healthier than the pieces I planted! When I went to the aquarium store today they didn't have a lot of Frogbit but I got some mini water lettuce, not as small as duckweed but still small. It won't stick to my arms and get...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: yes I have plants in the tank, though my floating ones weren't doing so well. I had Salvinia Cucullata half of which is still alive, and I had duck weed but every time I was trying to do things in the tank it would all stick to my arms and I had less and less left. With the searches...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: I am not messing with the pH, I only added Prime and Flourish to the water. Overnight I lost another ember tetra so now I have 2 left. I drip-acclimated all six of them yesterday for 2 hours, taking out some water every half hour or so until the water was very close to that in the...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    acclimated the fishes with dripping, took a good long time, then let them into the aquarium, now three of my six ember tetra have disappeared :( I have taken out some of my decorations, can't find them. They're not at the intake of the filters, I checked there and I have foam on the intakes. Not...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: I called them and they sent me to a website I hadn't been able to find when I looked before. We've had trouble here in Salem with cyanotoxins from algae in the water and they adjusted their filtering because of it. They add powdered activated carbon and keep it suspended in the water...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    @Byron: Sorry if I misunderstood you. Yes you're right, my Kh and Gh are both 2. I guess to me going from 6.8 tap pH to a 6.0 real aquarium pH in a day feels like a crash, especially if at that point the beneficial bacteria stop processing. I did choose soft water fish so I hope that if the...
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    Cycling, lots of pH crashes, will that happen too when I get fish?

    Did the test dose yesterday, yes I'm ready for fish! Will have to be very careful with the pH though, dosing 3 ppm ammonia gave another one day crash. Going to do lots of testing of pH and Kh once I've did the large water change and gotten the fish. To be sure their ammonia amount doesn't crash...