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  1. R

    Hillstream Loach Sick! Help!

    Bought Mari earlier today, and started the acclimation process when I noticed a rather large red sore  . She has since been moved and released into a quaratine tank.  It's so disappointing when you buy from a place you trust and this happens...   What could this be? How do I treat it?   
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    Please Id This Shrimp!

    I looked up some images of the amano shrimp to compare the sides (had trouble getting a clear shot of the one I have). I think y'all are right.    Should I feed him algae pellets after transferring him to the larger tank? Or just let him do his thing? He's currently the only algae eater I have...
  5. R

    Please Id This Shrimp!

    Any idea what breed it is? I don't want it to destroy my plants or kill my fish, and I know there are ghost shrimp look-a-likes that will do that. Also, I should add that his body is very straight. He doesn't have an angled back like you usually see. 
  6. R

    Please Id This Shrimp!

    So I want to start by apologizing to the other post that I put this under. I'm still finding my way around this site!   I bought some ghost shrimp, and this guy was in the mix. Any idea what it is? 
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  8. R

    Thinking Of Adding Shrimp To 10Gal

    I've had ghost shrimp with my cories for quite some time, and the cories don't bother them at all. I highly recommend getting them. They're a great cleanup crew and super fun to watch!   I also have the tetra 10 gallon whisper filter. Nothing has gotten caught in it for me. If you are having...
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  10. R

    Lack Of Bubble Nests

    I recently purchased a new veiltail betta, Pierre. He's been making bubble nests nonstop since being in his new home. My boyfriend's king betta, Apollo, has also been quite adept at making them.    I've had Rocky, a halfmoon plakat, for about 6 months now. Rocky has never made a bubble nest.  ...
  11. R

    Acceptable Foods For Corydoras

    Thanks! All great stuff!       I had no idea that flake food wasn't within their diet. I did a ton of research and very frequently saw that flake food was fine. Although, a lot of people do insist that scraps are fine as well, and that wasn't going to happen and isn't happening now. They're my...
  12. R

    Acceptable Foods For Corydoras

    Hello! I have just recently adopted some Corydoras , and I could use some advise on feeding them.   I know they are scavengers and will find food that my Betta misses, but he seldom misses anything. I want to be sure that they are eating and are as healthy as possible. I could buy sinking fish...
  13. R

    Is My Betta Ill?

    There are some physical signs of illness you could start to look for if you are worried that your betta is sick:                      Unusual red splotches (bacterial infection)                      White and fuzzy growths (fungal infection)                      Fins curling (infection/fin rot)...