Search results

  1. BioBaby

    How to Clean Tank After Death / Bacterial Infection?

    I had a 5.5 gallon betta tank. It had a bit of algae but I read online that that was fine so I left it alone unless it got to be affecting the water quality. Yesterday I came home from school, then work, then PetSmart after 13 hours without seeing my betta (with a brand new 10 gallon for him :(...
  2. BioBaby

    What are your favourite aquascaping trends / themes ?

    I just bought a 10 gallon tank (PetSmart is having a sale!!) and I want to aquascape it, but I've never really aquascaped beyond gravel and some decorations. I'm looking for ideas on what to do with it. I don't have a plan for any specific fish yet, but I want a community tank of maybe three or...
  3. BioBaby

    New Member, Hi!

    Hi I'm BioBaby. I joined today because I started my first tank in a year (5 gallon with just a betta in it, his name is Poseidon!) and I used to be on a lot of forums but aren't anymore. I'm starting up a youtube channel where I'll talk about biology, I have a few videos already but none have...
  4. BioBaby

    Tank size help please?!

    You wouldn't actually be putting them in an 18/6/36 gal tank, you'd be putting them all in a 65 gallon together. The stocking rule isn't for fish individually, it's for community tanks like this one. That's why I say you should use that rule, and I've never had issues with it, but you do you.
  5. BioBaby

    Tank size help please?!

    You need about 1.5 gallons per inch of fish, so assuming you own the same species I once did: 3 inches * 4 angelfish = 18 gallons 2 inches * 2 dwarf gourami = 6 gallons 24 inches * 1 pleco = 36 gallons 18 + 6 + 36 = 60 gallons You'll want an extra few gallons to make room for decorations...