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  1. HarpyFishLover

    Harlequin Rasboras swimming tilted, cory acting off

    For whatever reason, the harlequins are swimming normally now. And the cory seems to be okay for now... I'm really not sure what's going on in that tank but I'll go back to daily water changes for a week or so. If the harlequins ever do that again, I'll be sure to get a video.
  2. HarpyFishLover

    Harlequin Rasboras swimming tilted, cory acting off

    Tank size: 10 Gallon pH: ~ 7.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: ~1 nitrate: ~5 kH: can't remember gH: ~300 tank temp: 78F Fish Symptoms: I noticed when I fed the fish tonight that my cory was acting weird. She was almost motionless - at first I thought she wasn't breathing. Her color was wrong... the top of...
  3. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Alright, good to know. It doesn't have a support strip. It's just about 20 inches long, 12 inches wide, 12 inches tall. I don't know how thick the glass is. I could measure it but I'm not currently at home. I'll do that later today. I've had the tank for over 3 years, and it's done this since a...
  4. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    I cleaned the filter today. It took a few tries to start up, but it works now. I've noticed bowing since the second or third month of having this tank but recently I feel like it's been worse. Is there anything I can do about it, or should do to avoid it potentially bursting? (I'll try to...
  5. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Been a bit since I found time to update. I've changed the water almost every day the last week (2 weeks?) and it's really starting to look cleaner. The fish seem a lot happier. I got pretty sick on Monday, so I missed Monday and Tuesday, but I did change it on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday...
  6. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    They're looking a lot more active and have much better colors than they did a week ago. I haven't checked their gills yet today to see if they're red or not, they probably still are but not as bad. Also, is it fine to skip a single day of vacuuming? Or should I push through and vacuum it? Does...
  7. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Sixth (I think) 10% water change complete. I think I'm going to do one more 10% tomorrow then start 20% changes.
  8. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Cleaned today! I went ahead and replaced the carbon filter, since I haven't been able to get the round sponge yet, and the filter wasn't letting anything through it. So it SHOULD be another month or two before I gotta replace it again.. hopefully. I'm getting to the point that I can't afford the...
  9. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    I cleaned it again on Saturday (I missed Friday due to an unforseen personal issue, which did get resolved but made it impossible to vacuum on Friday), I'm about to go vacuum it again today. The fish look happier, certainly, and the gravel looks a lot cleaner. The water is gradually getting...
  10. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Ahh, I never thought about the filter (though in the back of my brain I did think about it... subconsciously), that's definitely a better option than what I was gonna do. I'll keep doing what I'm doing with the snails (picking them out by hand). I'll look into snail traps for when I get the...
  11. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Third water change is complete. The spots I vacuumed yesterday already have a ton of filth in them, though not as much as before. I tried vacuuming the roots of the plants, but the stuff I thought was just general poop and stuff wouldn't vacuum off. I suspect it would come off if I rinsed them...
  12. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Second water change completed! I was able to vacuum a bit deeper into the gravel this time. The cory is sitting right over where I just vacuumed, she doesn't usually sit there.. maybe it's a bit fresher right there?
  13. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    I put the air stone in, and now they're acting a little more normal. Though they do seem intrigued by the air stone. I'm gonna try to get another water change in tomorrow, maybe I'll be able to vacuum quite a bit of the substrate.
  14. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Ooh, yikes, I'll see what I can do about aeration. I have a pump that's intended for 30+ gallon tanks that puts out WAY too much air (that I used when the filter died)... Will this be good or just stress the fish too much? And yes, I did dechlorinate the water before adding it.
  15. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    First change complete! 10-15% (I may have gotten a little carried away...) water change (I did vacuum the gravel as well, that's why I got carried away.. it's satisfying to see the filth sucked away into a bucket), I cleaned the light as it had a ton of algae on it, and I rinsed the filter pad...
  16. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    Hey, I appreciate the response! Filter is a HOB filter (Marineland Penguin 100, I believe), it was recently replaced due to storms ruining the old one. (Power flickered one too many times for the old 75...) It's currently working properly, however I don't want to turn it off and let it drain...
  17. HarpyFishLover

    Restoring a neglected tank back to its former glory

    It's been a while. I could write a long paragraph about my year but suffice it to say, the last year and a half has been not so great. A lot of things ended up neglected, and my fish did not escape that. I'm trying to get my life back together and pick up neglected things where I left them...
  18. HarpyFishLover

    Could this possibly be Lymphocystis?

    Sorry it's been so long. I got busy. I think that might have been a burn or something -- his heater broke, keeping the tank at 89° F. I bought a new one. He's been doing better since I got it in, but he's still got ich. I'm going to let him settle a bit then start the ich treatment.
  19. HarpyFishLover

    New Betta Has Ich!

    The temperature settled out at about 76 degrees. I'm maintaining it fairly well with the light as well as utilizing my fan. I doubt I'm going to be able to buy a heater today, but I am definitely going to order one ASAP. Tilly still has ich, though it's really not that bad. I'm thinking that...
  20. HarpyFishLover

    New Betta Has Ich!

    Oh also, I unplugged the heater and am going to buy a heater later today or tomorrow. Hopefully today, but it's possible it'll be tomorrow.
  21. HarpyFishLover

    New Betta Has Ich!

    I did not have a thermometer, but I bought one a few hours ago and dropped it in. It was around 87 degrees. That's supposed to kill the ich, though, so why did it reappear? Stress, maybe?
  22. HarpyFishLover

    New Betta Has Ich!

    Okay, he's redeveloped ich. I've been falling behind on water changes, so I'm 90% sure that's why. But, when I went to turn up the heater for the treatment, I reached my hand into the water and it's definitely at LEAST 85 degrees. It's supposed to be 78. I'm going to grab a thermometer whenever...
  23. HarpyFishLover

    Could this possibly be Lymphocystis?

    So sorry about the quality, this was the best I could get on my phone with a very unphotogenic betta. You can barely see it. It's just above his eye and slightly behind. No, that's not a bubble.
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  25. HarpyFishLover

    Could this possibly be Lymphocystis?

    Hello again! It's been a while since I've been on here, but I have another question. In late March, my first betta died, leaving me with an empty tank to fill. About a week later, I bought a dragonscale betta I named Tilly. He had ich the day I bought him, but I didn't notice until he broke out...
  26. HarpyFishLover

    Yet another of my fish is sick...

    I forgot to mention why I think it's a swim bladder problem. He sometimes backs up, swims straight up and down, and sometimes ends up sideways on the floating plants. I think he just has trouble getting over the plants, though, and that's how he gets over it. I did notice that he's a little...
  27. HarpyFishLover

    Yet another of my fish is sick...

    Two tanks means tons of sick fish, I guess... first my betta Finn, who died a while ago, then Max, my guppy, and now my other betta Tilly. I think he has a swim bladder issue, but I wanted to check with you guys before trying to treat it. After his ich, his stomach started swelling. At first...
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  31. HarpyFishLover

    My very old guppy is pretty sick...

    He is dead. I found him against the filter intake, not breathing. Just in case, we put him in a bag in the freezer, but I'm 100% sure he's dead. R.I.P. Max, Feb 2, 2016 -- May 28, 2017. You were my first fish, my first choice, and the last of your friends to die. You were always the healthy...
  32. HarpyFishLover

    My very old guppy is pretty sick...

    Over the past month, my old guppy Max has been constantly sick. Last week he had parasites, which I took care of and he recovered from. Today, however, I woke up to half of his tail missing. After looking closer, I found out that the tip is black and between the black and the orange (normal...
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  34. HarpyFishLover

    My guppy has thin, white poop. Is this parasites?

    Alright, so I started the treatment. It looks like that natural spider-killing sandy stuff my mom has... come to think of it, it might actually be the same thing, because that stuff is used for tapeworms in humans too. Now I have white dust all over my tank. It looks dirty. Yay.
  35. HarpyFishLover

    My guppy has thin, white poop. Is this parasites?

    He has new blood-red tips on his tail. If I didn't know better, I'd say his tail was bleeding, but that's not possible. The end is a bit clear, too. At this point, I'm thinking he's probably getting old. But, I am still going to start his medicine tomorrow. I put it off today because he wasn't...
  36. HarpyFishLover

    Huge blister on betta

    I don't think this is dropsy. Usually dropsy is symmetrical and the scales look like a pinecone when you look at the fish from the top. I would say lymphocistus (is that how it's spelled?), but this looks a lot different from the lymphocistus I have seen. It might be something similar. I could...
  37. HarpyFishLover

    My guppy has thin, white poop. Is this parasites?

    I got the medicine. I'm a bit weary of putting my hands in there, if it's a tapeworm... I got a few pics of him while he was pooping. He was far more bloated than this earlier this week. The pink is poop, though it's a bit redder than usual. The trail is thin and white. I REALLY don't want a...
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  40. HarpyFishLover

    Can anyone tell my betta is Half-moon or Full-moon

    You said he was a veiltail, and that's what he looks like to me. He's a gorgeous veiltail, too... I normally disapprove of fishbowls, but 4 gallons seems reasonable, and 20% daily water changes should be adequate. Good luck with your new fish!