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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Ash Paws

    Syd gets a new home!

    Syd is adorable :) he looks so happy, I am so glad he made it! :D
  2. Ash Paws

    Cleaning Rocks for Aquarium Use

    I'm looking for a nice natural look for my ten gallon, so I'm going to get some more live plants soon, but I also wanted to add some larger rocks from outside, how should I clean/disinfect them for the aquarium? Thanks :)
  3. Ash Paws

    Getting Rid of Brown Algae

    More brown algae just decided to grow in my 10 gallon. I think it is mostly from all the light that's on it, so I kind of lowered the light amount but that didn't work. I tried using the algae scraper and that didn't help much either. Seriously, this is the literal holy grail of hacks to get...
  4. Ash Paws

    Overfed Betta

    Try frozen daphnia. It works the same way a pea does for their digestive system and he may find it more appealing.
  5. Ash Paws

    I love this game too. I probably haven't beaten you yet.
  6. Ash Paws


    Congrats! Yes please post pics :)
  7. Ash Paws

    Bettas are the smartest aquarium fish ever!

    Topaz, my new male Delta tail betta already has an awesome personality. He''s pretty friendly so far and his 5.5 gallon tank is on my nightstand, and last night he was resting by his betta log to the side of the tank closest to where my bed is. I put a small mystery snail in there one time and...
  8. Ash Paws

    Light Cycle

    That looks really nice. I think I might get some duckweed or some more live plants for my betta's tank because the light is really bright.
  9. Ash Paws

    Light Cycle

    Bettas normally need only 8-12 hours of light, but if you keep the light on too long that could cause algae.
  10. Ash Paws

    Antibiotic treatment for fin rot

    Driftwood would be a good thing to use since it does lower the pH safely. Make sure since you have a betta to sand down any sharp edges on the wood, their fins could get caught on it.
  11. Ash Paws

    Sick Black Moor

    It really sounds like swim bladder disorder to me. You should raise the temperature in the water because colder water can slow down the digestive process. Also peas do help really well :D That's great that he ate! As long as he is still eating there is hope! I don't think you will have to...
  12. Ash Paws

    Antibiotic treatment for fin rot

    The beneficial bacteria will stay in the filter and gravel. A helpful thing to get is a beneficial bacteria supplement, or to be more exact something like Tetra Safe Start. This creates beneficial bacteria colonies and I always use it after routine water changes.
  13. Ash Paws

    Antibiotic treatment for fin rot

    You can also use aquarium salt, 1 tsp per gallon. Always pre-mix the salt with aquarium water before adding it in. Lower the temp of the water to about 75° F because this will slow down the bacterial growth. Do a 75-90% water change once a day, and add the same amount of salt back in. Do NOT do...
  14. Ash Paws

    Uh oh. A snail.

    Turns out this little guy has actually grown into a nice little mystery snail! The pet store where I got the plant from had just mystery snails in the plant tank so I'm not surprised I got a little one!
  15. Ash Paws

    Overfed Betta

    Peas are used for the same thing but daphnia would work too.
  16. Ash Paws

    Decorating For The Holidays

    No, nobody can. Those are the cutest tanks ever. I'm gonna need to get some holiday ornaments!
  17. Ash Paws

    New Betta

    Thats the exact name my dad recommended! What a coincidence :)
  18. Ash Paws

    New Betta

    Thats also a great name idea but I just decided to name him Topaz. He is still a pretty small betta fish and I hope I have him for a while!
  19. Ash Paws

    Overfed Betta

    He may get constipated so after fasting you can give him a de-shelled blanched pea, just a little piece about the size of his eye or smaller. The next day you should try to cut back the pellet amount. I give my betta about 2 pellets daily.
  20. Ash Paws

    New Betta

    This is the new betta fish I just got yesterday. He is a delta tail, and so beautiful too! He is really active and swims around a lot. Still haven't named him, I had a few ideas for names but if you guys have any name ideas too that would be great!
  21. upload_2018-11-16_9-25-54.png


  22. Ash Paws


    Welcome to the forum :D
  23. Ash Paws

    Fancy guppy and wild guppy behaviour towards fry

    You should separate the fry into different tanks. This sounds really sad but, the parents will eat them. Livebearers do that kind of stuff. Also in the new tank make sure the filter intake is covered with a material that will stop the guppy fry from getting sucked up into the filter, that...
  24. Ash Paws

    African Clawed frogs

    To stop them from getting sucked in you can take a piece of screen or netting, wrap it around the filter intake and secure with a rubber band :)
  25. Ash Paws

    Were is my cycle ??

    Sorry, I meant so the water change doesn't wipe out the bacteria colonies. My wording got kind of messed up there,
  26. Ash Paws

    My Betta Miles doing his thing

    Miles looks so happy and healthy. It's obvious you take great care of your fish.
  27. Ash Paws

    Were is my cycle ??

    Tetra safe start is a beneficial bacteria supplement so, yes, you can and should use it after water changes. I always add bacteria supplements after water changes so it doesn't wipe out the beneficial bacteria colonies.
  28. Ash Paws

    How to clean items before adding to tank?

    And just a tip - if you need to disinfect anything in the tank/pond such as ornaments you can use a diluted vinegar solution and rinse off thoroughly :)
  29. Ash Paws

    My Betta Miles doing his thing

    Aww he's so cute :) such a pretty tank too!
  30. Ash Paws

    What Other Pets Do You Guys Have?

    None of the other pictures will work :(
  31. Ash Paws

    What Other Pets Do You Guys Have?

    Welp, one photo showed up!
  32. Ash Paws

    What Other Pets Do You Guys Have?

    I don't know why the pictures aren't showing up :(
  33. Ash Paws

    What Other Pets Do You Guys Have?

    What other pets do you guys have besides fish? I have 17 pets in all, but only 10 non-fish ones. These are my female guinea pigs: from left to right, Pixie, Gigi, Carrots, Olive And these are my boys :) Milo Basil These were pictures from their old setups and the boys live together now...
  34. upload_2018-11-4_12-48-49.png


  35. Ash Paws

    ID Plant Please

    Nevermind just realized I know nothing about plants and that can't be sagittaria, lol
  36. Ash Paws

    ID Plant Please

    Kind of also looks like Sagittaria.
  37. Ash Paws

    High ammonia... can't get rid of it .. someone please help

    So I know you use the API test kit and I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but the API test kits are known for showing .25 ppm ammonia in a tank that has 0. The test has a hard time distinguishing ammonia and amoonium.
  38. Ash Paws

    Rescued a sick Betta

    Lol, my old betta Titus (in my profile picture) loved freeze dried bloodworms but he never really ate them. I mean, he eventually swallowed them but for a minute or two the bloodworm would just be sticking out of his mouth and he would just swim around with it!
  39. Ash Paws


    I don't but it is a really good idea to use some. Great for the plants. I am probably going to get some soon though.