Search results

  1. O

    Goldfish Sick (Began Around Mouth)

      Dangerous level for Nitrate, try to keep it below 40. Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I've had this goldfish a few years now, and his fins are never perfect becaue they're really long (no other goldfish's fins are affected). He first...
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  3. O

    Goldfish Sick (Began Around Mouth)

    Request Help Tank size: 40 gallons pH: Always a little low, from 6.8-7 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:60 - Always this number or higher, I think it's just my tap water kH:40 (usually always, even with water changes) gH:120 (always too high...) tank temp:72~ Fish Symptoms (include full description...
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