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  1. B

    Gravel To Sand

    Hi, I want to change my 70l from gravel to sand, how should I do this? I was told to soak/rinse the sand before putting it in? How would I do this? Thanks Katy
  2. B

    What Was The Fish That First Got You Into Fish Keeping?

    No fish in particular did it for me, it was a friend!! She gave me a 20 litre tank and I got a few leopard and zebra danios and then a bulldog pleco! I love my bulldog pleco he is so awesome! He is always out and about so get to see him quite a bit! I've upgraded now to a 70 litre and will be...
  3. B

    New Platy Flicking

    Hi everyone, I got 4 new platys yesterday, today I noticed one of them flicking on the bogwood and plastic leaves. No other signs of ich, should I put the medicine in just in case or is there anything else I can do? Any positive advice would be welcome!!