Hey all! My post yesterday was me trying to find a place to purchase a female dwarf gourami to go with my male. I could not find any locally-or so I thought. My school is far away and along the hour drive there is a petco. I went on my way back and the guy there said he had what he thought was a...
Hello everyone! I'm fairy new here and set up my tank recently. I've got a good filter, tank temp, tank and water parameters and I have one powder blue dwarf gourami. I'm looking to buy a red flame female gourami or really any female dwarf gourami for that matter. I've checked the usual places...
Ok so I have a 5.5 gal tank with one dwarf gourami and 2 (now 1 glofish). I came up to feed them and I can’t find one of the glofish. I finally left up a log ornament I have and bang he floats up dead. Rip glofish. I know gouramis can be aggressive but there was no sign of harm on the dead fish...
I know this is late, but I just joined. I don't know much, but I'd say go to Walmart and buy one of the portable aerators for live bait (like $7) and put the better with the aerator in a 5 gallon bucket with some dechlorinated water. Feed him like normal and watch him carefully. I hope he's ok!
Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...