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  1. Alyssasunshine9

    Does anyone know what kind of tetras this is

    Yes! It’s a lamp eye tetra! I have a few as well :)
  2. Alyssasunshine9

    What type of pleco is this?

    Hey guys! My LFS sold me this pleco saying it was a juvenile Bristlenose, but after further inspection at home I’m not so sure. Any suggestions as to what it might be? Candy stripe or clown pleco are my top two ddx so far! Thanks!!
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  4. Alyssasunshine9

    Sexing my blood parrot cichlids

    Hello! I have had my two blood parrot cichlids for almost 6 years and they are roughly 10 and 12 inches. I am wondering if anyone can confirm my guess as to their sex! First picture is what I believe to be a male with an almost flowerhorn like forehead bump that’s become more pronounced- larger...
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  7. Alyssasunshine9

    My Fishies!!

    That’s a good idea! I was going to try and make a plastic partition to stop it from mixing but I ended up just putting it in because I wanted my eel to feel at home ASAP. It had been completely fine for a few weeks, no mixing, until my blood parrots decided to dig a hole and spray gravel into...
  8. Alyssasunshine9

    My Fishies!!

    That’s true, it seems like a lot because when I got the eel I added sand in the right corner for him to burrow so he doesn’t hurt himself on the gravel and I just pushed it over to the rest of the tank which really built the gravel level up. Maybe when I do a water change tomorrow I’ll remove...
  9. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Do you have a product recommendation that you believe is superior to API stress coat for treating your water during water changes? I have used for 10+ years with majority good results but am open to new suggestions. I agree, one should never exceed recommended doses. It states in the directions...
  10. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    If you read up on this thread there’s some good advice regarding doing a 75% water change and cleaning the filter. You can also add an extra dose of API stress coat to promote fin regrowth. Make sure your water parameters are good and keep your fish well fed so whoever is fin nipping won’t want...
  11. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Totally misspelled it!! vallisneria plant* I forgot to ask about duckweed I’ll ask when I get there this afternoon. HAHA screw the government I just want happy fishies! I saw water lettuce when I was researching plants it’s so pretty! I wonder if it’s CA approved -_-
  12. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Woke up this morning with the tank crystal clear again. Called the pond store and he said that water sprite is not allowed in California. He recommended valceneriys plant. It isn’t a floating plant, so will it still help control my nitrates?
  13. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Also looking into buying some water sprite for my tank but it’s been pretty hard to find sellers! Going to a pond store in the am that has a lot of plants and hoping they have some. Thanks again for all the info! I’m just stressed because I have never done this many water changes in such a short...
  14. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Today I did about 40% water change and immediately after the tank was crystal clear (it was clear even before doing the change) but now about 5 hours later my tank is cloudy white. My fish do not appear distressed at all but why would it turn so cloudy when it is so clean? There is no excess...
  15. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Thank you so much for the info Colin I really appreciate it. I checked my tap water for nitrates and there were none. I cleaned the filter, recharged the nitrozorb, and did a big water change with gravel cleaning and wiped the glass down! (I’ve been doing 25% water changes 2x a week since this...
  16. Alyssasunshine9

    My Fishies!!

    Here is a picture of my whole tank, and some close ups of my peacock eel named Pocky and my senegal (dinosaur) bichir named Chimara!
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  20. Alyssasunshine9

    I love my animals!

    I love my animals!
  21. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Thanks for answering! I feed them once a day sometimes twice if they are swimming a lot and look hungry. The tetra did eat frozen blood worms for the first time about 2 weeks before it died, but the flying fox never ate the blood worms and he died first. I always spot clean any excess food that...
  22. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Tank is 125 gallons established for 9 years. Had the blood parrots for 5 and recently added the tetras a month ago to help eat leftover food. Peacock most recent addition 2 weeks ago.
  23. Alyssasunshine9

    Help with diagnosing

    Hello, I am new to this forum but need some help. I had a Siamese flying fox that died on Saturday morning and a lamp eye tetra that died tonight. I need help figuring out what killed them so I can prevent it from killing others. Tank includes 2 large blood parrots, 5 buenos Aires tetras, 4 lamp...