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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Worm In Snail!

    If it is the same leechy things i had, they wont harm your fish, or your snails they're just unsightly. Just give your gravel a good clean each water change and cut down on how much you're feeding. If there is no food for them to eat they can't survive. I had them in my 90litre set up with...
  2. G

    Pleco Like Fish Too Big For Tank

    Or you can upload your photos to a photo sharing website like photo bucket or imgur and share the link in your thread. I found this easier, photo resizing is something i havent quite mastered yet lol!!
  3. G

    Worm In Snail!

    It sounds like the same little horrors I had in my tank a while ago. I don't think they'd harmful, just a case of over feeding. It has more than likely came from your snail and if there is plenty of food for them they will multiply, quickly. To get rid of mine, I upped my weekly water changes...
  4. G

    The Dreaded Black Brush/beard Algae

    Some fab info there, thanks lyra. After reading that I think I can safely say my problem has likely arisen from being rather neglectful of my poor tank as of late, lights being on too long, weekly water changes becoming 3-4 weekly water changes and no daily c02 boost. *hangs head in shame*...
  5. G

    The Dreaded Black Brush/beard Algae

    OK so I have a, IMO, nice healthy well established tank, heavily planted which is home to 10 harlequins, 12 guppies, 6 platties, 8 bentosi, white tip tetras, 2 GBR's, 3 khuli loaches, 7 corydoras, false julii and sterbai and one little albino bn. I also have a host of Malaysian trumpet snails...
  6. G

    Habrosus Cory Weird Swimming Behaviour, Ideas Please...

    How are you getting on RCA?? I had a similar problem with my group of false julii, one started darting about, floating very unsteady, unfortunately we lost him. Then it was as if one by one they all started doing the same thing. Out of a group of six, I had three left when I started treatment...
  7. G

    Switching Small Gravel To Sand - Suggestions On How

    I did this around 12 months ago. I had another tank in which to temporarily house my fish until the deed was done so to speak. I personally wouldn't attempt without another temp tank as I can imagine it being very disruptive trying to change substrate while still holding fish, especially discus...
  8. G

    Fighting Pair Of German Blues?

    Thanks guys. I'll try separating them for a few weeks and reintroducing later, she seems to tolerate him but only just. Hopefully this will work. Fingers crossed! And Akasha I totally agree, my two have very strong personalities. They're fab little fish to keep and certainly are little...
  9. G

    Fighting Pair Of German Blues?

    Hi guys, its been quite some time since I last posted on here. My tank has been coming along just fine until just recently... I have a beautiful pair of German blue rams who have spawned three times now, but unfortuntley have never got past the egg stage. Their first spawn I stupidly mistook...
  10. G

    Its Been A While, And Now I'm A Murderer...

    Hahaha, thanks nick. They seem OK today, I never imagined they'd breed so didn't even think to keep a look out for their behaviour! In hindsight, it was fairly obvious. Lesson learned, hopefully they will have another go and we will have little German blue babies!
  11. G

    Its Been A While, And Now I'm A Murderer...

    Hi all, I haven't been on here in a while, I apologise but unfortunately maternity leave doesn't last long! Lol Anyway my tank has been going great for a while now, no problems, no deaths, expected or unexpected (touch wood now I've said that!) But tonight during my routine weekly water change...
  12. G

    Change Of Plan

    OK so results this morning My ph is around 6.8-7 NitrIte, 0ppm NitrAte, 10ppm Ammonia, 0.5ppm Using the freshwater master kit.
  13. G

    Change Of Plan

    Not the best of pics, but this is one of the original killies, the fry are just starting to colour up. I'll get some pics of those tomorrow, lights out now :P
  14. G

    Change Of Plan

    Apart from the week we were away yes. I think the substrate/media gave it a big boost! And I know the water wasn't going to be much use, but the tanks are next to each other, so was easier during water change just to fire it in the smaller tank lol. Readings have been pretty consistent the...
  15. G

    Change Of Plan

    So I had the 90l ready to set up for a lovely Betta and a group of schooling fish, but had a change of plan. As some of you may know I had a mystery fish in my tiny 7l hospital tank. Well it turns out I have 7. And they are killies. They are now around 2cm and are out growing the little 7l...
  16. G

    Bloated Male Guppy

    They will love a 50g, I have some little false julii Cory's they're such little characters! Just beware that with a tank full of male and female guppys you're going to have a LOT of fry!! Sounds like you have it sussed, good luck! Hope the little guy is OK and you will have to keep us...
  17. G

    Bloated Male Guppy

    I wouldn't worry too much, he's maybe just a fatty! Just keep an eye on him. Do you have anything else in the tank with them? A few look like their tails are being nipped, males can be quite territorial, also if in the future you ate wanting to add females a ratio of 2/3 females per male...
  18. G


    Love your little Cory's :) Welcome :D
  19. G

    I'm In Love

    Hmmmm thanks Baccus, I'll have a bash at sexing then later on, if they stay still long enough for me to get a good look!
  20. G

    Blue Ram

    Love him! His blue is really shining there. Gorgeous :D
  21. G

    Tank Not Happy

    Yes you need to test your water, with that information people are more able to offer advice. I would also agree with shiny, after any fish loss a large water change won't do any harm.
  22. G

    Cory Perfection Surprise...

    Byron, I am constantly in awe of your tanks! It looks fantastic :)
  23. G

    I'm In Love

    How do you differentiate between male and female? At the moment mine are maybe an inch in length a couple slightly smaller, I know some say the females are slightly rounder? Will it be easier to tell when they're a little bigger? They're in my jewel rio180 with a few other fish, guppies...
  24. G

    I'm In Love

    My LFS is fantastic, it's just a little independent store, it's been ran by the same family since it opened, and I've been going since I was a wee nipper with my dad and I'll be 30 next week! But the less said about that the better lol. I got my little guys home, I'm just getting them settled...
  25. G

    My Variety Of Guppies

    Wow what a stunning collection! I love guppies they were my first ever fish I kept as a young girl. My two year old son enjoyed your video too!! Love them :)
  26. G

    I'm In Love

    I was just about to post and update before you posted Baccus! My guy phoned last night he's getting a new batch in this morning he's going to pick me out three good ones and I've just to go collect them, one replacement and two as a good will gesture! How fab is my LFS!! So I'll be going...
  27. G

    Cory Perfection Surprise...

    Oh my word, they are just too much!!! How cute! And I just use good old table salt and I got some eggs of eBay, be sure to look for one's with a 90% hatch rate, they fair a lot better than the cheaper ones, I get fantastic batches for up-to 5 days but I always redo them every three days just...
  28. G

    Tetra From Lfs: Fin And Tail Problems

    I actually agree with rob here, I had miss read your original post and thought you had lost a fish. Just keep an eye on them as rob says if it is just a bit of nipping it should heal nicely on its own I apologise for jumping the gun! *note to self, read posts properly in future!!
  29. G

    Tetra From Lfs: Fin And Tail Problems

    I had this exact problem this weekend with some false julii, once I'd got them home I noticed one had a bit of a nipped dorsal fin, unfortunately he didn't make it, poor guy. It could be a number of things, as you've said a bit of nipping in the shop, tetras are known nippers, stress from...
  30. G

    New Fish Tank And Keeper

    Sounds nice, I have four GBRs they are truly beautiful fish. :) Just a word of warning, watch your shrimp with your rams, I cant be certain as I've never kept both together, but they might try and have a little nibble! But it sounds lovely, what about a pic?! :p
  31. G

    Just A Quick Hellp

    I don't suppose you have too, but I have a much smaller tank with some fry in and I've popped a couple of bushy plants in like cabomba for them to hide in. And welcome to the forum!! :D
  32. G

    Help With My Fish Tank!

    You should really be testing the water every other day. Any spikes need to be dealt with sooner rather than later for the well being of the fish. 5 days should be fine for them to go without feeding but make sure they're well fed, (not overfed) for the three days before you go away, I'd also...
  33. G

    Funny Little Corydora

    I think I like the idea of him being the runt, he's special and I think he knows it too! Thanks guys ;)
  34. G

    Bacteria Or Fungus?

    I'd advise you do 50% water change then treat the tank, then up your water changes to 30-50% weekly Have you tested your water? If you don't have a test kit most LFS will test it for you
  35. G

    Ch4Rlies New 2.5 Feet Tank Journal

    Gorgeous ch4rlie, tank looks fab :)
  36. G

    New Zebra Plecos

    I can honestly say I've never seen or even heard of them before! They are gorgeous little things though but slightly out of my price range, my hubby would have a fit!!!
  37. G

    Bacteria Or Fungus?

    Oh yeah I didn't think about that, as esha2000 does contain copper, but saying that I have snails in my tank and they've been fine with it. Not sure about shrimps though...
  38. G

    Bacteria Or Fungus?

    I usually get mine from eBay but some pet stores sell it, LFS more so than the bigger chain stores. There is also eshaexit which treats whitespot, I only use the esha medications in my tank as I know 1, they work and 2, they're tank friendly As for octozin I can't comment as I've never used...
  39. G

    Bacteria Or Fungus?

    If your in UK I use esha2000, it covers a range if bacterial infections and is tank friendly. It's what I've just used in mine I'd highly recommend it :) I took my little guy out just so he wouldn't be picked on while he was ill. I only remove a fish if I really need to as it can cause more...