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  1. F

    Thinking Of Adding Shrimp To 10Gal

    Haha OK and the wife has a few old ones we could use, she had actually mentioned using it but we weren't sure.
  2. F

    Albino Catfish

    Is it a albino corydora? in my experience they(corys) are very sociable creatures and should be kept in groups.. not sure how many but, i have 4 corys, 3 emerald, and one albino cory. we got our first cory from a friend who was rehoming their fish. he did this for several days until we got the...
  3. F

    Thinking Of Adding Shrimp To 10Gal

    I have a 10gal with 4 cory cats. was really wanting some shrimp. i understand corys for the most part will work with the shrimp im thinking of getting(ghost shrimp) except when they are babies. is that entirely true or will i have to worry about my corys eat them. My other main questions and...
  4. F

    New Member

    Hey thank you, and look forward to spending more time on here. I understand fully where you both are coming from. It has been put off at least a month over :(. Tax time is soon. And so is a big tank!. I did have 3 loaches. did frequent water changes and bought 50gal filter with live plant. Our...
  5. F

    New Member

    hello, new to the fish forum. fairly new to the fish keeping hobby but am LOVING it. I have two tanks so far, going to be upgrading soon as i have some fairly big fish once they reach adult age and plus would like more variety haha. So far, I have a 30gal with a parrot fish(cpt shiny-sides) one...