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  1. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(   Levels now...Tigers are being more mild but still appear distressed...swimming weird. I ran out of the nitrate tester solution.
  2. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

    Yes this is true. And its always in the back of my mind. I have had frogs for quite some time and knew when I got them had them in a small desk tank. I had this tank going with just corydora's at first. Then when I put in the frogs I as well added the rest all were small...and the frogs would do...
  3. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

      I won't answer your "Correct?" with one "yes" or "no" because I'm not sure which of your points it may refer to, or if perhaps all.   I have sand in six tanks, fine gravel in one.  My tanks are planted, moderately I would say.  I have never had ammonia or nitrite above zero.   Nitrate stays...
  4. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

    Thanks for your input. actually everyones...yes it is always a learning process. I as well have never had issues in the past with rinsing filter under the tap. and yes so stupid to go away after introducing new members to the tank :( I would normally never do this but my friend was in a pickle...
  5. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

    Yes I did rinse filter with tap water, but I always fill it with new tap water treated with prime before putting it back into the tank. Not sure if this is wrong..its how I've always done it. I did kind of learn how to care of a tank on my own with trial and error (before having this current...
  6. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

    Also been meaning to ask this for awhile...but with my corydora's I have a 4 green,  2 speckled, and 2 panda's. And the speckled stay totally with each other and are shy they generally hide in the caves I have in the tank. The one panda hangs out by himself most of the time...3 green play...
  7. sohipithurts

    Need Some Advice Asap, Few Issues Suddenly Arose In My Tank :(

    So I had 6 tiger barbs, 4 cherry barbs, 6 rasbora's, and a whack of corydora's (variety of type) I also had two dwarf frogs all have been living in harmony for over 5 years. I got all the barbs when they were little and they grew up along side the frogs.    So stupid me, I was going on vacation...