Search results

  1. V

    Apistogramma Borelli

    Thanks, I've already seen all of those lol If I were to order, I would probably order from Aquatic Arts who sell pairs. Or a male with 3 females. They need temps like the blue ramirezi?
  2. V

    Apistogramma Borelli

    Does anyone own these? I'm looking into possibly getting a pair for my 29g. Any info you have about them or pictures would be appreciated :)
  3. V

    Graumi help

    Do you mean gourami? Do you have pictures?
  4. V

    How do you sex albino bristlenose plecos?

    Males will also generally have a large red patch on their heads
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    Four Panda Cories Dead

    I think he just meant that with them all being packed in the same bag, they likely ran into each other a lot. Not that they are aggressive... Why paraguard? I don't really know what that is lol
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    Four Panda Cories Dead

    The bruising wasn't there before this morning. All of the other pandas in the tank don't look like that. The two that I had taken pictures of in the tank are the ones that have passed. They were packed like you had suggested, though they had them all in the same bag. It was a bit bigger than...
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    Four Panda Cories Dead

    Alright, please bear with me as this is long and a lot of info. So I ordered 9 panda cories from Aquatic Arts and they (actually received 10) arrived on Friday. Upon arrival, two were dead (or so I thought) but when I went to net them, the second started to move so in to the tank he went (I did...
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    Okay, so in my tank my pH was sitting at 7.8 when I first started it. I have no idea how but now my tap water is staying consistently at 6.4. So obviously I'm going to have to start raising my pH. Currently my tank is at 7.0, but with more water changes it's going to go down. So in your opinion...
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    Panda Cories in a 29g

    I'm not planning on trying to breed. I did just purchase 9 cories from Aquatic Arts. They had it as a 6 or 9 pack
  10. V

    Panda Cories in a 29g

    Thanks! I was looking into possibly adding apisto borelli as well, thoughts?
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    Panda Cories in a 29g

    I know they have to be in a group, just everywhere has been sold out and I had two die from columnaris. Even when I got those 3, they were the only ones I could get within 2 hours of me and AquaticArts has been sold out until recently. I think I'm going to go for the 12 pack as DoubleDutch...
  12. V

    Panda Cories in a 29g

    Sweet and simple: 29g currently has 22-25 ember tetras, 1 panda cory, 1 mystery snail, 2 nerites Here's my question/dilemma: Aquatic Arts has 3 packs of panda cories in stock for $7.59 or a 12 pack for $24.95. So do I get 3 three packs or the 12 pack? Can I even fit 13 cories in here?
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    Do you have any other suggestions for killis?
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    I've never even heard of those killifish lol. What about Clown killies? I've looked into the honey gouramis, they're nearly impossible to find. I don't like the licorice. I didn't think the sparkling would work, are they more top dwelling? It's very hard to find fish near me. So anything I...
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    I personally think hatchetfish are hideous lol. But anyway, okay. I'm about ready to just throw this stupid tank out the window
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    So I'm thinking about possibly adding some male guppies to my 29g. Currently it sits at 74F, about 6.8-7 pH, KH 3-4, GH 7-8. All I have is 22-25 ember tetras who stay in the middle/lower area, 1 panda cory (getting 7-9 more once I find them), a mystery snail and two nerites. So my 1st question...
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    I followed them!
  18. V

    Epsom salt protocol?

  19. V

    Hey Y'all

    Yeah, I mean you really can't let someone be on there when they're breaking laws lol. And he just suspended her until she turns 13, then her profile will be activated again
  20. V

    Garlic Guard or garlic extract?

    Hey Jim, if it was me I would just get a head of garlic and mince up a clove to get some juices. That seems like the most natural and cheap way to go. Though I haven't done it for fish so maybe someone else has more insight. @SeaAngel @SeaGypsy13 have used garlic before I think
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    Hey Midna! I love your pictures
  22. V

    Platies are dying I am confused need help

    When you let the filter run for a week did you introduce any type of ammonia (fish food, pure ammonia, etc) to the tank?
  23. V

    Fp. Gardneri Eggs

    Hey DT, I don't know but I believe Rachel O'leary has some videos on killifish hatching on her youtube channel.
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    Cruise Lines

    Has anyone been on a cruise? Or been to some of these islands? What's your favorite cruise line? So far I've been on Disney, Norwegian and this summer we are doing Royal Caribbean. The ships were Disney Dream to the Bahamas (twice), Norwegian Sun to Cuba and we're doing Freedom of the Seas for...
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    Hey Y'all

    He started a thread asking how old people were, one person said they were 11 which breaks the actual law lol. So Mike suspended them until they turn 13
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    My name is exactly the same as it is on FL lol. I don’t think you did anything wrong so no need to hide but I understand wanting to
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    Old fishlore members!

    Lol I stalked it until I found Sarah Give me the info & I’ll copy and paste it on there hahaha
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    Old fishlore members!

    Yeah the name sounds familiar to me. Profile pics are almost always what I associate with though
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    Old fishlore members!

    Maybe we should be the mods
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    Old fishlore members!

    Sorry I didn’t recognize you!
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    Old fishlore members!

    Are you from FL?
  32. V

    Old fishlore members!

    Ohhh I remember clicking on them and not seeing them have been on for a year or so. All of the ones that are mods right now have at least been seen since October 14th
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    Old fishlore members!

    I don’t think they really left. I think they just weren’t super active
  34. V

    Old fishlore members!

    His name was exactly what it is. He has a big betta sorority with males!
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    Old fishlore members!

    I didn’t leave FL. I’m still on there but since Gypsy, Goldiemom & Sarah are here I have to be here too lol
  36. V

    Hello there

    As long as you stuck them in something and there wasn't a liquid you probably would've gotten away with it lol
  37. V

    Hello there

    You should've asked for some while you were in the states!
  38. V

    Another new member!

  39. V

    Introducing All My Fishies

    Hey SeaAngel! I especially love your first two male bettas, they are stunning! And I also love your sorority as well. The pond looks great, I am slightly (very) jealous
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    Any other Imbellis keepers??

    Maybe in the future if you sell your babies;)