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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    1. 30% once every 10 days. 2. I do the dosing on the bottle which is 1 ml per 5 gallons thats once a week usually. 3. Tank is well cycled so ammonia nitrite stay at 0 and nitrate is probably around 25-30 before the water change usually. PH is 7.5 and I do not have the ability to check KH and GH...
  2. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    Do you think though that for me injecting CO2 could be the difference maker? I’ve never actually done it before and I’m losing hope that’s why I’m asking this lol.
  3. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    I used to have a powerhead on there but the current was way too much for these fish and plus I was under the impression you shouldn't break the surface too much cause you lose Co2. I can try it but to me it seems counterproductive due to the reason I just mentioned about the C02. I have my...
  4. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    I'm using the one for low tech tanks which is Thrive C. I understand but it feels like the swords have been frozen in growth for years, the leaves are generating but nothing grows vertically. Here are all the stats of the light...
  5. CarloM12

    Don’t understand my tank….

    Hello everyone, I’ve had my 75 gallon planted tank for over 2 years now, and it feels like nothing really grows or does anything and I’m not sure why. There’s a fluval spectrum LED light meant for plants on about 10 hours a day, using NA Thrive once a week as a complete fertilizer which is...
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  9. CarloM12

    Any idea what these black spots are on my anubias?

    Did that but I’m not sure it’s it. I tried taking it off it’s very difficult almost like it’s part of the leaf now. What else would you do it’s really only on these leaves most visible to the light. Light is on 8 hours during the daytime the rest is sunset and sunrise. I also can’t really get my...
  10. CarloM12

    Any idea what these black spots are on my anubias?

    Do you know how I can get rid of it it seems to be on the leaves closest to the light.
  11. CarloM12

    Any idea what these black spots are on my anubias?

    I got nerites and ottos in there I’m kind of shocked.
  12. CarloM12

    Any idea what these black spots are on my anubias?

    Hello I have been seeing these black specs on my anubias leaves a lot lately. I have a 75 gallon tank with a fluval plant led light. NA Thrive about once a week with an eco complete substrate. It looks like algae but I don’t think it is
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  14. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Yeah, I use root tabs. The plants that won't grow however are the swords, not the anubias. What do you think is wrong with the anubias if it isn't exactly the right green color and has holes in it? I switched to the Thrive C fertilizer as of today, and fixed the lights, I cannot think of...
  15. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Yeah, I like what you got there. So based on the pictures above what do you think is wrong with the anubias that is discolored? Also if you see the video I have two swords that won't grow tall, any ideas on that?
  16. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Ok any other suggestions to get?
  17. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Also, what do you guys think of an order I am going to make for new plants from I really wanna fill the whole back of the tank and I think these can do that.
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  19. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Ok got it. I don't know if you saw the video but what do you think of the two amazon sword plants I have in there that are short but have a lot of leaves? How can I get them to grow upwards?
  20. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Yeah, the one I'm getting is actually called Thrive C, which has fewer nitrates. I will try to replicate that as best as possible, but do you really think that is the root of all the problems? Do you take off leaves like the ones you see in the pictures or try to leave them on and fix them?
  21. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    Ok, I appreciate your time to write all that and help me out, as I've been having a few issues lately with this tank. First of all, I have a ton of nerite snails and ottocinclus catfish, algae isn't an issue for me. I also don't do any Co2 injections, I want a basic setup but if I absolutely...
  22. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    I’ve recently changed to that
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  24. CarloM12

    What’s going on with the Anubias?

    I’ve had two Anubias plants for a while, they both are beginning to lose color in their leaves and develop holes. I can’t tell if anything is wrong or if they are getting too much light. I do Seachem fertilizer, iron and root tabs. Light is a fluval LED 3.0 plant spectrum light on about 10 hours...
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  27. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    On a side note, anyone have an idea why this anubias is kind of discolored with a few holes in some of the leaves? Possibly too much light?
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  30. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    Yes, that is the melon. I agree they look good but it's no use if they stay that low and I can't see them from far away. The light is 60 watts it's a Fluval 3.0 plant spectrum. I do the root tabs already. When I bought them they had huge leaves and stems, which died off in less than a month. I...
  31. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    I was going to make a huge order from not sure if you heard of them but they have so much selection compared to the LFS. I just wanna make sure something isn't wrong with my tank that I'm not realizing. Light check, fertilizer I believe is a check, I don't have C02 but I was...
  32. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    It is probably about 3 inches or so, it had so long to develop the roots by now it is probably anchored in there. Unless I'm missing something, there really seems to be no logic why none of these leaves wanna grow up. It's really a stem problem, not a leaf problem
  33. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    Funny this is I am using seachem iron and doing all the necessary things, it feels like we've been stuck in a time warp for the last year. Some people claim you have to raise the light to let the plant grow towards the light but I don't know how much you can believe that. I just don't understand...
  34. CarloM12

    Planted Tank Problems, Please Help

    I have two swords and a red melon and in my 75 gallon tank with a fluval plant LED light, eco complete substrate, fertilizers root tabs the whole nine yards, When I first got them they had huge adult leaves, which died off within weeks due to the change in water and a new environment. It’s been...
  35. CarloM12

    Uaru Cichlid Major Issue!

    Hello everyone, I have a 125 gallon with two Uaru cichlids and many other fish. As of yesterday, my biggest one was breathing a bit heavy and had a lump on its head that I've never seen before. Today, it now has a white circle on the forehead and it looks like it has bruised its head from when I...
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  38. CarloM12

    Compatitble Freshwater Stingray Tankmates

    I guess you're right, I should just stick to what I have, I will just buy more silver dollars. Also, at my LFS they have these strigata pikes, still small but defintely big enough to not be eaten. Also bala sharks come to mind as a similar fish to the silver dollars but I know each one gets 12...
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  40. CarloM12

    Compatitble Freshwater Stingray Tankmates

    Okay I think silver dollars work well with anything, but I’m looking at other schooling groups similar to them. I have these beautiful Roseline sharks and I am moving them to the 75 gallon but realistically they are perfect for the stingrays because they are definitely big enough to be with...