Search results

  1. Ozzie Boss

    Should I Be Worried About My Tanks Silicone?

    Good day everyone, so I’ve had this used 50 gallon for 5 years now and it just occurred to me that the silicon seals at the front of the tank are thinning out compared to the back side. Should I be concerned? It’s heavily planted and I wouldn’t want to tear the whole thing down, but I’d much...
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  5. Ozzie Boss

    Albino Cories dying rapidly

    Oh I didn’t know that bare bottom would be bad for the cories. I usually keep it that way so it’s easier to clean the QT. Could this be a factor in their deaths? I bought some sand for them should be here by tomorrow.
  6. Ozzie Boss

    Albino Cories dying rapidly

    Yeah they haven’t had anything besides the paracleanse a week ago. I’m just keeping a close eye and hope the other ones are fine.
  7. Ozzie Boss

    Albino Cories dying rapidly

    After I used the paracleanse, but I wouldn’t see how this could have killed them I’m no expert, but I’ve been told this has been tested a lot with cories. The ingredients are: 250 mg of metronidazole and 75 mg of praziquantel in every packet that treats 10 gallons. I mainly use it for treating...
  8. Ozzie Boss

    Ideal range of Nitrates in a Planted Tank?

    I was wondering, is there an ideal range to have nitrates in a planted tank? I usually have around 20-30 ppm of Nitrates at the end of a week. Is this too much? Should I aim for a bit under 20? Perhaps using less ferts? It might also depend on the plants themselves. ~~~~ Plants: Val Crypts...
  9. Ozzie Boss

    Albino Cories dying rapidly

    Howdy, I recently bought some albino cories from petco (Big mistake -.-) and they are dying in my QT. I can’t seem to find a reason why. No white spots, no sunken bellies, nothing wrong on the outside, and water parameters are fine. I finished my first round of paracleanse this week to start...
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  16. Ozzie Boss

    Otocinclus death

    Howdy! Sorry that your little buddy died. Are these otos relatively new? In my experience, otos are very frail when you first add them into a new environment. However, once settled do great as long as there is enough food for them. When you first got them did you deworm them? Most fish carry...
  17. Ozzie Boss

    URGENT Rainbowfish stuck under driftwood!

    Yeah the poor guy was stuck under the wood for at least an hour. My main concern is his swim bladder. I was hoping clean water and salt would help it to recover if possible. ~~~~~~~~ Those are SAE, I am aware that the Chinese algae eaters are large and very rambunctious. These guys just keep to...
  18. Ozzie Boss

    URGENT Rainbowfish stuck under driftwood!

    Here is the video of him swimming.
  19. Ozzie Boss

    URGENT Rainbowfish stuck under driftwood!

    I’ll skip the hellos and get straight to the point. I noticed one of my rainbows missing, so I turned up the tank and found him stuck under the driftwood. Some of his scales are messing and he is swimming irregularly. My first instinct was water change immediately and dose salt in the tank. What...
  20. Ozzie Boss

    Replacing Substrate on Established Aquarium

    As the title suggests, I want to replace my old sand bed with fluval stratum. The thing is, my tank has been established for 2 years. How does one change the substrate without messing with the fish and beneficial bacteria? Should I put the fish in a bucket when changing the substrate? Thanks for...
  21. Ozzie Boss

    Pictus Catfish Venomous Spines

    Howdy, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the forums! As the title implies I was curious about the venomous spines on pictus. Since most of my cories have passed, I was curious in trying a new catfish. I was drawn into the pictus due to their appearance and activity level. The question I have...
  22. Ozzie Boss

    Blackbeard algae in main tank! Need help.

    Hello it’s been a while. I have been fighting a algae problem and with my plants in general. Based on the photos I think I have early Blackbeard or hair algae and green spot algae on my plants. The plants themselves also aren’t in good condition either. The bacopa has holes in certain leaves I...
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  28. Ozzie Boss

    Ick on Corys

    Yeah I wish I knew this when I bought them. After asking for your advice about the salt my rainbows stopped dying on me. I'll make that custom when I do get more.
  29. Ozzie Boss

    Ick on Corys

    I set the heater for the highest setting which is 88 degrees, but my thermometer reads 83 degrees. The heater shuts off at 83. The heater must be underpowered for the tank. Also one of my bigger corys looks like it has a bit of trouble balancing itself when it is resting on the sand. Nothing...
  30. Ozzie Boss

    Ick on Corys

    Hello it has been a while since I had posted which is a good thing because most of my posts are about fish illness questions. Anyway I noticed that my corys have ick. They have salt like particles on their body but mostly their fins. These corys are in my main display which has plants and...
  31. Ozzie Boss

    Another dead Millennium feeling discouraged

    Okay will do. Hopefully I can save this one. He may be too far gone.
  32. Ozzie Boss

    Another dead Millennium feeling discouraged

    I have but not as much. I only have a little bit left so I will be running to the store today. Water perimeters Ammonia 0.25ppm (Again take this with a grain of salt. I have had this always read 0.25 and never 0 even in my cycled 50 planted tank) Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 0ppm PH: 7.6 Gh: 180ppm...
  33. Ozzie Boss

    Another dead Millennium feeling discouraged

    I’m sorry for posting again but I am having trouble keeping these rainbows alive. The first one most likely died to jumping but the second male didn’t. He lost a lot of his color and looked sickly. He was shimmying in place and was breathing rapidly he separated himself from the others. I knew...
  34. Ozzie Boss

    Dead Millennium Rainbow..:

    Damn that sucks that he killed himself like that. I’m going to take the fake plants off the perch thingy, and float them and see if that helps. Is there anything wrong with the others? I get paranoid when I lose a fish and want to make sure he didn’t die to a disease that the other fish have.
  35. Ozzie Boss

    Good Brand of food for Rainbows?

    Lol. I understand why you put that disclaimer no worries . I just bought omega one’s flakes. I have heard good things about omega one. I currently use their cichlid pellets for my Acara. He goes crazy for them. Thanks.
  36. Ozzie Boss

    Dead Millennium Rainbow..:

    I just posted yesterday about having troubles with my rainbows not eating. Now I wake up to see one of the males upside down dead. Now around 9:00 at night yesterday I heard one of the rainbows jump from the tank; the same male that died today. I didn’t see him jump, but I heard him hit the top...
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