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  1. BIG_AL

    Ornament Turned my Pleco's Poo Blue!! :/

    Thanks for the helpful info ppl! :thanks:
  2. BIG_AL

    Ornament Turned my Pleco's Poo Blue!! :/

    He/She? seems to be getting on perfectly fine now and I haven't placed the ornament back in again. Im not keen on using chemicals unless they are natural rather than processed. The Pleco (as shown in my avatar pic!) however has definitely been doing long and stringy poo's ever since I did...
  3. BIG_AL

    Ornament Turned my Pleco's Poo Blue!! :/

    Hi there, I've just recently encountered a minor issue which I thought I would try dropping by people here for any opinions. I recently added a new small ornament to my fairly small tropical tank. This ornament is blue coloured and a couple of days after I had placed it in my tank I spotted...
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  9. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Hi. I've just had my birthday(!!) and therefore fish treatment was temporarily put on hold. I can currently report that having added only the NDX treatment that my Red Wagtail still has got a bloated belly and unfortunately I appear to have lost one of my Neon Tetra's (my fish were chomping on...
  10. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Ok, I've now changed probably over 50% of the water having had the NDX treatment in there for what was at least 48 hours and then given the gravel/substrate a quick clean afterwards. As soon as I read your post regarding the carbon filter I immediately placed the removed filter in a jug of...
  11. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    When I said that ive added the GDEX what I really meant was ive added the NDX by the way! (Ooops)
  12. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    I realise that ive taken my time here but have finally added the eSHa GDEX treatment. I had to remove my activated carbon filter part from my water filter/pump and additionally need to leave the lights turned off in case of UV light for the treatment period of the next 24 hours now. Instructions...
  13. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Just out of interest I want to ask for opinions on the standard of food im currently feeding my fish. I've been feeding my tropical fish this particular food since I first got my fish tank way back in 2013! (pictures are shown below). Oddly I think I remember my mum saying that the staff at...
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  16. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    I only have one main fish tank in fact, although I do also have a somewhat small acrylic tank which I can use for quarantine purposes. Haven't began the treatment yet although hopefully will get to do so tomorrow.
  17. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    I'll let you know when I start the treatment. I've ordered the two eSHa products and am waiting for them to show up currently.
  18. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    I notice that you are located in Australia. I will have to check whether Praziquantel, Levamisole and Flubendazole are stocked in one of my local tropical fish/aquarium product dealer/store's here in the UK and if not guess I will want to buy one of our own UK equivalent brands.
  19. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Thanks for the advice Colin/everyone. The chemicals which I have got to treat my water are called Tap Water Conditioner (removes chlorine, chloramine and neutralises heavy metals) and Bio-Boost (beneficial bacteria which helps to reduce ammonia and nitrate). I only meant a couple of glass...
  20. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Do fish with dropsy need separating?. I mean is there a possibility of it spreading to other fish?.
  21. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    I feel that the gills are looking a little pale and have got some dark patches. The fish seems to have been in this state easily for a month, so im fairly certain that it isn't pregnant (which was what I had originally thought).
  22. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Fish Bloated Belly (Possibly Dropsy?). Any Advice Appreciated.

    Hi!, This is only my second post but judging from the title is pretty similar to my first. I have got another fish seemingly with a health issue and so am posting here to ask for advice (as I did previously). Unfortunately on the previous occasion my poorly fish turned out to have a tumour...
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  28. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Platy Fish Health Condition (Dropsy?/Tumour?). Need Help!.

    Yipes!. If that's the only way. Thanks.
  29. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Platy Fish Health Condition (Dropsy?/Tumour?). Need Help!.

    Hi Colin. I first noticed it was in this condition about a month ago now (around or about?). It definitely didn't look particularly nice when I first noticed it (probably half the size), but it does certainly appear to have grown over the subsequent weeks quite a bit. Do you think I should be...
  30. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Platy Fish Health Condition (Dropsy?/Tumour?). Need Help!.

    I totally agree :/. Thanks a lot for the link/info!. Guess had better isolate the chap separately (although am not really certain I can make that a long term solution??).
  31. BIG_AL

    Red Wagtail Platy Fish Health Condition (Dropsy?/Tumour?). Need Help!.

    Hi there, Im new to this forum and this is my first post here (although I have owned tropical fish since early 2013). I currently have a health issue with one particular fish and thought that I would try posting here to see if anybody can offer any potential solutions/possible sensible courses...
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