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  1. KevJ87

    Co2 Drop Checker Help

    Figured it out thankfully, apparently the Chinese brands of drop solution turn it green right off the bat from reviews I read. It is probably a scam to make people think they have good co2 readings . The second I used my api with my 4* dKH it worked like a charm and went blue. Thanks guys 
  2. KevJ87

    Co2 Drop Checker Help

    Thanks a lot, I just am not sure what to do. Was yours green right after you added the 4* dKH to it even before you put it in the aquarium?? I feel like it should be blue from the start.
  3. KevJ87

    Co2 Drop Checker Help

    Hey guys, so at the suggestion of a few of you guys I purchased a drop checker for the first time. I had always thought they were pretty inaccurate but I guess you guys swear by them.   This is my problem, I am not sure what color the mixture should be in the START to make sure it is working.   ...
  4. KevJ87

    45$ Canister Filter Review

    TwoTank I agree you get what you pay for in some circumstances but when it comes to ANYTHING with plastic parts not true at all. American companies sell plastic at a marked up rate of 256%. The same plastic goes into making SunSun just as a lower rate.    not to mention Eheim is meh imo and many...
  5. KevJ87

    45$ Canister Filter Review

    Was curious if anyone else is running this SunSun or plans on getting one ?
  6. KevJ87

    45$ Canister Filter Review

    Hey guys,   So after reading reviews etc I decided to try the "SunSun" or "AquaTop" aquarium canister filters since they are so cheap. If anyone is interested they are on Ebay for 45$ for 265 GPH or 55$ for UV Sterilizer version. They also have larger ones for insanely cheap prices!     The 265...
  7. KevJ87

    Question For People Using Co2

    I read an article about the drop checker saying that A) The results of the drop checker can be up to 1-2 hours old due to the time it takes to reach equilibrium and B) depending on certain water parameters you can get false readings and that it only works very accurate with hard water...
  8. KevJ87

    Question For People Using Co2

    I was told even the drop checker is a terrible way of actually telling and that there is a more advanced way to efficiently tell is there any truth to that? That is the only thing that held me back from purchasing a drop checker.   With me now thinking a drop checker is a good way to go do you...
  9. KevJ87

    Question For People Using Co2

    Thanks for the input guys, I am using a DIY co2 system but a "little" more advanced than the normal I used all mechanical parts and bulk heads and line release valves etc etc. So I can control every aspect of it including dissipating into the room at night while still holding PSI.   I find it so...
  10. KevJ87

    Question For People Using Co2

    Hey guys I have been running my DIY co2 system for a few weeks now. I am using the Fluval co2 diffuser and have great efficiency at the moment but have heard some different things about how to use co2.   At the moment I am running my CO2 24/7 and when the lights go out the air pump comes on to...
  11. KevJ87

    Help Modifying A Small Hob Filter!

    Techen that is not technically true, it depends on the tank setup and types of fish of course certain fish produce more of a bio load than others no to mention substrate type and thickness and it goes on and on. You can NEVER have to much beneficial qualities  .   Vrob, thanks a bunch that is...
  12. KevJ87

    Help Modifying A Small Hob Filter!

    Hello guys,    I have an idea in my head and need the help of you professionals !    I have recently come into a LARGE amount of Bio max media and want to utilize it in my 10 gallon as well as my bigger tanks. The problem being that the 10 gallon is using a Whisper HOB filter with very little...
  13. KevJ87

    North Of Boston Aquarium Enthusiasts -- Active And Recruiting

    The Boston Guppy Club and the Boston Aquarium Club are very inactive however   I wish they were a lot more active but  to give you an idea on their forums I believe the last post was a month ago.    They do have meetings but only about 8% of the members ever show up as I am told. The leader of...
  14. KevJ87

    North Of Boston Aquarium Enthusiasts -- Active And Recruiting

    Also as a side note, we plan to hold competitions (( Best planted tank of the month//// Best new breed batch //// Best looking xxx species )) and the winners will receive a small gift card to a pet store of your choosing and a pin that we have being designed for the club.
  15. KevJ87

    North Of Boston Aquarium Enthusiasts -- Active And Recruiting

      ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________   With the lack of clubs in and around Boston these days myself and few people have started a new club. " North of Boston Aquarium Enthusiasts " or NoBAE  ...
  16. KevJ87

    Weird Particles In Water?

    Cleaning the intake fixed it thank you a lot ! The bio-film is not what it is or at least I don't believe so because I have co2 going all day and than turn on a bubble wall at night.
  17. KevJ87

    Weird Particles In Water?

    Hey guys, so everything has been going great with my 29 gallon planted tank but I have been noticing that the water looks a little off to me. When I get close you can see stuff floating around with the current of the tank they look like tiny tiny snowflakes I am not sure if it is pieces of...
  18. KevJ87

    Help With Plant Identification?

    Yeah the polysperma hybrid of the hygrophila looks similar but its still not that exact species as it seems. Anyone know of a good plant expert that might be able to help me? I want to find out more about the speicies so I can do some correct splitting of it. The problem with bacopa monnieri is...
  19. KevJ87

    Help With Plant Identification?

    Hmm.. so is there any real way of actually figuring it out exactly? I googled hygrophillia  and I can't find any species that has vine line appearances like mine has. It is so strange this plant, it has zero backbone to survive anywhere but submersed though. It is a very soft green vine with...
  20. KevJ87

    Help With Plant Identification?

    Hey guys so one of the plants in my 29 gallon is causing some confusion. I have had a few different identifications given to me and was hoping the pro's at fish forums could solve the mystery.    I have been told it is even like a hybrid strain of wort etc etc..   Here is the picture, this is an...
  21. KevJ87

    Purigen Any Affects/downside

    Do not use Purigen with "Aquasafe Plus".   I have NO idea what the actual issue is, but for some reason when using Purigen with aquasafe plus as the dechrloinator I had crazy results it threw the water out of whack and cloudiness etc.   I now use Prime with Purigen but I only use my Purigen when...
  22. KevJ87

    Large Bala Found Dead :(

    I will get get the index information for the paper for you guys. I don't know if the e-mail correspondence will be of use, but he has a load of information he included. I completely agree and understand with not using one source. 
  23. KevJ87

    Amazing Diy Co2 Success

    Hey guys,   Just wanted to update some people on the success of the DIY co2 project I completed for my 29 gallon planted tank. I really was skeptical about this but informed myself with as much information as I could find.   I settled on 2 (2 liter) bottles with 1 small water bottle bubble...
  24. KevJ87

    Large Bala Found Dead :(

      I usually love your advice and you are more often than not very correct however with the Bala situation you are tad off. The only reason I know is since I was having the custom tank built in my office room I studied the bala situation for well over a month contacting a few aquariums that house...
  25. KevJ87

    Advice On Non Cycling Aquariums

    The 29 gallon tank seems to be cycling now, (this was the fishless one). I have lower ammonia than last night 0 nitrites and about 6 nitrates.   The small 10 gallon however still nothing, so I did a huge water change and restarted the tank. I cleaned everything since I wanted to change the...
  26. KevJ87

    Advice On Non Cycling Aquariums

    Hey guys, so I have tried everything in my power to get these tanks cycled. The 10 gallon was before I knew about fishless so it was a fish - in that is 2 months old, there is still ZERO nitrites and ZERO nitrates in the water after 2 months but a lingering Ammonia around 1.0 ppm.   The 29...
  27. KevJ87

    911 -- Co2 Issue

    Was a small co2 issue
  28. KevJ87

    911 -- Co2 Issue

  29. KevJ87

    No Nitrite Or Nitrate?

    The local fish store is in shock as well, they are getting 0.50 ppm Ammona /// 0 Nitrite /// 0 Nitrate and this is 2 months into the 10 gallon. IF you read above I didn't know about the fishless method when I set this tank up so it was a fish in method but I did add some SafeStart 3 days ago...
  30. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    I have root fertilizer in the sand, I have been reading this Physical Paper published by Dr. Tom Johnson who did a 6 year long study on aquatic plant growth it is INCREDIBLY interesting, I am thinking of scanning it and uploading it since I have not found a copy online.   I had no idea that some...
  31. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    I finished building my DIY co2 system, and I went with two 2 litter bottles only to keep the PPM of the co2 consistent and stop it from fluctuating so badly.   If you have 1 bottle it slowly starts up at 0 ppm , than a few days 10 ppm , few more days 20 ppm, and finally 30 ppm the goal but than...
  32. KevJ87

    No Nitrite Or Nitrate?

    Will do thanks again for helping me out it has been driving me crazy having a little ammonia zero nitrite and nitrates. I always have issues with small tanks.
  33. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    Thanks so much for that information I had no idea with with the anub, I will remove it from the sand right away. Right now I just purchased a house with fiance so I am kind of on a budget this year so pressurized is going to have to wait, but you said about running co2 full time does that mean...
  34. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    I thought / read / watched from so many sources that watts per gallon was like the holy grail of lighting and understanding it? Heh, so what do I worry about if not watts, just the color spectrum outside of green?   My final deicison is to add the co2 only while it is fishless just to help...
  35. KevJ87

    No Nitrite Or Nitrate?

    The purigen has been out of the aquarium though for about 2-3 weeks now, and was only in for a few weeks to clear up the tannin issue, so would it still be effecting the test readings?
  36. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    I have low lighting its a 29 gallon tank and only 40 watts of light so its not even 2 watts per gallon, however I have 2 sections and layers of reflectors and by measuring the light ( friend did it somehow with this weird reflector dish 2 days ago ) apparently the 40 watts become around 62 watts...
  37. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    I have extremly high PH so it would actually help me a lot rather than adding driftwood which releases SO many tannins regardless of how long i boil or let it soak for, I have tried multiple pieces from stores.   I am using the bottle method, but I set it up so that there is a tee valve, so...
  38. KevJ87

    No Nitrite Or Nitrate?

    Since the tank has been up I have used a few ammonia treatments maybe that hurt the bacteria. I have been doing ALOT of water changes so that obviously slows it down as well buts its been 2 months ! You would think there would be some breakdown into nitrite/nitrate.    Yes I have used Carbon /...
  39. KevJ87

    No Nitrite Or Nitrate?

    It is a fish in cycle that is 2 months old ( i didn't know about fishless before this ) my new 29 gallon is curretly in fishless stage.   The ph is 7.8 -> 8.0 around there with high range and low range both showing max / min values so right on the line.   There are only 5 guppies inthe 10 gallon...
  40. KevJ87

    Advice On Adding Co2?

    Anyone? I really am unsure