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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. skiltrip

    What To Put In A 29Gallon With 1 Multi-Cat (Cuckoo)

      I know the pictures I've looked at match it 100%.  But could he be a hybrid?  Sure.  I know he's very healthy, active, always has been, eats like a champ.  He's been his current size for a few years now.
  2. skiltrip

    What To Put In A 29Gallon With 1 Multi-Cat (Cuckoo)

    The tank is the standard 30" x 12" footprint. I've had that Synodontis multipunctatus for close to or right around 10 years. I'd never part with him. I'll look into your suggestions. Thanks.
  3. skiltrip

    What To Put In A 29Gallon With 1 Multi-Cat (Cuckoo)

    I have a 29 Gallon tank with one Cuckoo Catfish.  It's around 4-5" long.  I've had that fish for many many years.  My tank has a sand substrate, and rocks made to form a few caves.  I used to have cichlids of various type at one point or another, but a 29 gallon is a rough neighborhood for...
  4. skiltrip

    Returned After A Good Bit Away

    Hi!  My name is Kip.  I used to frequent these forums a few years back.  My tank has become pretty boring/stagnant for a while (but maintained).    I currently have a 29 gallon tank with one Cuckoo Catfish in it.  That's it.  Sand substrate, rocks, no plants.  Looking to populate it again with...
  5. skiltrip

    Would You Or Have You Ever Gone Salty Marine/reef..

    Around 7 years ago, when I decided to get an aquarium again (had one when I was a kid), I originally was going to go gung-ho and get a Marine tank. That's my personality to go whole hog and sometimes it takes some talking down to straighten me out. So after some discussions with some guys at...
  6. skiltrip

    Floating Artificial Plants To Protect Fry?

    The hornwort idea seems like a good one. How much would you get for a 30"x12" surface area? (29 US gallon tank).
  7. skiltrip

    Floating Artificial Plants To Protect Fry?

    Can someone link me to good floating artificial plants for protecting sword and molly fry? I've searched around, but not sure exactly what I'm looking for or better yet, what actually works. I don't yet have a pregnant livebearer, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time, and I wouldn't mind...
  8. skiltrip

    Livebearer Cleanup Crew

    My swords and mollies are pooping like CRAZY. Is this because they are nonstop munching on the algae or is this a usual thing with livebearers?
  9. skiltrip

    Might Be Applying For A Job This Summer At A Chain Store?

    Good luck. I hope you get it. I was in petco the other day and I WISHED I had someone who knew what they were doing help me. Not that I needed information or really had questions, I just wanted someone who knew how to properly net fish and bag them without letting them fall on the counter. ;)
  10. skiltrip

    My Crazy Time Buying Fish At Petco.

    Just wanted to share this. I usually get my fish at a local independently owned LFS. But the other day, I wasn't into any of the stock there, and a lot of the fish looked in rough shape, so I decided to drive down the road to Petco just for kicks. (I'd bought fish from Petsmart before without...
  11. skiltrip

    Livebearer Cleanup Crew

    I haven't had livebearers since I was a kid, I forgot how much they love to eat the algae off of glass and plants! Are they all like this. I've struggled for ever and a day with mild brown algae and mild green algae. Not enough to be a problem, but enough to make me have to scrape my glass...
  12. skiltrip

    My Tank 2.0 - Gouramis And Swords And Synos Oh My.

    I picked up some more stock last night. 3 black mollies (1m, 2f), and 3 neon swords (1m, 2f). I still need to pick up a red-wag male sword to go along with the 3 females I have. Right now that one neon sword has 5 females to pick from (or take 'em all. lol). swords will regularly interbreed...
  13. skiltrip

    Python Tank Cleaner - Do You Have One?

    I'm still loving my 25' Python. Best ~$50 I've ever spent on my aquarium hobby hands down. I wished I'd done it sooner. I've never been faithful with weekly or even bi-weekly water changes as I used to do with buckets and sucking on a hose. Those days are long gone. I only have a 29gallon...
  14. skiltrip

    My Tank 2.0 - Gouramis And Swords And Synos Oh My.

    Very good. I'll probably swing my one of my LFS's one evening this week to increase my stock. Any idea why my Gold Gouramis are so timid? I thought they were more on the aggressive side? I only catch them coming out now and then. Usually only when I shut the lights out in the room so they...
  15. skiltrip

    Fish Compatible With A Syndontis Cuckoo Cat?

    Thanks. I'm not all that worried about keeping any livebearer fry. If any do survive, more power to them, but I'm not interested in raising baby fish, selling baby fish, or overpopulating my tank, so if Mr. Syno wants to snack so be it. I'd like to add that since starting this thread (also...
  16. skiltrip

    My Tank 2.0 - Gouramis And Swords And Synos Oh My.

    My current ratio is 3:0, so i'm doing ok so far. ;) I'll probably actually add two males and three more females for a ratio of 2:6, that should work right? So far I'm loving my swords, they are so mellow, and aren't skittish or nervous at all. They have no problem coming right up to the...
  17. skiltrip

    My Tank 2.0 - Gouramis And Swords And Synos Oh My.

    I'm not sure any of the fry would actually survive anyway with my Synodontis cat in there, i'm sure the other fish would eat them too no? In any case, I can pass on the platties and just stick with swords, mollies, and guppies.
  18. skiltrip

    My Tank 2.0 - Gouramis And Swords And Synos Oh My.

    So this weekend I officially went cichlid free and started my community tank. I took my one Blue Cobalt Cichlid back to my LFS and they gladly took him off my hands for a very very modest price. But that's ok. So all I had left in my tank was my Synodontis Multipunctatus (Cuckoo Cat) which I...
  19. skiltrip

    Python Tank Cleaner - Do You Have One?

    "What's the suction like on one of these? comparable to a standard siphon cleaner? " I think the suction on a Python will depend entirely upon your faucet pressure. I've lived some places where the water fired out of my faucet like a canon, other places I've live it comes out rather weak. In...
  20. skiltrip

    Python Tank Cleaner - Do You Have One?

    What I've been doing is adding dechlorinator for my tank before pumping the new water in. I have a 30 gallon tank, so it's 1 pump for X number of gallons. Whatever this is for the whole tank, I just put it in. For temp, you can adjust it first before you start pumping it into the tank. And...
  21. skiltrip

    Python Tank Cleaner - Do You Have One?

    I'd like to add that I went and picked up a 25' Python at my local Petco the other night. I love this thing. I was able to do a water change in no time at all and suck all the waste off my sand while losing pretty much no sand at all. The suction power was JUST perfect for drawing up the...
  22. skiltrip

    Python Cleaning Tool

    Does anyone have and use a Python cleaning tool? (The thing that hooks up to your kitchen faucet). Most reviews I see on this thing are awesome, but I did come across one person with sand substrate that said it was no good, sucked up the sand and left the poo. But sometimes tells me he...
  23. skiltrip

    Fish Compatible With A Syndontis Cuckoo Cat?

    At any given time I had Yellow Labs, Blue Cobalts, Acei, Red Zebra. What smaller Tanganyikans were you thinking of. I'm totally open for suggestions. The only thing that's set in stone is the Syno multi is staying. I love that fish.
  24. skiltrip

    A Double Headed Fry!?!?

    I remember when I was a kid our Mollies would occasionally give birth, and there was always at least one that came out deformed in some way. I've never seen two stuck together though. Most of what I saw was a body bent 45 degrees so that they could only swim around in a circle. Those little...
  25. skiltrip

    is turning his former cichlid tank into a nice peaceful community tank.

    is turning his former cichlid tank into a nice peaceful community tank.
  26. skiltrip

    Livebearers With Syndontis Catfish

    Thanks. Yeah, i currently have a sand substrate, and lots and lots of rocks piled up for the syno to hide in and swim in and out of. I plan on leaving all that rock, while adding some artificial plants scattered around to comfort the other community fish I plan on adding. Thanks again for the...
  27. skiltrip

    Livebearers With Syndontis Catfish

    Has anyone kept livebearers, specifically mollies/swordtails with a Synodontis catfish? I know the ph needs are similar, just wondering if the Synocat could be too aggressive for peaceful fish like the swords and mollies. I know synos are generally peaceful, i know mine is, but in contrast...
  28. skiltrip

    How Long Bacteria Last Without Running Filter.

    Thanks, glad I caught it when I did. People can't follow ONE simple instruction. LOL. I have two filters (Whisper 60 dual, and an Aquaclear 50), so chances are I had plenty left to kick back in without upsetting the balance in a big way.
  29. skiltrip

    How Long Bacteria Last Without Running Filter.

    The media was in water the entire time, so that part isn't an issue. I just worried about lack of oxygen and new food supply (ammonia) running thru.
  30. skiltrip

    How Long Bacteria Last Without Running Filter.

    I'm sure this has been asked (maybe even by me years ago, but...) How long will it take to kill off bacteria in your power filter if it is turned off by something like a power outage? (yesterday after instructions to NOT unplug the filters while the electrician was at my house, my filters were...
  31. skiltrip


    I've been using Jager heaters for years and I really like the reliability of them. The only time I ever had one die on me was in a 10gallon tank in a very cold basement, so I was very much overworking the heater. The only thing I can say is they seem to tend to overshoot their setting. I'll...
  32. skiltrip

    Switching From Gravel To Sand ...

    I used to use Quickrete playsand, and that worked well for a while. But recently I moved my tank and decided it would be easier to just clean new sand rather than cart a bucket of wet sand around. I used pool filter sand this time, and my goodness it is soooooo much cleaner. When they say...
  33. skiltrip

    What Are You Listening To?

    "Slumber" by Bad Religion
  34. skiltrip

    Food To Encourage Growth In Africans

    I have 6 yellow labs, 6 maylania callainos, and one other mixed african. I got most of them when there were pretty young. they went through a phase where they started growing like crazy (especially the callainos). But now they seem to have stopped. Currently I feed them Tetra Spirulina...
  35. skiltrip

    Glass Aquarium Price List

    Does anyone know of a fish store in the U.S. that lists All-Glass (or other brand) glass aquarium / stand / light prices? I don't need to buy from the store, but just want to references the prices. I had a link at to a store that had prices at some point, but forgot the store name and no longer...
  36. skiltrip

    Feeding Baby Brine Shrimp

    I hatched some baby brine shrimp to feed to my african cichlids (sizes range from 1" - 4"). Problem is, as baby brine shrimp they are way too small to even be seen, and they just get lost in the filter current. I want to grow them for a while till they get a little bigger. What do I feed...
  37. skiltrip

    Lighting - Trying To Match My Compact Fluorescent To Glow Of Fluor.

    yes, exactly.. that very slight bluish tint to the water. makes the yellows glow slightly and the blue fish much deeper blue. i have straight-pin bulbs actually... so you think a 50/50 might do it? what about the actinic lighting? would that be tooo blue? maybe i'll try one 50/50 and see...
  38. skiltrip

    Lighting - Trying To Match My Compact Fluorescent To Glow Of Fluor.

    I have a Coralife 130watt dual bulb compact fluorescent fixture on my tank. I like the brightness and coverage I get from the light, but it's way too white. The bulbs in it are... one 6700, and one 6500. My old single-strip 20watt All-Glass fluorescent strip gives off an awesome glow...
  39. skiltrip

    Aquaclear Filter Questions.

    Thanks Iron Man, didn't occur to me that perhaps they had just cheaped out providing two of the same tubes instead of two different ones. This morning I used a razor to cut the end off the one and extended the tube, much better. Wouldn't have done it without you! Cheers!
  40. skiltrip

    Location Poll?

    Rockland County, New York - USA Why exactly is this an annoyance? (The loose usage of UK and/or England). Only asking because I like to learn about the dumb things we Americans do, and how we can continue to do better when it comes to other places/people/cultures. :)