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    Algae out of control!

    A quick update... The Seachem Flourish Excel that I ordered arrived today, however they sent me the Flourish comprehensive by mistake, or maybe I ordered the wrong one by mistake. Anyway, I have dosed 1ml of this stuff. If a lack of nutrients is causing the algae, then hopefully this will help...
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    Algae out of control!

    The light is a AquarienEco 24W 2730 lumes LED light with 6 red, 4 green, 23 blue & 45 white LED's. I've adjusted the timer for 6 hours of light. I have an AllPondSolutions 1000EF filter which provides decent flow. Intake is at the bottom on the opposite end of the tank to where the water comes...
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    Algae out of control!

    I have a serious algae issue that is getting worse and worse every day. My tank is only a few months old, heavily planted and fully cycled. I first noticed this algae a few weeks after the tank was set up, it was growing on the leaves of one of my plants, an Anubias (Think it is Anubias Barteri...
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    Recommend some fish

    The Silver Flying Fox has been rehomed in a family members tank. I visited my LFS again today and picked up another 4 Corydoras, I have a total of 8 now. While I was at my LFS I mentioned KH & GH and was told they are only important for salt water tanks. I know this is not true (I know, go to...
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    Recommend some fish

    Thanks for the advice Byron, it is such a shame that those that sell the fish are not as knowledgeable about their needs, I cannot blame the store though, they give good advice most of the time and said almost the exact same as you about the Serpae Tetra before recommending the slightly cheaper...
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    Recommend some fish

    Thanks for the info, I have already been to my LFS today before seeing your post and chose some fish. I decided against a Bristlenose,they can be a bit messy and spend most of the time hiding anyway. I got 4 Corydoras Julii (Leopard Corys), what would you recommend as the maximum number of...
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    Bolivian Ram Sexing

    I bought 2 Bolivian Ram today, I asked for a male and a female. The guy at the LFS said he was sure they were all males. Then he spotted one that he thought could potentially be a female, but he was not 100% sure. I decided to take the potential female, along with a male. Here is the male...
  9. Bolivian Ram - Possible Female.jpg

    Bolivian Ram - Possible Female.jpg

  10. Bolivian Ram - Male.jpg

    Bolivian Ram - Male.jpg

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    Recommend some fish

    I have an 80 litre tank, its 2 foot long, 1 foot deep and 18 inches tall. My PH is at a stable 7.4 - 7,6. The tank is heavily planted with a thick layer of fluorite gravel and sand on top. I have a filter that is good for up to 400 litres (1000 l/h), so I should be okay to have it a little...
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    Sick or injured Cory Cat?

    I am aware that they prefer sand over gravel. They are in that tank temporarily for quarantine, once they're all looking healthy and if there are no signs of disease, they will be moved into the tank they were bought for which has sand.
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    Sick or injured Cory Cat?

    Yeah, I knew that it was normal behaviour for them to shoot up to the surface now and then. I've just been feeding them on the small catfish pellets, about 1mm diameter, however they swell up when they get wet to around 3mm. I've been putting in 2 pellets per fish per day, takes them about 10...
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    Sick or injured Cory Cat?

    I got 4 Panda Corydoras for my sister yesterday, 3 of them are around an inch long, very nice fish. I love watching them huddle together, then explore the tank together and occasionally shoot up to the surface and straight back down to the bottom. They look like they're having so much fun. They...
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