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  1. Tooombsy

    Stocking for a 280 litre tank

    Thanks again for the reply. I will check the site out for more information 😊 I hadn’t given any thought to livebearers, I had guppies many years back. Started with 6, ended up with hundreds. I also had bristlenose plecos which bred prolifically. I will do a bit of research and hopefully...
  2. Tooombsy

    Stocking for a 280 litre tank

    Hi Naughts Thanks for your reply. I have found this for my postcode.
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  4. Tooombsy

    Stocking for a 280 litre tank

    Hi guys I’ve been wanting to set my autistic son a fish tank up and have been waiting to find a cheap acrylic one as it’s more child friendly. I have managed to get a large one for free, it’s a Cleair tank bow front and back. Internal dimensions are 118cm length, 75cm high and average of...
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  6. Tooombsy

    Really Struggling

    When I used Dr.Tims I used the whole bottle in one go, think that’s what the instructions said. It said it would be safe to add all the fish the next day but I introduced them in batches a week at a time to allow the bacteria to multiply as the bio load increased. For the first week 10...
  7. Tooombsy

    Looking into my first Aquarium

    In regards to Amano shrimp, I don’t think any of the species of fish you mentioned are big enough to eat them. If they are the cardina japonica shrimp that I had before, I was more worried about the shrimp preying on my fish. Mine always had clutches of eggs stuck under there bellies on their...
  8. Tooombsy

    Really Struggling

    If this stuff is anything like Dr.Tims one and and only nitrifying bacteria, i’d tend to agree with Byron. I’ve used it when setting up a couple of tanks and it’s pretty much an instant cycle as long as you don’t over stock or over feed. The live bacteria will establish a colony straight...
  9. Tooombsy

    How reliable are test strips?

    I’m gonna go with the opposite to Alex. I had test strips with my first tank and the results seemed to differ all the time. I even tested the water with 2 different strips at the same time and there were slight differences. The liquid tests are much more accurate and last a long time so don’t...
  10. Tooombsy

    Really Struggling

    Hi Kimmie It can take a while for results to show during cycling. Stick with it and don’t get disheartened. With regards to the film, I had this with my first tank and it was due to overfeeding and having no surface agitation. You can remove it with paper towels, place them gently on the...
  11. Tooombsy

    How do you treat large peice of wood?

    I quite like when the tanins colour up the water but my main reasons for doing it was to get the wood to sink. It was so large I put rocks on the flat parts and it was still floating up
  12. Tooombsy

    How do you treat large peice of wood?

    When I first set my tank up with the piece of wood in my profile pic, I left it in the bath overnight. I turned the water temp up on our boiler to max and filled the bath with hot water, bathroom was like a steam room it was so hot. When I woke up in the morning the wood had already sunk.
  13. Tooombsy

    Tropheops Chilumba?

    I had yellow lab cichlids before but after finding this species I thought it would be nice to get both colours with mixing species. The ones are found are in the picture. They look nice but I cannot find them for sale anywhere :(
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  15. Tooombsy


    Looks like male and female. The fish on the right has a lot less black. So turn down the lights and throw on a bit of Barry White
  16. Tooombsy

    Tropheops Chilumba?

    Hi guys My cichlids tank is ready for stocking now after rehoming the 6 glowlite tetra my girlfriend brought. Rehoming didn’t go the way she wanted with me setting up a second tank to accommodate them lol. I want blue and yellow cichlids and found the species tropheops chilumba online, male...
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  18. Tooombsy

    Fish in cycle :(

    Hi guys Quick update. The tetras are doing well and the cycle is moving along nicely. I had been doing water changes every couple of days to keep the ammonia down for them, and nitrites started showing a few days ago too. One problem I have is my nitrates. I hadn’t tested for them until...
  19. Tooombsy

    Fish in cycle :(

    Thanks. I never use the shop, it’s a big chain one. I usually go to a couple of small family run shops, they are more knowledgable and can get in whatever I want
  20. Tooombsy

    Fish in cycle :(

    Thanks for the reply. I have been using prime as my water conditioner so hopefully it helps. As for the tetra, my girlfriend brought them without asking. The 190 litre tank has no live plants, just sand and rock as I was setting it up for Malawi cichlids. The smaller tank was going to be for...
  21. Tooombsy

    Fish in cycle :(

    Hi guys Bit of a problem, I am only 3 days into cycling my 190 litre tank, and my girlfriend has put 6 Serpae Tetra in it. The 60 litre that is going in our room was meant to be there home but that isn’t even set up yet, let alone being anywhere near ready for them. I know Fish in cycles...
  22. Tooombsy

    Child proofing an aquarium

    I would love a dog but we are renting a house for the next few years while we save for a deposit on our own house, and no dogs are allowed here. I had an English bull terrier when I was younger, they are meant to be vicious but mine was a big softy. It’s all about how they are raised not the...
  23. Tooombsy

    Child proofing an aquarium

    All cables and hoses will be inside the cabinet. Main problem is my child is autistic and doesn’t really listen to no, but he loves the fish tanks and they help calm him down and always put a smile on his face. As for the 6 footer idea, that sounds perfect. I could possibly even soundproof it...
  24. Tooombsy

    Child proofing an aquarium

    Here is the tank. I’m thinking of fitting a large sheet of wood to the back of the cabinet that extends up behind the tank, then bonding the tank to the wood. I can then screw furniture straps to cabinet and fix to the wall
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  26. Tooombsy

    Child proofing an aquarium

    Hi guys I mentioned in my post yesterday that I needed a filter for my tank, and found one that was being sold with an aquarium and stand. The mrs has caved and said I can keep the tank, as long as my son can’t pull it on himself. My original tank is almost 200 litres and I can barely move...
  27. Tooombsy

    fluval flex 15

    I’ll second Byron’s reply. Before I closed my tank down it was a planted community tank for around 3 years. I rarely cleaned the substrate, I just hovered the pipe above it when draining the tank to suck up the bits on top of it. My water always tested well and both Fish and plants thrived in...
  28. Tooombsy

    Stone recommendations for Malawi tank

    I’m thinking maybe some pebbles from the Garden for a bit of decoration. I’ll soak them in boiling water for a few hours before putting them in. We are clearing the garden out and have a few bag fulls of them that we cleared from a patch on the patio. Set my filter up, fluval 206, and water...
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  30. Tooombsy

    Stone recommendations for Malawi tank

    So after adding the water, I forgot to take into account the fact the stone might be darker when wet..... Everything just looks way to dark in there. I’m sure it’ll look better with some bright cichlids swimming around, but I’m thinking of getting some lighter pebbles and rocks to build up...
  31. Tooombsy

    Cardinal tetra vertical swimming

    For a start remove the dead fish to stop it rotting or others eating it. If it had a disease this will infect the others. Do a large water change and inspect the dead fish for any signs of disease or abnormalities. If you find anything that doesn’t look right check the symptoms on google to...
  32. Tooombsy

    Cardinal tetra vertical swimming

    Here is a page I found before when I had to euthanise a sick tetra. I used the ice method as I had no anaesthetic and didn’t fancy the blunt trauma method I chilled the water with ice and used a spare...
  33. Tooombsy

    Stone recommendations for Malawi tank

    I’ve left about 4-5cm behind most of it so they should have enough room. Never noticed how scratched my tank was till I took that photo, it looks awful :-(
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  35. Tooombsy

    Stone recommendations for Malawi tank

    Yeah I used aquarium safe silicone. Due to the size of it though I’ve had to build most of it in place in the tank. Going to let it dry for a couple of days before adding the water, hopefully it will be solid by then. I’ll get a picture in a minute of it when I put the light back on. 1:30am...
  36. Tooombsy

    Stone recommendations for Malawi tank

    This is my final design, it measures 55cm in length on both sides and 45cm tall at the middle
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