The tank has been set up for two weeks now.
It is a planted tank with driftwood and Amazon sword, a crypt and java fern.
Yes the filter has cycled I suppose because before the ammonia was at 0.5ppm and now it's at zero. I was continously adding bacteria in a bottle. I have dimmed the lights to...
Today, my tank looked great and the fishes were not stressed. For a week now my tank has had fishes and ammonia has Neen at0 for 2 days now. My fishes are eating good and are swimming good. Now i want to add more fishes in my tank.
I have a 10 gallon with 2 guppies and 3 cardinals. I am going...
Thnx now I know that there is one neon and two cardinals left as one cardinal died as mentioned above.
As for the new fish i was only concerned that the tetras don't feel stressed because of a small school.
To control ammonia I am feeding them only once a day and only a little. And they are...
now im gonna buy a computer fan and attach it to a battery to make a chiller for my aquarium. thnx for the help and what should i do about my tetras.
should i buy more as a school of 3 is not recommended or should i let them settle in the tank.
i want to replenish my tetras to a safe number of...
how should i reduce the temperature, as the ambient temperature outside is 31 C. when i change the water i tend to add some bottled water from the fridge ( a litre or two only) to decrease the temps.
any other methods you have , plz share with me.
and any help is appreciated.
I also think that my other tetras are scared as well as they started with 5 and have come down to 3. Although the guppies seem to be be doing fine. The guppies are taking the feed, actively swimming across the tank and eating algae out of my driftwood as well.
The tank temp is 29 C and I am...
Yesterday one of my tetra died and today another died.
I have a 10 gallon tank with live plants(amazon sword, java fern and a plant that resembles cryptocotyne a littlebit) and driftwood. There are 5 pond snail's in it as well.
Two days before I got 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies for my...
Thnx for the help and I do want to keep the snails as they help control algae. They also add natural element to the tank and although they don't look as glamorous as my cardinals but they do amaze me. I have a total of five snails but I do want more.
I recently set up a tank. It has amazon sword, java fern and a plant that looks like cryptocotyne species.
But now i started seeing snail's in my tank. I didn't put them in the tank. They just appeared. First there was one but now i see five.
Since I have live plants in my tank so I am afraid...
Before water change i checked the ammonia level and they were 0.5ppm and after 60 % water change it was still 0.5ppm i dont know whats the cause for this.
I recently built a tank which is only 10 days old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
The tetra that died was not schooling with the other cardinal from the starting. It went with the school for 10- 15 mins then it would either hide behind the leaves of Amazon sword or between the driftwood and stones. I am concluding that it was already sick from the pet store as they had only...
I lost a cardinal today. I returned from my college, fed the Fish and did a 50-55%water change. For water change, I used anti chlorine to dechlorinate the water and let it stay for 15 mins then siphoned the water and replaced it.
I was shocked to see that later in the evening one of my tetras...
I used bacteria in a bottle which said that use it for 5 days for quick maturation under direction section. And i used it for 7 days.
Secondly I was actually told by my fish store that they can actually live together. I wasn't informed about the soft water and hard water requirements for the...
Thnx for the advice. I want to attach a photo but I couldn't as the forum keeps saying that the photo can't be uploaded due to security issues. Is there any other way to post a pic for u to see and analyse my tank
I recently built a tank which is only a week old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
You can use it as a substrate, however you would first need to rinse it througholy and would then need to check if causes ammonia spikes. I would recommend that you keep the soil in water for atleast 24 hrs.
Recently I discovered that there is small brown bits that have started to grow on the glass of my tank and the plants.
I have a new 10 gallon tank with real plants that include amazon sword, java fern and a plant that somewhat looks like cryptocoryne but i dont know what it is. I don't have a...
i recently discovered that there is a snail in my tank. i dont know where he came from but i didnt put him in. an he is thriving. so thus i conclude that the fungus is non you agree with me??
No the tank water seems to be a little cloudy. But that could be bacteria bloom as I am cycling the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes.
Before cycling my tank, the driftwood had fungus but the water was clear.
I am attaching a photo of the slime on my driftwood. I cleaned the wood under tap water with a new toothbrush. And again soaked it in boiling water for 3 hrs. The next day i changed 50% of the tank's water and placed the driftwood inside and it again developed that white fungus slime. It seems...
Hi @Jen2 if your betta was fine before the water change then it is just a fin tear.
Bettas when wander in the tank sometimes get collided with sharp objects that may cause fin tear. This is nothing to worry about. That fin should recover in a day or two.
But if you see that your Bettas fin are...
So what should I do to treat it or should I let it grow? Do fishes eat it or will it dissappear over time and if not then how to inhibit it's growth?
Any help is appreciated.
i have a new planted 10g tank and my driftwood is picking up a transparent layer of sluggish substance which is covering most of my driftwood and it is slimy. is it normal? if it is not normal, what should i do to treat it? help me please.
PS: its a new tank and im currently cycling it without...