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  1. K

    Crypt and Val

    Ive heard story’s how certain crypts and Val can’t grow in the same tank. I have just some plain Jane valiseria and I’m wanting to put crypt spiralis. Have any of you guys experienced problems with growing crypt and Val in the same tank?
  2. K

    Need help stocking a 30 gal

    My Ph is 7.6, and they are blue velvet shrimp. I think I’m going to add a few guppies just to help keep the cycle rolling and let the shrimp keep breeding.
  3. K

    Need help stocking a 30 gal

    So I have a small shrimp colony in my 30 gal. I was wondering if I could house Cherry Barbs and some Fancy Guppies. If so, how many of each do you think. My tank could be considered heavily planted, my filter is established well, and I have a good amount of experience in the hobby. Thank you.
  4. K

    Needing help A.S.A.P!

    So I have a small shrimp colony in my 30 gal. I was wondering if I could house Cherry Barbs and some Fancy Guppies. If so, how many of each do you think. My tank could be considered heavily planted, my filter is established well, and I have a good amount of experience in the hobby. Thank you.
  5. K

    Expert advise needed

    What would be a easy care center peice fish for my 29 gal.
  6. K

    Expert advise needed

    I've been wanting honey gourami instead, but there are none in my area and I don't want to order
  7. K

    Expert advise needed

    Ok, when should I introduce the 4 other cities and the gourami?
  8. K

    Expert advise needed

    Ok what would be a good temp?
  9. K

    Expert advise needed

    My temp is 79 and my tank is planted, but not heavily
  10. K

    Expert advise needed

    I'm doing panda, I already have three
  11. K

    Expert advise needed

    I've been wonder if I'd be overstocked with a dwarf gourami, nine cardinal tetras, and six corys. I have a 29 gallon with a marine land emperor 280. The media includes two aquaclear 70 sponges, and fluval biomax. Thank you