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  1. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

    I already did! It’s under “Bettas”
  2. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

    Sorry my responses in blue, idk how to use this quote thing
  3. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

  4. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

    Yes, i inclreased it to 30! It was 25 before and they didn’t reproduce. At 30, i have so many babies i dont know what to do with them...i feel really bad when i think of feeding my betta with them. Where do i buy indian almond leaves?
  5. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

    My shrimps started to reproduce like crazy when I increased tank’s temperature. Just a tip
  6. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp tank

    Hi! Get red cherry shrimps! They are very hardy. Once i had an emergency- tank was broken and i had to put them in tap water. Every single one survived! They even had babies afterwards!
  7. Lyuba_buk

    Is it finrot? Or what?

    I plan to keep him in a separate container until he is healthy. Is it ok? Thank you very much,
  8. Lyuba_buk

    Is it finrot? Or what?

    Hello everyone Please help identify the problem! Boris lives in 10 gallon tank. He shares his tank with some red cherry shrimps (they have a border betwee them). A month ago, I noticed that Boris’s upper fin looked weird, googled it and guessed it must have been finrot because I didn’t clean...
  9. 6BB1493C-4E35-4BCE-9CCB-2FAAB983D04F.jpeg


  10. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

    Wow is it your tank? So many plants, very nice. Also, why don’t your bettas kill each other? Try feeding them some canned peaches, Boris goes crazy for peaches. Well, like almost for everything else he eats - pellets and dry worms. I think my duckweed was mostly sucked in the filter. I will try...
  11. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

    Hi!! I have a baby betta Boris, and i was told that babies should be fed twice a day. Boris always acts like he is very hungry. He eats everything i give him, and never leaves leftovers... i tried to take another pic, but my snail is hiding somewhere. Look at this one, once again please I...
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  13. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

    Nick, hi! I have been sick for a several days , and i just fed my shrimps and my betta and didn’t do anything else with my tank. I haven’t made the construction you showed above. Today I noticed that the amount of duckweed decreased . It almost disappeared actually. Was it all sucked in my...
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  15. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

  16. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

    Awesome!! Does it need lots of light? It looks nice to me, too! Thanks for identifying! I also have a regular filter, which hangs on the side of my tank... should i also make this construction to avoid cloggs? I was thinking these flowers will just go through it...
  17. Lyuba_buk

    Floating plants

    Hello! I recently bought several shrimps and got some interesting flowers (?) with it. I wonder what is is and what i should do to encourage its growth. I put it in my tank. The pic is attached.
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  19. Lyuba_buk

    Shrimp in a Betta tank...?

    Hi! My shrimps live fine with betta. Start with ghost ones, they are cheap and often ised as fish food, so if your betta eats them - well, that’s the life :) You will love keeping shrimps, they are so fun to watch!
  20. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    I feed my betta twice a day now (it’s a baby), shrimps seem to be ok. Red cherry shrimps are always hiding, but i hope they are making babies ☺️ Ps. It was very fun to watch how a ghost shrimp ate a piece of dried bloodworm and i could see it in its body!
  21. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    Thanks!!! I watched them this morning, and cherry ones came out from moss looking for food. They seem to be ok with ghost shrimps. Betta is not interested in shrimps in my opinion, but it is very hungry all the time and i have to feed it often so it won’t bother my shrimps.
  22. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    Hi again. For some reason, I thought that cherry shrimps are bigger. Mine are bright ,but tiny. Are they maybe kids? I don’t know. Betta is actually was dealing pretty well with ghost shtimps for a week. Or is it going to react differently to cherry shrimps? So far, my cherry shrimps have...
  23. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    Hi! How do I differentiate between two types then? Thanks!
  24. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    Hi ! Thanks for the response! Pic is attached, it’s in the right low corner (i did my best, but they are transparent, it’s hard to take a good pic of them).
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  26. Lyuba_buk

    Ghost shrimps and red shrimps (?)

    hi! I sm looking for some piece of advice. I recently cycled my 10 gallon tank, got one baby betta and three ghost shrimps, one of which died already. I loved shrimps a lot, and bought two more red ones (they didn’t tell me the type, but they are red and smaller than ghost ones). Then i read...
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  28. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    I will check them out!!!
  29. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    Thanks a lot! (I just remembered that i had 7 or 8 guppies in a 2 or 3 gallon bowl back in old days, it must have been a torture for poor fishes!)
  30. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    Even if I get a couple guppies?
  31. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    Hi! Thanks for your response! Well, i can get a divider for my tank then to keep other fishes safe. But i will definitely start with only one betta to see how it goes. I am hoping if i get one snail, it wont start multiplying (i had this problem in the past). I will look into types you posted...
  32. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    hi! i am Lyuba and i am new to fishkeeping. Well, several years ago I had tiny tank with betta fish, which survived a lot (never did any cycling or dechlorinated water). Currently cycling my new 10 gallon tank with One & Only. I would like to have one betta and a couple smaller fishes (looking...